Lowongan Kerja Kabupaten Bantul - Pegawai THL - Januari 2016

Lowongan Kerja Januari 2016 Kabupaten Bantul - Dasar Hukum pendirian Kantor Perpustakaan Umum Pemerintah Kabupaten Bantul adalah Perda Kab Bantul, No. 35 tahun 2000, tentang Pembentukan dan Organisasi Kantor Perpustakaan Umum Kabupaten Bantul, Keputusan Bupati Bantul Nomor 143 Tahun 2001 Tangal 8 Mei 2001 tentang Penjabaran Tugas Pokok dan Fungsi Kantor Perpustakaan Umum Kabupaten Bantul, dan Keputusan Bupati Bantul Nomor 418 Tahun 2002 tentang Uraian Tugas pada Unit Kerja di Lingkungan Kantor Perpustakaan Umum Kabupaten Bantul.
Kantor Pepustakaan Umum merupakan unsur pelaksana Pemerintah Daerah di bidang pelayanan dan pemasyarakatan perpustakaan dan dipimpin oleh seorang kepala kantor yang berada di bawah dan bertanggungjawab kepada Bupati melalui Sekretaris Daerah. Tugas Pokoknya adalah melayani masyarakat umum di bidang perpustakaan dan informasi serta memasyarakatkan perpustakaan.
Info Loker Januari 2016 Kabupaten Bantul - Tujuan Kantor Perpustakaan Umum Pemerintah Kabupaten Bantul adalah Terwujudnya perpustakaan di Kabupaten Bantul yang berkualitas serta berdayaguna dan berhasilguna sesuai kebutuhan masyarakat, Terciptanya minat baca masyarakat Kabupaten Bantul, Tercapainya peningkatan kualitas Sumber Daya Manusia di Kabupaten Bantul, Terbebasnya masyarakat Kabupaten Bantul dari kebodohan keterbelakangan, ketertinggalan arus informasi, ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi serta keimanan dan ketakwaan.

Lowongan Kerja Kabupaten Bantul
Tenaga Harian Lepas - Januari 2016

Berdasarkan Surat Keputusan Kepala Kantor Perpustakaan Umum Kabupaten Bantul Nomor : 870/ 290, dengan ini kami informasikan bahwa untuk Tahun Anggaran 2016 Kantor Perpustakaan Umum Kabupaten Bantul membutuhkan tenaga harian lepas sebanyak 4 (empat) orang, terdiri dari 1( satu) orang perempuan dan 3 ( tiga ) orang laki-laki, dengan kualifikasi seperti dibawah ini :

Pegawai Tenaga Harian Lepas

Syarat pendaftaran :
  • Pendidikan minimal D3 Perpustakaan / D3 Komputer, dengan IP minimal 2,75;
  • Foto Copy Ijasah terakhir di legalisir sebanyak 1 (satu) lembar;
  • Foto Copy Surat Keterangan Kelakuan Baik 1 (satu) lembar;
  • Foto Copy Surat Keterangan Sehat dari Dokter 1 (satu) lembar;
  • Belum menikah, usia maksimal 27 Tahun;
  • Diutamakan yang mempunyai SIM A dan KTP Bantul;
  • Pas Foto ukuran 4 x 6 sebanyak 2 (dua) lembar;
  • Kelengkapan administrasi dimasukkan dalam satu map dan dibawa saat pendaftaran.

Tata Cara Pengajuan Lamaran : 

Sehubungan dengan hal tersebut Kantor Perpustakaan Umum Kabupaten Bantul membuka pendaftaran selama 5 ( lima ) hari, mulai tanggal 4 - 8 Januari 2016 Jam 08.00 – 15.00 WIB.

Tempat pendaftaran : Sub.Bagian Tata Usaha Kantor Perpustakaan Umum Kab. Bantul
JL. Jendral Sudirman, No. 1, Bantul
Telepon: 0274-368778
E-mail: perpustakaan@bantulkab.go.id

Seleksi :
  • Tes tertulis tanggal 11 Januari, Jam 09.00 s.d selesai.
  • Bagi yang lolos tertulis akan mengikuti tahapan tes wawancara;
Pengumuman hasil seleksi akan di muat di WEB Kantor Perpustakaan Umum Kab.Bantul. (perpustakaan.bantulkab.go.id) dan papan pengumuman Kantor Perpustakaan Umum Kabupaten Bantul.

Informasi lebih lanjut, silakan lihat sumber resmi berikut ini :
Info Loker Terbaru 2016

An appeal against conviction by a dead child abuser from Leicester

Just before Christmas, following the death of Greville Janner, I wrote:
Trying a dead man is surely an absurdity out of the Middle Ages.
Yet things are seldom that clear cut in the law. A trial of facts for an MP who was unfit to plead sounded a fanciful idea, but it turned out that one had taken place as recently as 2012.

Now I have found that in 2002 a dead child abuser from Leicester appealed against his conviction.

The abuser was Father Michael Ingram from Holy Cross Priory, which is shown in the photo above.

Spotlight on Abuse says of him:
For several decades, Ingram had been an open advocate of sex between adults and children, but this had not resulted in his expulsion from the priesthood. 
He also claimed to be an expert on child development and child sexuality, and had written a number of essays on the subject for academic journals which cited highly dubious ‘research’ which minimised the effects of child sexual abuse.
In 2002 Ingram was tried for sexually assaulting and raping six boys on weekend trips to the Leicestershire countryside and camping holidays to the Isle of Wight.

Shortly before the jury retired, in an apparent suicide attempt, he drove his car into a wall.

What happened next is described at the start of his appeal judgment by Mr Justice Leveson, which is reproduced by Cathy Fox Blog:
On the basis that all remained was the summing-up the trial continued. In the event he was convicted upon each count. Prior to sentence, however, unfortunately Father Ingram died. 
Relying on section 44A of the Criminal Appeal Act 1968, by leave of the single judge, his sister now pursues this appeal. For ease of reference, we shall continue to refer to Father Ingram as the appellant.
Leveson dismissed the appeal,

If an appeal can be pursued on behalf of a dead man, is quite so absurd to try a dead man? The fact that, like Janner, Ingram came from Leicester adds piquancy to the parallel.

Marshal Tallart in Nottingham after the Battle of Blenheim

I came across this plaque on a house near Nottingham Castle which is now home to the Word Service restaurant.

Marshal Tallart was the commander of the French forces at Blenheim. He was captured during the battle and afterwards was sent to live at Newdigate House in Nottingham under parole.

Nottinghamshire History tells us:
Being a sensible man, lie settled down to live a happy and useful life amid his erstwhile enemies. 
His courtesy and innate goodness soon made him popular, and to him our forefathers owed many novel and useful innovations. He taught their wives how to make white bread and how to prepare salads, and he taught the men how to grow roses. 
The greatest gift we owe to him is celery. He had known the plant in France, and sadly missed it in England, where its use was unknown. He found it growing wild in the marshes at Lenton, and cultivated it in his garden, which still remains, and whose wall is shown in this picture.
Tallart was allowed to return to France in 1711. Would an enemy general be treated in such a civilised manner today?


Calexico: Splitter

Calexico, says the band's website
is no stranger to negotiating borders. For the better part of two decades, eight albums, and countless trips around the globe, Joey Burns and John Convertino have crossed musical barriers with their band, embracing a multitude of diverse styles, variety in instrumentation, and well-cultivated signature sounds. 
Under fences it digs and over mountains it climbs, sometimes into untrodden terrain, sometimes towards a more familiar landscape, and sometimes simply walking that fine line to soak up sustenance from all sides.
Splitter is a track from their 2012 album Algiers.

John Noakes aboard the Flying Scotsman

They don't make children's television like this any more.

I can remember Christopher Trace, who presented the show from 1958 to 1967. He was dropped in part for bedding a 19-year-old during a Blue Peter summer expedition to Norway. Biddy Baxter did not approve of That Sort of Thing.

Trace was exiled to BBC East in Norwich, which was still broadcasting in black and white as late as 1973.

According to a BBC profile, he was Charlton Heston's body double in Ben Hur.

Paddy Ashdown meets himself coming back

There is an edition of Meeting Myself Coming Back currently available on the BBC iPlayer in which Paddy Ashdown looks back on his career with the help of some archive recordings.

It was first broadcast in 2012 when we still hoped  the voters might reward us for entering government at a time of severe economic difficulty. As it turned out, in politics (as in the rest of life) no good deed goes unpunished.

One of the recordings comes from 1983 when the Liberator spread above was not not only on the front page of The Times but was also the lead item on the BBC evening news.

It is characteristic of Paddy's generous spirit that, unlike his predecessor as Liberal leader, he said nice things about the magazine.

A hedgehog snorts: "Generous spirit"? He ate my Uncle Ernie.

Ye Olde Trip to Jerusalem, Nottingham

Today I visited Nottingham and had a pint in Ye Olde Trip to Jerusalem. Sitting beneath the city's castle, it claims to be the oldest pub in England.

At the bar the locals were discussing cricket with a barman from Australia or New Zealand. All was right with the world.

Happy New Year.


Paddy Ashdown, Malcolm Saville and eating hedgehogs

Today in someone's review of the year I came across an interview Nick Clegg gave to the Evening Standard on the eve of the general election:
Looking back at the campaign, it is the comic moments he remembers. For instance, his first visit was to a hedgehog sanctuary, with Paddy Ashdown. Ashdown muttered under his breath to Clegg: “When I was in the Special Boat Service we used to eat hedgehogs.”
Talk of eating hedgehogs inevitably reminds those of us who grew up on Malcolm Saville of his second Lone Pine story Seven White Gates.

At the beginning of the book Peter (Petronella) Sterling is cycling to her mysterious uncle' farm under the Stiperstones.

On the way she comes across a Gypsy caravan whose horse is running away with the little girl driving it (Fenella) after being frightened by a tank (the book was published in 1944). Peter risks her life to bring the horse under control.

Later she eats with the Gypsy family:
Peter stood by and watched the other gipsies rake away the hot embers of their wood fire, until two cylinders of baked clay were exposed. Fenella ran for a dish from the Reubens' van and one of the glowing cylinders was poked on to it. Then, with mutual expressions of good will, the cooks and the Reubens with their guest parted. 
Round their own fire, Peter watched how the baked clay was cracked and peeled off, bringing with it the spines of the hedgehog and leaving him bare but beautifully cooked. From the pot came a stew of gravy and vegetables, a generous helping of which was piled on to the plate of the guest of honour.
She didn't see how Reuben divided up the hedgehog, but her share was certainly tasty - something between rabbit and chicken - and she was so hungry that she finished her plateful almost as soon as Fenella.
I don't know if that is how they cooked hedgehog in the SAS. And, though this method would deal neatly with the spines, Saville does not mention what has happened to the giblets.

As to the taste of hedgehog I am reminded of Jonathan Meades' comment:
People say frogs' legs taste of chicken. They are wrong. They taste of frog.
Read more on Malcolm Saville and Gypsies.

Liberal Democrats will compromise and do want national power

Miranda Green has an article in the Guardian looking at the prospects for Labour and the Liberal Democrats in the coming year.

I was struck by this passage:
For the Lib Dems, polling day was cruel: not only a massacre of MPs, but a rebuke to the very idea of power-sharing. Coalition had blunted the party’s identity and destroyed at a stroke its appeal to anti-establishment protest voters. 
Tim Farron, never a minister, has chosen “a fresh start” as his new backdrop: while careful not to disown the Clegg era, he is more at home with the Liberal tradition of dissent than the necessary compromises of government. 
Activists in both opposition parties have dug out dog-eared copies of the old scripts: the one (Labour) rehearsing traditional scenes of internal feuding, the other (Lib Dem) doggedly clawing back council seats and denouncing Westminster as a distraction from local campaigning.
There are two questionable assumptions here: that Liberal Democrat members do not grasp the necessity for compromise in politics and that there is a conflict between local campaigning and winning power nationally, with those members' hearts being in the former.

First, compromise. For the 1983 general election the Liberal Party agreed to form an alliance with the SDP, standing down its candidates in half the constituencies.

A few years later the Liberals voted to merge with the SDP to form a new party that its leader hoped would be known as the Democrats. The SDP voted the same way, with a larger minority against.

And after the 2010 general election the Lib Dem members voted to join a governing coalition with almost no one against.

When I wrote my post saying we should "accept David Cameron's offer in some form" I thought a) I was being terribly daring and b) that we would go in for some variety of confidence and supply arrangement.

But it turned out that I was being timid and, for better or worse, the membership was keen to endorse Nick Clegg's wish for a full coalition. No sign of an unwillingness to compromise there.

On the contrary, at least in those Alliance years of the 1980s compromise had an almost mystical attraction for Liberals. Many gave the impression of believing that, if only we compromised on enough things, we were bound to win power.

Looking back, this may have been a generational difference. Many of the older Liberal activists I met had been brought into the party by Jo Grimond and were tired after years of campaigning. Not surprisingly, they welcomed the short cut to power that the Alliance appeared to offer.

Me? I was young enough to have energy in those days and stupid enough to find ideological purity appealing.

Second, national power and local campaigning. That enthusiasm for coalition in 2010 does not suggest any ambivalence about taking power nationally.

Nor is there any necessary opposition between the local and national. What was remarkable in the early years of the Lib Dems, particularly under the influence of Chris Rennard, was the way that local success was afterwards turned into victories in Westminster elections.

Besides, local campaigning is also about power - there was as a time recently when the Lib Dems ran many large cities across the country. If some party members became disenchanted with Nick Clegg it was in part because they felt he had lost them that power.

Nor was the party a stranger to power before Nick came along. We were in government at Holyrood before he was even elected to the European parliament.

The great problem with the Liberal Democrats is not the two discussed above: it is (and I suspect Miranda would agree with me here) is that we have failed to establish a clear identity in the public mind.
Featured on Liberal Democrat Voice
But this post has gone on long enough and I will write about that another day.

Later. Miranda has kindly replied:

Welcome to the new Liberal Democrat bloggers

Or in this case blogger, as only one new blog appeared on the LibDemBlogs aggregator in December. Thanks to Ryan Cullen as ever for sending me the details.

LibDemAlex is written by Alex Hegenbarth and has been running since the summer.

Recent posts have forecast that the Liberal Democrats will become the official opposition by 2035, advocated something called "multipotentialsim" and looked at the role of the party's MPs after the carnage of May's general election:
In May the party lurched dramatically overnight from an established parliamentary entity of over 50 MPs with an experienced leadership to a handful of parliamentary representatives. 
This means that the Liberal Democrat’s parliamentary party can no longer function in the same way that the Conservatives and Labour parties do. 
The size and hierarchical structure of these two organisations, based on the carrot of promotion to [shadow] ministerial position and the stick of enforcing the whip no longer make sense to a group of (what are ultimately) electoral survivors.
If you have a new blog you would like to appear here next month, please add it to LibDemBlogs.