Lowongan Kerja BUMN Garuda Indonesia - Management Trainee - Oktober 2015

Info Loker BUMN Oktober 2015 PT Garuda Indonesia (Persero) TbkGaruda Indonesia (PT Garuda Indonesia (Persero) Tbk) adalah maskapai penerbangan nasional Indonesia. Garuda adalah nama burung tunggangan Dewa Wisnu dalam legenda pewayangan. Pada tahun 2007, maskapai ini bersama dengan maskapai Indonesia lainnya, dilarang terbang menuju Eropa karena kejadian yang menimpa Garuda Indonesia Penerbangan 200. Setahun kemudian, maskapai ini menerima sertifikasi IATA Operational Safety Audit (IOSA) dari IATA yang menunjukkan Garuda Indonesia telah memenuhi standar keselamatan penerbangan Internasional. Pada 1 Juni 2010, Garuda Indonesia melakukan pembukaan kembali rute Amsterdam yang di tutup pada tahun 2004 dengan pesawat Airbus A330-200 dengan kapasitas sebanyak 222 penumpang dengan perhentian di Dubai, Uni Emirat Arab. Hal ini menunjukkan Garuda Indonesia mulai tertarik dalam membuka rute ke Eropa. Pada tahun 2010, Garuda mendapatkan penghargaan dari Skytrax yaitu " World's Most Improved Airline" atas langkah Garuda yang dipimpin oleh Emirsyah Satar dalam merombak maskapai nasional tersebut. Pada tahun 2013, Garuda Indonesia mendapat penghargaan dari Skytrax yaitu "World Best Economy Class" dan "World Best Economy Class Seat".
Lowongan Kerja BUMN Oktober 2015 PT Garuda Indonesia (Persero) Tbk -Garuda Indonesia mengadopsi pendekatan Manajemen Human Capital yang memandang karyawan sebagai aset dengan tingkat daya saing yang tinggi. Terlibat dalam industri jasa, Garuda Indonesia mengakui pentingnya sumber daya manusia dalam menciptakan kinerja perusahaan yang kuat dan berkelanjutan. Oleh karena itu, sejak tahun 2005 Perusahaan telah aktif merumuskan kembali kebijakan dan sistem sumber daya manusia agar selaras dengan strategi besar dan tujuan Perusahaan. Untuk Garuda Indonesia, karyawan selalu menjadi prioritas utama. Karyawan dapat dilihat sebagai modal manusia, menyiratkan bahwa karyawan Garuda Indonesia memiliki pengetahuan, keterampilan dan kebiasaan kerja potensial yang dapat mendukung produktivitas Perusahaan. Untuk menjadi modal berharga dengan kontribusi yang kuat untuk organisasi, setiap karyawan harus memiliki semangat kerja yang sehat dan karenanya akan cukup kompeten untuk organisasi.

Lowongan Kerja BUMN Garuda Indonesia
Management Trainee - Oktober 2015

Guna ikut berpartisipasi dalam memajukan dunia penerbangan di Indonesia, Kami PT Garuda Indonesia (Persero) Tbk membuka Lowongan BUMN Terbaru dan mengundang putra-putri terbaik Indonesia dengan integritas serta komitmen tinggi untuk bergabung dan berkarir bersama kami dengan mengisi posisi Management Trainee sebagai berikut :

Kualifikasi pelamar :
  • WNI
  • Single dan bersedia untuk tidak menikah selama periode training (+/- 12 bulan)
  • Minimal lulusan S1 dari universitas terkemuka dengan jurusan Manajemen Keuangan, Akuntansi, Teknik Industri, Sistem Informasi
  • Fresh graduate atau dengan 1-2 tahun pengalaman kerja (max usia 27 tahun
  • IPK minimal 3 untuk S1 dan 3.25 untuk S2
  • Memiliki kemampuan komunikasi yang baik dalam bahasa inggris baik tertulis maupun lisan
  • Aktif mengikuti kegiatan ekstrakurikuler (diasumsikan posisi kepemimpinan) atau pernah menerima penghargaan atau pengakuan seperti beasiswa, pertukaran pelajar, dll
  • Bersedia ditempetkan di unit atau kantor cabang sesuai dengan permintaan perusahaan

Tata Cara Pengajuan Lamaran :

Jika Anda memenuhi kualifikasi pakerjaan dan berminat untuk melamar perkerjaan ini, silakan kirimkan Lamar melalui http://career.garuda-indonesia.com/

Penerimaan dibuka sampai tanggal 11 Oktober 2015
Contact us at :
email : recruitment@garuda-indonesia.com
Phone : 021-25601038
(senin-Jumat, 08:00-16:00)

Informasi lebih lanjut, silakan lihat sumber resmi berikut ini :
Lowongan Kerja BUMN Terbaru PT Garuda Indonesia (Persero) Tbk

Lowongan Kerja PT Pembangkitan Jawa-Bali (PJB) - SMA / SMK / D3 Fresh Graduate - Oktober 2015

Info Loker Oktober 2015 PT Pembangkitan Jawa-Bali (PJB)PT Pembangkitan Jawa-Bali (PJB) sejak berdiri tahun 1995 senantiasa mengabdikan diri untuk bangsa dan negara Indonesia, serta mendorong perkembangan perekonomian nasional dengan menyediakan energi listrik yang bermutu tinggi, andal dan ramah lingkungan. Dengan visi menjadi perusahaan pembangkit tenaga listrik Indonesia yang terkemuka dengan standar kelas dunia, PJB tiada henti berbenah dan melakukan inovasi dengan tetap berpegang pada kaidah tata pengelolaan perusahaan yang baik (Good Corporate Governance/GCG). Berkat dukungan shareholders dan stakeholders, PJB tumbuh dan berkembang dengan berbagai bidang usaha, tanpa meninggalkan tanggung jawab sosial perusahaan demi terwujudnya kemandirian masyarakat dan kelestarian lingkungan hidup.
Lowongan Kerja Oktober 2015 PT Pembangkitan Jawa-Bali (PJB) - Awalnya PJB hanya menjalankan bisnis membangkitkan energi listrik dari enam Unit Pembangkitan (UP) yang dimiliki, yaitu : UP Gresik (2.219 MW), UP Paiton (800 MW), UP Muara Karang (908 MW), UP Muara Tawar (920 MW), UP Cirata (1.008 MW) dan UP Brantas (281 MW). Kini, PJB berkembang dan menjalankan berbagai usaha yang terkait dengan bidang pembangkitan yang antara lain: jasa Operation and Maintenance (O&M) Pembangkit, Engineering, Procurement and Construction (EPC), konsultan bidang pembangkitan, pendidikan dan pelatihan tata kelola pembangkitan, pendidikan dan pelatihan energi terbarukan, serta usaha lain yang dalam rangka memanfaatkan secara maksimal potensi yang dimiliki perusahaan. PJB mendirikan anak perusahaan di bidang Operation and Maintenance, perusahaan di bidang EPC pembangkit, serta melakukan joint venture commpany untuk mengembangkan pembangkit baru ataupun menjalankan bisnis O&M pembangkit.

Lowongan Kerja PT Pembangkitan Jawa-Bali (PJB)
SMA / SMK / D3 Fresh Graduate - Oktober 2015

PT Pembangkitan Jawa-Bali (PJB) memberikan kesempatan kepada putra-putri terbaik Indonesia dengan integritas serta komitmen tinggi untuk bergabung dan berkarir bersama kami dengan mengisi Loker Terbaru pada posisi sebagai berikut :

Rekrutmen On The Job Training Angkatan 8

Kualifikasi pelamar :
Pendidikan SLTA / SMK
  • Bidang Teknik - SMK Teknik Mesin (Kode : KME) : Pria
  • Bidang Teknik - SMK Teknik Listrik (Kuat) (Kode : KEK) : Pria
  • Bidang Teknik - SMK Teknik Elektro (Lemah) (Kode : KEL) : Pria / Wanita
  • Bidang Teknik / Non Teknik- SMA IPA (Kode : KPA) : Pria / Wanita
  • Bidang Non Teknik - SMK Administrasi (Kode : KAD) : Pria / Wanita
Pendidikan D3
  • Bidang Teknik - D3 Teknik Mesin (Kode : DME) : Pria
  • Bidang Teknik - D3 Teknik Listrik (Kuat) (Kode : DEK) : Pria
  • Bidang Teknik - D3 Teknik Elektro (Lemah) (Kode : DEL) : Pria

Persyaratan nilai minimal untuk SLTA / SMK :
Pendidikan SMK
  • Matematika : 6,5
  • Bahasa inggris : 6
  • Teori kejuruan : 6
  • Praktik kejuruan : 6
Pendidikan  SLTA
  • Matematika : 6,5
  • Bahasa inggris : 6
  • Fisika : 6
  • Kimia : 6

Kualifikasi umum :
  • Usia max 25 tahun untuk tingkat SLTA / SMK
  • Usia max 30 tahun untuk tingkat D3
  • IPK minimal 2.7 (untuk tingkat D3)
  • Tinggi badan pria minimal 160 cm dan wanita 155 cm
  • Tidak berkacamata untuk tenaga kerja Teknik dan toleransi maksimal 4 dioptri untuk Non Teknik
  • Status diutamakan belum menikah
  • Sehat jasmani dan rohani serta tidak bertato dan bertindik

Tata Cara Pengajuan Lamaran :

Jika Anda memenuhi kualifikasi pakerjaan ini, silakan lengkapi Berkas lamaran berikut :
  • Surat lamaran dan Curiculum Vitae
  • Fotocopy KTP, Kartu Keluarga, Akta Kelahiran, SKCK
  • Pas Foto Berwarna 4x6 sebanyak 3 lembar
  • Fotocopy ijazah dan transkrip nilai yang dilegalisir (untuk D3)
  • Fotocopy ijazah dan NEM nilai yang telah dilegalisir (untuk SLTA / SMK)
  • Surat keterangan sehat dan tidak buta warna
Kemudian seluruh berkas lamaran dimasukkan ke dalam amplop coklat ukuran folio dan pada bagian kiri atas ditulis : PJBS - KODE JURUSAN (Contoh : PJBS - KME) dan dikirimkan ke alamat :

Graha Karir ECC UGM
Jl. Krasak Barat No.20 Kotabaru Gondokusuman Yogyakarta – 55224

Note :
Berkas lamaran diterima paling lambat tanggal 9 Oktober 2015 Cap Pos.
Tahapan seleksi menggunakan sistem gugur dan akan dilakukan di kota Balikpapan.

Informasi lebih lanjut, silakan lihat sumber resmi berikut ini :
Lowongan Kerja Terbaru PT Pembangkitan Jawa-Bali (PJB)

Volkswagen's Dieselgate also affects Audi - So much for 'Truth in Engineering'

The Volkswagen 'dieselgate' crisis has is not limited to just Volkswagen. Audi, who are part of the group has now admitted that 2.1million of their diesel cars use the same emissions decreasing software that lowers the NOx ratings when the cars detect that they are being tested for emissions. Out of the 2.1million cars, Audi claims that only 13,000 of the cars were sold in America and the rest were sold in Europe. This is really shitty news. You can read it in Reuters too if you think that we're just making things up.

This actually could be part of what Volkswagen had already admitted, i.e, that 11 million VW Group diesels are affected by the scandal (especially the Euro 5 EA189 turbodiesel engine). Skoda, Seat, Volkswagen and Audi use this engine and have confirmed that their cars are affected. All we can now see is the shares for these companies tank a little. However, Bentley, Lamborghini and Porsche have denied that they use such defeat tech on their engines. I suppose this is quite obvious as their production numbers are small, they adhere to a stricter set of rules and they don't use tiny four cylinder engines. But we never know.

This issue is now really hitting the fan with Mercedes Benz and BMW issuing statements that they do not have such emission test defeating devices on their vehicles. Even the German government have issued statements regarding this issue. With 70% of BMWs sold in Europe being diesels, you know this is serious. With over 20% of Germany's GDP coming from motor vehicles, a drop in German car sales (mostly diesels in Europe) could create economic recession. This, is shocking indeed. So every one in the industry is keeping an eye out. Including Yours Truly.

It is kind of a blessing that diesels have not caught on in a big way here in South East Asia for passenger cars. But then again, we've just implemented Euro 5 diesel here in Malaysia, that is, as only Euro 4 petrol for RON97. We've still got a long way to go before things get really clean here. So is our Government really concerned? Or are our people concerned? That is another matter. All I know is that the Volkswagen Group, a healthy company has actually shot itself in the guts or committed seppuku. And the lobby against the use of diesel in passenger cars may have gotten the ammunition it needed. 

You know what the ironic thing is? Audi uses the slogan "Truth in Engineering" over in America. The truth hurts like hell doesn't it? 

The special Jaguar F-Type Project 7 will make an appearance at the Asia Klasika Motor Festival 2015

If you're into fast Jaguars keep this coming weekend (October 2nd-4th, 2015) free. The limited edition Jaguar F-Type Project 7 will make an appearance at the upcoming Asia Klasika Motor Festival 2015 at the Pullman Putrajaya Lakeside. This also marks its first ever appearance in Malaysia.

The Project 7 is limited to 250 units worldwide and is hand built. It is the most powerful production Jaguar that has ever been built and is fully road legal. It has the familiar Jaguar 5.0-litre supercharged V8 engine in 575PS/680Nm form, enabling the all-aluminium-bodied car – which weighs 1585kg – to achieve acceleration from 0-100km/h in 3.9-seconds and an electronically-limited top speed of 300km/h. Oh, it also pays homage to the race winning Jaguar D-Type from days gone by. But you can see from the pic above that it is a much larger car than the dainty D-Type. 

But that's not the only Jaguar to be at the Classic car festival. Jaguar Land Rover Malaysia will also showcase the Jaguar XJ, Jaguar XF and the still ridiculously beautiful as standard Jaguar F-Type there. Expect some fantastic cars to also be present. I suppose this would be an event for all car enthusiasts out there.



Kuala Lumpur, September 28, 2015 – The limited edition Jaguar F-TYPE Project 7 supercar will be making its first-ever appearance in Malaysia during the Asia Klasika Motor Festival 2015 at Pullman Putrajaya Lakeside this weekend, from October 2 – 4, 2015.

The stunning hand-built roadster, the most powerful production Jaguar ever built, will be a star attraction at the 6th Malaysia International Vintage and Classic Car Concours, which is a key part of the festival. 

At the event, Jaguar Land Rover (Malaysia) Sdn Bhd (JLRM) and its authorised dealer SISMA Auto will also be showcasing three other Jaguar models – the XJ, XF and F-Type – as part of the British marque’s 80th Anniversary celebrations this year.

“The surprise maiden appearance is a special treat for Jaguar fans and motoring fans in Malaysia as the F-TYPE Project 7 is one of the most coveted supercars today, with production limited to just 250 units globally,” said JLRM Managing Director Tuan Syed Mudzhar Syed Ali .

F-TYPE Project 7 is not only the most focused derivative of the award-winning F-TYPE range, but also the fastest production Jaguar ever built.  It is also the first Jaguar performance vehicle from Jaguar Land Rover’s Special Operations team.

Its distinctive roadster body pays tribute to one of the most famous and iconic racing Jaguars: the three-time Le Mans winning D-type, which celebrated its 60th anniversary in 2014. F-TYPE Project 7’s name pays homage to Jaguar’s seven outright Le Mans wins. It is fully road-legal, with a removable roof and 196-litre stowage space.

The supercar’s power comes from Jaguar’s 5.0-litre supercharged V8 engine, now in 575PS/680Nm form, enabling the all-aluminium-bodied car – which weighs 1585kg – to achieve acceleration from 0-100km/h in 3.9-seconds and an electronically-limited top speed of 300km/h.

Power is sent to the rear wheels through Jaguar’s eight-speed Quickshift transmission and second generation Electronic Active Differential (EAD). Carbon Ceramic Matrix (CCM) brakes are fitted as standard on F-TYPE Project 7, offering powerful, consistent, fade-free braking. Another standard feature is Torque Vectoring by Braking (TVbB) which, working in conjunction with the EAD, enables extremely precise handling.

Bespoke carbon-fibre aerodynamic aids and a unique suspension set-up enable F-TYPE Project 7 to deliver a truly engaging driving experience.

While F-TYPE Project 7 features performance-focused engineering by Special Vehicle Operations – the engineering and vehicle division of Special Operations – its design has been kept true to the head-turning lines of the original Project 7 concept.

Key design elements include the D-type-inspired fairing behind the driver’s head, shorter windshield, new front bumper, and downforce-increasing aerodynamic modifications – including a carbon-fibre front splitter, side skirts, rear diffuser and adjustable rear spoiler. However, the single-seater concept has been transformed into a two-seater, with rollover hoops for both driver and passenger now integrated into the design.

For more information on the latest Jaguar models available in Malaysia, please go to www.jaguar.com.my

2016 Mini Clubman - A Mini 5 Door Station Wagon in not so many words

The new Mini Clubman has recently been previewed and launched. I think this is a useful Mini Clubman or Mini Shooting Brake (or Wagon) compared to the earlier one which I was first familiar with - the one with the one rear door located at the right side of the car. It wasn't an issue if it were left-hand drive but if the car were in right-hand drive form, it would meant that the people at the rear would also step out into traffic unlike the the left hand driver cars' rear passengers would alight onto the sidewalk.  I didn't quite fancy it. Imagine your toddler exiting the car on that not very safe side of the road if you drive a right hand drive Clubman. This 2016 Clubman has fixed it all by offering proper doors at the rear. You got to thank the normal Mini 5 door for this.

So this new one is a good thing. The Clubman is now a proper 5 door station wagon. It is longer than the standard Mini 5 door but not by much. I don't actually know whether you're just paying a bit more for the extra length and the extra height at the rear to carry only slightly more stuff. Actually I don't know. People who buy Minis aren't into utilitarian thought. More about style over anything actually. 


• Continuation of the generation change in the MINI model family;
new MINI Clubman as an innovative vehicle concept for the premium compact segment; unique combination of functionality, everyday practicality and long-distance suitability offering driving fun, premium charisma and individuality in MINI style.

• New interpretation of the tradition-steeped shooting brake concept adapted to the demands of the compact class for the first time; powerful front section with inlets for Air Curtains; also side Air Breathers behind the front wheel arches for the first time in a MINI; dynamically stretched silhouette with four side doors and a shoulder contour that emphasises the car's width; long roof line and fin antenna with red alarm system status light; steep rear with characteristic split doors, Clubman model inscription and integrated, horizontal lights; new paint finishes Melting Silver metallic and Pure Burgundy metallic; roof and exterior mirror caps in white, black or silver contrast finish.

• MINI Clubman with clearly matured character as compared to its predecessor in terms of versatility, space and product substance; exterior and interior dimensions significantly more generous, also in comparison to the new MINI 5 door: length + 27 centimetres, width + 9 centimetres, wheelbase + 10 centimetres; five fully-fledged seats; luggage compartment volume: 360 litres; rear backrest with 40: 20 : 40 folding split; maximum storage volume: 1 250 litres.

• Entirely newly designed interior; broad instrument panel with cockpit facia frame in upper section; instrument cluster on the steering column; harmoniously integrated circular central instrument with LED lighting ring and display for vehicle, infotainment, phone and navigation functions; intuitively usable air conditioning control unit and toggle switch below the central instrument; model-specific centre console with electric parking brake, storage compartments, two cup holders, MINI Controller and armrest; high-end decorative strips for centre console and door trim panels.

• Market launch of the new MINI Clubman with six engine variants (combined fuel consumption: 6.2 – 3.8 l/100 km; combined CO2 emissions: 144 – 99 g/km); petrol and diesel engines of the new generation with MINITwinPower Turbo Technology; MINI One D Clubman with 3-cylinder diesel engine (85 kW/116 hp); premiere for 4-cylinder diesel engines with 110 kW/150 hp in the MINI Cooper D Clubman and 140 kW/190 hp in the MINI Cooper SD Clubman; 3-cylinder petrol engines in the MINI One Clubman (75 kW/102 hp) and in the MINI Cooper Clubman (100 kW/136 hp); MINI Cooper S Clubman with 141 kW/192 hp 4-cylinder petrol engine.

• Power transmission to the front wheels as standard via 6-speed transmission; 8-speed Steptronic transmission optionally available for the first time in a MINI (MINI Cooper S Clubman, MINI Cooper SD Clubman and MINI Cooper D Clubman) also 8-speed Steptronic sport transmission (MINI Cooper S Clubman and MINI Cooper SD Clubman); 6-speed Steptronic transmission as an optional extra for all other models; extensive MINIMALISM technology including auto start/stop function and optional GREEN mode.

• Highest level of ride comfort and brand-based go-kart feeling ever seen in a MINI due to high-quality suspension technology that is unique within the competitive field; single-joint strut front axle with completely newly developed components; multilink rear axle optimised on a model-specific basis; maximum agility due to particularly large track width, weight-optimised construction and high level of stiffness; electromechanical power steering with Servotronic function as standard.

• Dynamic Stability Control (DSC) as standard including Dynamic Traction Control (DTC) and Electronic Differential Lock Control (EDLC), also with Performance Control in the MINI Cooper S Clubman and MINI Cooper SD Clubman; model-specific spring and damper set-up; sports suspension and Dynamic Damper Control optionally available; standard trim with light alloy wheels in 16-inch or 17-inch (MINI Cooper S Clubman, MINI Cooper SD Clubman) format; light alloy wheels optionally available up to 19 inches.

• MINI Driving Modes optionally available for individual car set-up; rotary switch at the base of the gear or selector lever to activate MID, SPORT and GREEN modes; capacity to influence characteristic curves of the acceleration and steering, the shift dynamics of the Steptronic transmission and Dynamic Damper Control; GREEN mode in conjunction with Steptronic transmission including coasting with decoupled drivetrain.

• Weight-optimised and crash-optimised body structure; standard safety fittings include front and side airbags, side curtain airbags, 3-point automatic belts on all seats, at front with belt tensioners and adaptive belt force limiters, ISOFIX children's seat attachment at rear and optionally also on the front passenger seat; tyre pressure display; excellent acoustic and vibrational comfort.

• Wide range of innovative driver assistance systems: MINI Head-Up-Display, Parking Assistant, rear view camera and Driving Assistant including camera-based active cruise control, collision and pedestrian warning with initial brake function, high beam assistant and road sign detection.

• High-end standard trim including features such as air conditioning, radio with USB interface and AUX-IN socket, Bluetooth telephone hands-free facility, rain sensor with automatic driving lights control and electric parking brake.

• Innovative optional lighting technology: LED headlamp including LED daytime driving light and LED rear lights; adaptive light distribution and LED turning light; LED fog light.

• Model-specific MINI Excitement Package with LED interior and ambient lighting as well as novel projection of the MINI logo from the exterior mirror on the driver's side when opening and closing the car; MINI Yours Interior Styles with backlit door bezels for the first time; alarm system including red LED status light integrated in fin antenna.

• Wide-ranging options for increased comfort and functionality: electrically adjustable seats with memory function for the driver for the first time in MINI, as well as sports seats and John Cooper Works sports seats; Comfort Access exclusively for the MINI Clubman with non-contact opening of the split doors (easy opener); 2-zone automatic air conditioning; seat heating; electrically operated panorama glass roof; electrical heatable and foldable exterior mirrors; interior and exterior mirrors with automatic dip function; multifunction steering wheel; through-loading system with rear backrest in 40:20:40split; trailer tow hitch; MINI navigation system Professional; Radio MINI Visual Boost; Harman Kardon hi-fi speaker system.

• Extensive range of options for exterior and interior individualisation: John Cooper Works Aerodynamics Kit; Chrome Line exterior; roof rails; large selection of seat types, decorative surfaces and interior colours; exclusive John Cooper Works and MINI Yours fitting options.

• MINI Connected in-car infotainment program unique within the competitive field; Intelligent Emergency Call and MINI TeleServices available for use with permanently installed SIM card; wide range of functions and the opportunity for ongoing expansion due to apps that allow integration in the car via smartphone; exclusive MINI functions such as Mission Control, Dynamic Music, Driving Excitement and MINIMALISM Analyser; MINI Connected XL Journey Mate with Real Time Traffic Information; online connection also allows the use of social networks such as Twitter, foursquare and Glympse, the reception of RSS news feeds and entertainment programs such as Spotify, GoPro, AUPEO!, Stitcher, Deezer, Audible, Napster/Rhapsody and TuneIn.

• Engine variants:

MINI Cooper S Clubman: 4-cylinder petrol engine with MINI TwinPower Turbo Technology (turbocharging, direct injection, fully variable valve control, variable camshaft control), capacity: 1 998 cc, output: 141 kW/192 hp at 5 000 rpm, max. torque: 280 Nm at 1 250 rpm (300 Nm with overboost),
acceleration (0–100 km/h): 7.2 seconds (automatic: 7.1 seconds),
top speed: 228 km/h (228 km/h),
average fuel consumption*: 6.3 – 6.2 litres (5.9 – 5.8 litres)/100 kilometres,
CO2 emissions*: 147 – 144 g/km (137 – 134 g/km), exhaust emission standard: EU6.

MINI Cooper Clubman: 3-cylinder petrol engine with MINI TwinPower Turbo Technology (turbo charging, direct injection, fully variable valve control, variable camshaft control), capacity: 1 499 cc, output: 100 kW/136 hp at 4 400 rpm,
max. torque: 220 Nm at 1 250 rpm (230 Nm with overboost),
acceleration (0–100 km/h): 9.1 seconds (automatic: 9.1 seconds),
top speed: 205 km/h (205 km/h),
average fuel consumption*: 5.3 – 5.1 litres (5.3 – 5.1 litres)/100 kilometres,
CO2 emissions*: 123 – 118 g/km (123 – 118 g/km), exhaust emission standard: EU6.

MINI One Clubman: 3-cylinder petrol engine with MINI TwinPower Turbo Technology (turbo charging, direct injection, fully variable valve control, variable camshaft control), capacity: 1 499 cc, output: 75 kW/102 bhp at 4 000 rpm,
max. torque: 180 Nm at 1 200 – 3 800 rpm,
acceleration (0–100 km/h): 11.1 seconds (automatic: 11.7 seconds),
top speed: 185 km/h (185 km/h),
average fuel consumption*: 5.3 – 5.1 litres (5.3 – 5.1 litres)/100 kilometres,
CO2 emissions*: 124 – 119 g/km (124 – 119 g/km), exhaust emission standard: EU6.

MINI Cooper SD Clubman:
 4-cylinder diesel engine with MINI TwinPower Turbo Technology (turbocharger with variable turbine geometry, common rail direct injection), capacity: 1 995 cc, output: 140 kW/190 hp at 4 000 rpm,
max. torque: 400 Nm at 1 750 – 2 500 rpm,
acceleration (0–100 km/h): 7.4 seconds (automatic: 7.4 seconds),
top speed: 225 km/h (225 km/h),
average fuel consumption*: 4.6 – 4.5 litres (4.4 – 4.3 litres)/100 kilometres,
CO2 emissions*: 122 – 119 g/km (117 – 114 g/km), exhaust emission standard: EU6.

MINI Cooper D Clubman: 4-cylinder diesel engine with MINI TwinPower Turbo Technology (turbocharger with variable turbine geometry, common rail direct injection), capacity: 1 995 cc, output: 110 kW/150 hp at 4 000 rpm,
max. torque: 330 Nm at 1 750 rpm,
acceleration (0–100 km/h): 8.6 seconds (automatic: 8.5 seconds),
top speed: 212 km/h (212 km/h),
average fuel consumption*: 4.4 – 4.1 litres (4.4 – 4.1 litres)/100 kilometres,
CO2 emissions*: 115 – 109 g/km (115 – 109 g/km), exhaust emission standard: EU6.

MINI One D Clubman: 3-cylinder diesel engine with MINI TwinPower Turbo Technology (turbocharger with variable turbine geometry, common rail direct injection),
capacity: 1 496 cc, output: 85 kW/116 hp at 4 000 rpm,
max. torque: 270 Nm at 1 750 – 2 250 rpm,
acceleration (0–100 km/h): 10.4 seconds (automatic: 10.4 seconds),
top speed: 192 km/h (192 km/h),
average fuel consumption*: 3.9 – 3.8 litres (4.1 – 3.9 litres)/100 kilometres,
CO2 emissions*: 104 – 99 g/km (109 – 104 g/km), exhaust emission standard: EU6.

* EU test cycle figures, fuel consumption dependent on the selected tyre format.

• Exterior dimensions:
Length: 4 253 millimetres
Width: 1 800 millimetres
Height: 1 441 millimetres
Wheelbase: 2 670 millimetres


TRUCK NEWS: Full Range of the UD Quester introduced to customers from ASEAN Countries

This bit of news pertaining to UD Trucks is for truckers based in Thailand, Myanmar, Laos, Cambodia, Vietnam and the Philippines rather than for Malaysia (or Singapore) directly - Japanese truck maker UD Trucks, which is wholly owned by Volvo Group, has introduced the full line of its UD Quester heavy-duty truck range for the ASEAN market (there would be something similar for Malaysian UD trucks shortly). 

To commemorate the release of all models in the range, some 780 customers from countries spanning Thailand, Myanmar, Laos, Cambodia, Vietnam and the Philippines were invited to an exclusive test drive event. This was held from 22 to 26 September at the Kaeng Krachan Circuit, just off the Thai City of Hua Hin. A circuit that is now familiar to me.

The full range offers an additional 15 configurations, making it a truly versatile choice for businesses. This includes a new 8-litre engine in addition to the current 11-litre engine, both with high torque capabilities and running at low RPM to optimise fuel consumption. Horsepower options ranging from 220 to 420, as well as a selection of either a 9-speed or 12-speed gearbox, are also available. Furthermore, Quester’s wide variety of axle configurations comprises the 4x2, 6x2 and 8x4 in addition to the current 6x4 for both tractor and rigid.

Stay tuned for the Malaysian introduction of this newly updated range of Questers.

Press Release

Businesses can drive optimum performance with introduction of full Quester range

 UD Trucks has introduced the full Quester range in the market, which offers increased

flexibility to meet the needs of businesses across various industries

 Industry players laud the additional new features at an exclusive test drive event in Thailand

[28 SEPTEMBER 2015, BANGKOK] Japanese truck maker UD Trucks, which is wholly owned by Volvo Group, has introduced the full line of its Quester heavy-duty truck range. Today, customers can enjoy 
incomparable freedom with Quester’s variety of customisation choices to suit their business needs. To commemorate the release of all models in the range, some 780 customers from countries spanning Thailand, Myanmar, Laos, Cambodia, Vietnam and the Philippines were invited to an exclusive test drive event. This was held from 22 to 26 September at the Kaeng Krachan Circuit, just off the Thai City of Hua Hin.

First introduced in 2013, Quester embodies the firm’s vision “to make the trucks that the world needs today”. Developed with a customer-centric approach, and complemented with UD’s 80-year Japanese engineering heritage and Volvo Group’s global resources, Quester is a modern heavy-duty truck built to address the demands of the growth markets in Asia and beyond. 

Accordingly, Quester is designed to perform across various industries, from mining to construction, to logistics and long-haul transportation. Its wide range of different product types offers unparalleled flexibility for businesses across a host of industries to achieve optimal performances at minimal cost. 

The full range offers an additional 15 configurations, making it a truly versatile choice for businesses.This includes a new 8-litre engine in addition to the current 11-litre engine, both with high torque capabilities and running at low RPM to optimise fuel consumption. Horsepower options ranging from 220 to 420, as well as a selection of either a 9-speed or 12-speed gearbox, are also available. Furthermore, Quester’s wide variety of axle configurations comprises the 4x2, 6x2 and 8x4 in addition to the current 6x4 for both tractor and rigid.

At the test drive event, customers were treated to a first-hand experience of the various offerings that Quester provides. The expanded range received rousing feedback from the participants. One such customer, Sathaporn Tungwiboonpanich from Sathaporn Logistics Ltd. Partnership, commended the full range, noting: “Within the industry, the UD Trucks brand is highly trusted. For us, truck performance and safety are the most important factors, and we are assured of that with UD’s vehicles and aftermarket solutions. The new updates to the Quester line truly show that the company understands the needs on the ground. With the increased versatility of the various configurations in the Quester range, we can fully optimise the truck to our different business needs.”

To complement Quester’s proven fuel-efficiency and superior performance, UD offers a total transport solution where product features and service support are tightly integrated. With more on-the-ground touch points from Quester’s growing service network, and preventive maintenance analysis through the truck’s telematics system, customers can be assured of Quester’s long-term reliability and durability. 

Kishi Nobuhiko, Vice President, Brand and Product Line, UD Trucks, said: “At UD Trucks, we are committed to developing products that start with the customer’s perspective. From Quester’s conceptualisation to today, we are always listening to their feedback to understand their business needs in this fast-paced environment. We are pleased to see that Quester has been well-received by our customers during the test drive event in Thailand, and we are confident that this highly customisable fuel-efficient heavy-duty range can support their business requirements across different industries.”

Jacques Michel, President of UD Trucks Thailand, added: “The different truck configurations, and engine and gearbox options, ensure that we can provide the right truck for the right customer’s application, so that it operates at best performance while delivering optimal fuel-efficiency. This can certainly contribute to significant cost benefits for businesses, and we will continue to work with the industry to offer the very best products that address the demands our customers face in Thailand and in the region’s growth markets.”

Lowongan Kerja Bank BTN - IT Infrastructure & Security Operation - Oktober 2015

Info Loker Bank Oktober 2015 Bank Tabungan Negara - Bank Tabungan Negara atau BTN adalah Badan Usaha Milik Negara Indonesia yang berbentuk perseroan terbatas dan bergerak di bidang jasa keuangan perbankan. Sejak tahun 2012, bank ini dipimpin oleh Maryono sebagai direktur utama.
Cikal bakal BTN dimulai dengan didirikannya Postspaarbank di Batavia pada tahun 1897. Pada tahun 1942, pada masa pendudukan Jepang di Indonesia, bank ini dibekukan dan digantikan dengan Tyokin Kyoku atau chokinkyoku. Setelah proklamasi kemerdekaan Indonesia bank ini diambil alih oleh pemerintah Indonesia dan diubah menjadi Kantor Tabungan Pos. Nama dan bentuk perusahaan selanjutnya berubah beberapa kali hingga akhirnya pada tahun 1998 diubah menjadi nama dan bentuk resmi yang berlaku saat ini.
Lowongan Kerja Bank Oktober 2015 Bank Tabungan Negara - Visi : Menjadi Bank yang terkemuka dalam pembiayaan perumahan
Misi :
1. Menyediakan produk dan jasa yang inovatif serta layanan unggul yang fokus pada pembiayaan perumahan dan tabungan
2. Mengembangkan human capital yang berkualitas dan memiliki integritas tinggi, serta penerapan Good Corporate Governance dan Compliance.
3. Meningkatkan keunggulan kompetitif melalui Teknologi Informasi terkini
4. Memedulikan kepentingan masyarakat dan lingkungannya

Lowongan Kerja PT Bank BTN (Persero) Tbk
IT Infrastructure & Security Operation - Oktober 2015

PT. Bank Tabungan Negara (Persero) Tbk, membuka Lowongan Kerja Terbaru dan memberikan kesempatan kepada putra putri terbaik Indonesia untuk berkarir di PT. Bank Tabungan Negara (Persero) Tbk untuk mengisi posisi sebagai berikut :

Kualifikasi Umum
  • Warga Negara Indonesia
  • Pendidikan minimal S1 dari Universitas tinggi berakreditasi A atau B dengan Bidang Teknologi Informasi dan Komputer
  • Berpenampilan Menarik
  • Tidak memiliki hubungan keluarga Ayah/ Ibu/ Kakak/ Adik/ Anak dengan pegawai BTN

IT Infrastructure (IT-INF)

Kualifikasi pelamar :
  • Memiliki pengetahuan dan pengalaman terkait IT Network, TCP/IP
  • instalasi & Konfigurasi Aplikasi, System Adminitrator
  • Berpengalaman sebagai IT Support minimal 1 Tahun
  • Bersedia ditempatkan di kota Jakarta

IT Security Operation (IT-SO)

Kualifikasi pelamar :
  • Memiliki pengetahuan dan pengalaman terkait IT Security Operation
  • Memiliki dasar IT Network TCP/IP Basic
  • Memiliki kemampuan dokumentasi yang baik
  • Bersedia ditempatkan di kota Jakarta

Tata Cara Pengajuan Lamaran : 

Jika Anda memenuhi kualifikasi pakerjaan ini, silakan mengirimkan dokumen lamaran ke email recruitment@btn.co.id Dengan Kelengkapan Lamaran Sebagai Berikut :
  • Curiculum Vitae
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Penerimaan dibuka sampai tanggal 5 Oktober 2015

Informasi lebih lanjut, silakan lihat sumber resmi berikut ini :
Lowongan Kerja Terbaru Bank BTN