The Effect Winter Has On Our Skin

Unfortunately, winter has a drying out effect on skin and many turn to remedies such as natural rosehip oil to ensure that their skin is kept nourished during these times. It's the combination of cold air and central heating that really has a harsh effect on the skin - in particular, it can dry out the face. It's common for central heating to take the moisture out of the air and this removes protective oils from our skin, leaving our skin feeling dry itchy and irritated. Lots of people get chapped hands and lips in winter too as a result of the extreme weather.

After you have had a bath, if you apply moisturising oil to your skin then it will penetrate deep into your skin, through all of the layers and will help to lock in your moisturiser. Natural rosehip oil can help to treat the dry patches; it can be applied all over your body, including your face. After you have applied the oil, if you gently massage a nourishing moisturiser into your skin then you'll ensure its fully absorbed and your skin will not feel dry.

A way to combat this problem is to put moisture back into the air by putting a bowl of water under your radiator of investing in a humidifier. Dry skin cells will sit on top of skin, so it's a great idea to make sure you're exfoliating over the winter period and this will keep your skin feeling smooth. People tend to take really hot showers in winter as they want to get warmed up - but skin experts will always advice that you take a warm shower, as having a shower too hot will strip your skin of natural oils.

You must ensure that you're avoiding applying harsh products on to your skin as more often than not, formulated products do more harm than good, and even those that are designed for sensitive skin can cause irritation. Always opt for perfume-free products if you're concerned about dry, sensitive skin and go for natural, gentler alternatives.

Your lips are a very sensitive part of your face and are easily affected by cold weather - you'll notice that they will become chapped very easily. Find a lip balm that is moisturising to make sure that your lips don't look unsightly throughout winter. If you follow the tips in this article, from using the natural rosehip oil to purchasing a humidifier and you still have dry skin, it's strongly advised that you visit your doctor as this could indicate a skin condition that might need special treatment such as eczema.

If you would like to find out more about natural rosehip oil then you should have a look on the internet. People all over the world use natural rosehip oil for a variety of different reasons.

Essential Vitamins for Cellulite Reduction

Vitamins are essential for good health but a lot of people that suffer from cellulite do not realize how important it can be in reducing it. Although there are lots of vitamins for healthy living, there are also vitamins that help reduce cellulite based on how they work. Which is why you should take more of these vitamins if you want to see fast results.

Premature skin aging can occur when vitamins are not taken in the right proportion. Even though there are other ways of treating cellulite, people who are health conscious should see to it that they do not lack the essential vitamins for keeping their skin from premature aging.

How to Reduce Cellulite

There are various ways of reducing cellulite. Some of them include creams, regular exercise, dieting, herbs. All of these methods are very effective especially when done together.

Creams for Cellulite Reduction

Creams are easy to apply, they do not require any effort on your part. You just need to apply on the affected area two or three times daily depending on the instruction on the cream. There are different creams in the market for treating cellulite. Some of them include revitol cellulite cream, dermology, nivea, revitashape etc.

Most of these creams are not irritating, they take only few minutes to dry on the skin, they also have nice fragrance and their onset of action may be as little as few weeks. So whether you are looking to buy revitol cellulite cream or any other cream, please do your due diligence to find out about it before buying.

For example, if you are looking to buy revitol cellulite cream, then check for revitol cellulite cream reviews. Creams can be very effective in that they help to tighten the skin and smoothen the area.


Herbs are natural and I encourage everyone looking forward to reducing the unsightly appearance of cellulite to use them. They are even more effective when combined with all the essential vitamins. Examples of herbs include guta kola, milk thistle, parsley etc.

Vitamins for Treating Cellulite

Some of the essential vitamins for cellulite treatment include vitamin C, B and E.

Vitamin E

Vitamin E is a fat soluble anti-oxidant, it reduces cellulite by increasing blood and oxygen flow to the living areas of the skin. Sources of Vitamin E include spinach, tomatoes, vegetable oil, etc.

Vitamin C

This is another essential vitamin for treating cellulite. It is a strong anti-inflammatory agent which is important for cellulite treatment because it firms and tightens the skin, and also improve skin tone. Sources of vitamin C include oranges, mangoes and sweet potato.

Vitamin B

Unsightly appearances of cellulite can easily be removed by taking enough vitamins. It helps to metabolize fats which in turn help in making the skin smooth and firmer. Sources include leafy vegetables, wheat germ etc.

All these methods are very effective, especially if you are very consistent with them. They actually require little effort on your part. All you need to do is decide which one you want to do and be consistent.

Using creams to treat cellulite saves time and effort because it is easy to apply, cost effective and onset of action can be as little as a few short weeks. Which is why i recommend revitol cellulite cream for anyone.

Skin Sores, Treatment and Prevention

Our skin consists of four million sensory receptors, and is the first sense we develop while in our mothers' womb. Our skin is vital to our everyday function, and we need to protect and treat it with the very best of care.

Our skin is exposed to so many environmental challenges and hazards, that it can be difficult to avoid any incidents. Instead it's imperative that we learn to manage any damage, sores or infections to our skin.

When a wound develops on our skin it can easily become infected, and can lead to serious, even fatal complications. This is why it is so necessary to take preventative action, and when a problem does arise to get immediate care.

A decubitus ulcer is a sore that develops from friction, constant pressure and moisture. These types of sores are more commonly known as pressure sores, skin ulcers or bed sores.

These types of sores are commonly seen on patients that are bed ridden, have limited mobility, recovering from surgery or uses a wheelchair.

I mention this type of sore specifically as an example of a wound that could be prevented.

For those that are confined with limited mobility, they need to be rotated consistently to alleviate the constant pressure. This of course can be difficult to monitor and usually why the sore occurs to begin with.

There are options such as special beds and air mattresses but they can be quite costly and what about those that are confined to wheel chairs or using crutches and walkers? They are so susceptible to sores on hands, underarms and tailbone region.

My first choice for treatment and also prevention of these types of pressure sores is medical sheepskin products. There are sleep pads, crutch covers, wheelchair pads and even elbow and heel protectors.

Sheepskin is a perfect choice as it offers unmatched healing capabilities as well as being a natural alternative.

Sheepskin was proven in nursing homes and hospitals to be beneficial, but is not typically provided due to financial cut backs. It is now up to family members or individuals to provide themselves. Unfortunately, not everyone knows about this solution.

Sheepskin fibres allow for constant air circulation, the fibres wick away moisture from the skin so it's never damp and because the fibres are spring like, they move with your body all the while giving amazing support in order to distribute weight evenly.

Sheepskin bed pads are versatile and can be used not only in beds but on chairs and wheelchairs as well. Easy to care for, they are machine washable and there is also a hi-thermal medical pad that can be washed in hot water. offers an array of authentic sheepskin products.

We offer a full line of medical grade sheepskin, for the prevention and treatment of bed sores, as well as sheepskin pads for those needing comfort and support. At HolySheep Skin, we are passionate about the health benefits sheepskin offers, and want to share the knowledge we have gained, and continue to gain about those benefits. We offer articles that specifically address health concerns, and how sheepskin can aid.

Tips For Treating Diaper Rash

Most infants between the ages of 0 to 12 months have at least one occurrence of a diaper rash. Rashes on little bottoms can be caused by extended contact with stool or urine, yeast, allergy, eczema, seborrhea or infection.

A rash caused by irritation resembles sunburn that is pink or red in color. Yeast rashes are typically bright or dark red and become worse in warm, damp skin folds or creases. Candida yeast organisms not only affect women, they can affect the digestive system as well. Candida albicans cause infant thrush, a white rash in the mouth and the digestive tract that often leads to a severe skin irritation or infection. Infant thrush is most typical during or following a round of antibiotics.

Although formula-fed babies tend to have more diaper rashes than breast-fed babies do, not all mothers are able to breast feed for one reason or another. Rest assured, there are things you can do to help prevent diaper rashes no matter which feeding method you choose for you and your baby.

Help prevent a painful, red bottom by changing your baby's diaper at least eight times a day. Use a barrier ointment containing one or more of the following: petrolatum, lanolin, zinc oxide or an antibacterial agent. Be sure to use the ointment with each diaper change. If you infant has a diaper rash, you can try some natural home remedies until you find one that works.

Use cooled Chamomile tea as a wash for baby's bottom. Some other herbal teas used as a wash are chickweed, comfrey, lavender, marigold, elder flowers, rosemary and marsh mallow root. You can choose to add these herbs to almond oil for a soothing bottom rub. Add the herbs to some oil, let stand for a few hours, strain and use the oil to soothe baby's bottom. Using this in conjunction with the herbal wash will give the diaper rash a double whammy.

Other useful natural remedies include tinctures of calendula, goldenseal or myrrh. Herbal ointments containing calendula, comfrey or marsh mallow help soothe irritated skin in infants and adults.

Some other natural washes include witch hazel, apple cider vinegar combined with some lemon juice. These two options create a more acidic environment to discourage yeast infections. Garlic has antifungal properties, although, garlic and goldenseal have both been known to cause allergic reactions in infants under 12 months old.

Babies with frequent diaper rashes tend to have lower zinc levels than infants with fewer instances of diaper rash. Adding 10 mg of zinc supplement to your infant's formula once a day may help. Talk to your pediatrician before giving infants any supplements.

If your infant is over six month old, you can help prevent a diaper rash during a round of antibiotics by feeding him or her yogurt containing active cultures. If you are using cloth diapers, try switching to disposable diapers. In addition, many diaper wipes contain alcohol that can irritate or burn your baby's bottom. Using plain water or an herbal wash is a good alternative to commercial wipes.

Long-time, tested, tried and confirmed to work remedies for diaper rash include cornstarch or arrowroot powder sprinkled on baby's bottom with each diaper change. Do not use talcum powder on your baby as it creates a dust cloud when applied that can cause serious lung problems.

That being said, if your baby's diaper rash looks to be infected, blisters or open sores, if the rash has spread outside the diaper area, if your baby has a fever or decreased appetite or if the rash is getting worse with home treatments, you should consult your pediatrician or other health care professional.

The harsh, and often toxic, chemicals in commercial skin care products are especial tough on your babies sensitive skin. Many people are realizing that nature provides us with gentle and effective solutions to most common ailment. With a little information, guidance and instructions, you can create natural, safe remedies for yourself and your family. You may be surprised to find many ingredients growing in your own backyard or along a nearby highway or field. Learn more about alternative treatments and how to make your own natural medicines at

Facial Cleanser Types

There are many different kinds of facial cleansers. The type you chose depends on your skin type and your preferred skin care regimen. Deciding what kind of facial cleanser to use is a complex decision that requires knowledge of your skin type and also involves price considerations.

Gentle cleansers are a necessity for people with dry skin. They also need a cleanser that has moisturizers built into the cleanser, to help replenish the oil on their face. It is essential that while the cleansers are gentle, they still remove the dirt on the skin. People with dry skin often benefit most from applying an extra moisturizer after cleansing.

Combination skin has both dry and oily patches. Cleansers that are for people with combination skin are more complicated than other cleansers because they need to remove excess oil and dirt while not stripping any more oil from the dry parts of the face than absolutely necessary.

Cleansers for people with oily skin are more straightforward.*These cleansers remove the excess oil on the skin, leaving it dry and soft. The cleansers for people with oily skin without acne issues are different than the cleansers for people with acne issues. In the case of oily skin, the only consideration is to keep the oil controlled to prevent the development of large pores.

If you have acne issues, with or without oily skin, you will need to find a cleanser that caters to acne issues. For this, in addition to removing dirt and oil, you will need it to dry the skin and fight the bacteria that cause acne. If you have acne issues, you will need to be dedicated to your skin care regimen.

Another option as an addition to a skin care routine is a scrub. Scrubs contain grains that exfoliate the skin and provide a deeper level of cleanliness. This leaves your skin especially soft. However, the additional irritation of granules on your skin can cause increased acne in those that have acne issues, so for this reason, people who have chronic acne are advised not to use scrubs.

After cleansing, many people find that using a toner improves the overall appearance of their skin. Toners are astringent, and tighten the skin. After cleansing, which opens the skin and the pores to remove dirt and oil, the toner re-tightens and closes the pores back up.

Choosing the correct cleanser requires that you understand the needs of your skin. Once you have determined your skin type and chosen a cleanser, you must use the cleanser every day in order to maintain the best condition of your face.

I'm a facial care expert with a passion for writing about the best cleanser on the market. Visit to learn more.

Getting Treatment for Old Stretch Marks

Even though you may have stretch marks for years on end, there may come a time when you decide to get rid of them. For example, if you are about to undergo a complete makeover, or start on a new adventure in life, these markings may be something that you feel it is time to let go of. Under these circumstances, you may find that it is important to know how these marks change over time as well as how that will impact treatment options.

What Happens with Stretch Marks Over Time?

As you may be aware, when these marks first appear, they may be red or fairly dark in color. As the tissue begins to scar, the stretch marks will eventually get lighter than the surrounding skin. No matter whether you gained weight too fast, or were pregnant, the best time to reduce these marks is before they finish healing.

Can Older Stretch Marks be Removed?

Depending on your genetic background and the extent of each stretch mark, they may or may not be fully removable. Unfortunately, there is no real way to run a DNA test to determine if you will respond well to various types of stretch mark removal treatment. That said, even if you are predisposed to potential full removal, some therapies will still work, while others will not.

•Most creams and ointments will fail to produce results after the initial marks occur. Even though they may have the right ingredients to spur dermal healing, these compounds usually cannot reach the appropriate skin layer.

•The success of laser surgery will depend greatly on the actual shade of color as well as the size of the mark.

•Dermabrasion may not work if you are predisposed to scar easily, as opposed to replacing damaged areas with normal tissue.

•While surgical options may help you get rid of clusters of these marks, you are bound to have at least one or more surgical scars to deal with. Depending on the scar location, this may be more troubling than the initial stretch marks.

Is it Worthwhile to get rid of Old Stretch Marks?

There is no question that some people feel getting rid of old stretch marks is absolutely necessary while others look upon it as not very important. Overall, perhaps it is best to say that if you feel it is important to get rid of them, then you should make it your business to do so. At the very least, you can start by finding out what treatment options are available as well as their cost.

No matter how you look at it, once these marks start to appear, they will change the way you feel about yourself as much as they change the way you look. When you reach a point in your life when these matters become important, then you should seriously consider removing old marks. That said, as long as they do not cause physical pain or interfere with daily activities you might just as well leave them alone and save both time and money.

Tips On How to Get Young Clear Skin

When it comes to getting young clear skin, there are many things that you must do. First of all, you must t`ke good care of yourself. Then, you have to use moisturizers and skin creams in order to help with the appearance of your skin. Lastly, and most importantly, you must always use a sunscreen when you go outside. Let's look at all of these things a little more in-depth so you will better understand what it takes to get more youthful skin.

In order to keep your young clear skin you must make sure that you take good care of yourself. This means that you have a healthy diet - in other words, you limit junk food because these foods are the root of many skin problems. You also should be sure to get enough rest because this will help give your skin a nice, healthy glow. Also, smoking is a definite no-no when it comes to your skin because the chemicals in the cigarette cause the skin to age prematurely. Once you get your lifestyle on track, you are well on your way to youthful skin.

Skin creams and moisturizers are also essential in order to maintain youthful looking skin. Moisturizers especially help in this regard because they keep the skin hydrated. Skin creams and anti wrinkle creams help keep the skin smooth and keep the signs of aging at bay. As long as you use both of these in your skincare regimen daily and nightly, you will definitely have a more youthful appearance to your skin.

The most important way in which you can maintain young clear skin is to wear a sunscreen on a daily basis. This is not just for the appearance of your skin, but also in order to avoid skin cancer. The UV rays from the sun are very harmful to the skin and cause premature aging. If you use a sunscreen, you will avoid absorbing those harmful rays into your skin. The good news is that most moisturizers and foundations have sunscreens in them, so you do not have to worry about adding sunscreen to your skincare regimen.

On your path to keeping and maintaining young clear skin, you need to be sure to follow all of the advice I have given you here. It is not just for your skin's appearance either. The fact is that your skin can develop many critical problems if you do not take good care of it. Good skincare is not just for the way you look - it is also for your way of life.

Joe Ellis is a strong advocate of natural health and healing. Researching skin care from a natural angle is one of his primary interests. For more information on choosing a skin care product that is right for you, check out and subscribe to a FREE five-part Skin Care Report.

Tips On How to Keep Skin Looking Young

Most people want to know how to keep skin looking young. Believe it or not, there are many ways in which you can do just that. Whether you are 30 or 60, your skin depends on you in order to keep its youthful appearance. As long as you use sunscreen on a daily basis, use moisturizers and skin creams daily and nightly and take good care of yourself, you will have youthful looking skin for many years.

Using sunscreen on a daily basis is the first and most important step in how to keep skin looking young. Skin damage caused by regular sun exposure causes the skin to age long before it is supposed to. In order to help prevent this premature aging and keep your youthful looking skin, you need to be sure to use some sort of sunscreen on a daily basis - no matter what it looks like outside, because the harmful UV rays will go through clouds and your skin will absorb them. You may balk at the idea of adding yet another thing to your skincare routine, but luckily for you sunscreen is already in most moisturizers and makeup foundations. So, there is no need to add anything extra to your skincare lineup as long as your moisturizer and/or foundation has sunscreen in it.

Moisturizers are another way in how to keep skin looking young. Keeping your skin hydrated will keep it from drying up and flaking off, which gives your skin a dull and older appearance. Skin creams are also important to keeping your skin more youthful in appearance. It is definitely necessary to use both of these every single day and night in order to maintain young looking skin - unless, of course, you have oily skin, then you can just use them two to three times a week or use a moisturizer formulated for oily skin.

When it comes to how to keep skin looking young, the final piece of advice is to take care of yourself. It is no secret that getting enough sleep, eating a healthy diet and not smoking will work wonders for your skin. When you get enough sleep, your skin has a nice, healthy glow to it that helps give the illusion of younger skin. The same goes for a healthy diet and not smoking. So, do not just take good care of yourself for your overall health - also do it so you will look years younger.

Joe Ellis is a strong advocate of natural health and healing. Researching skin care from a natural angle is one of his primary interests. For more information on choosing a skin care product that is right for you, check out and subscribe to a FREE five-part Skin Care Report.

Your Perfect Skin Is Only 12 Weeks Away

Are you sick and tired of skincare products that don't live up to their promises? Products that promise to clear up acne in a matter of minutes or smooth all your wrinkles overnight? You know nothing works instantly. Some don't work at all. Some products are full of fillers and no matter how long you use them you won't see much difference. Others products will help clear your skin and keep it smooth and soft but will take a bit longer.

What if I told you your perfect skin was only a few weeks away? You know there are no magic potions so "perfect" is perfect for you. If acne scars or serious skin conditions are what you're looking to solve, you need the help of a specialist. But if you want to have soft, glowing and young looking skin, these tips can help. The secret is a combination of diet, exercise and skincare.

Your 3-Part Plan


It's not a secret that eating lots of fruits and vegetables will keep xour body healthy and that will show through in your skin. Eat a variety of fruits and vegetables. Plus, they are rich in antioxidants so they'll fight free radicals that can prematurely age your skin and lead to cancer.

Eat more fish. Fish are full of omega 3 fatty acids which are great for your skin. They help to keep it soft and studies show they slow down aging so you look younger longer.


Getting regular exercise pumps needed oxygen into your body. That oxygen pushes through your cells and helps keep them alive and healthy.

Sweat benefits your skin by pushing toxins out of your body so it doesn't have a chance to build up and cause acne and other blemishes.

Plus, exercise keeps your muscles toned. This helps your skin look great by keeping it supple and everything where it's supposed to be.

3-Skin care

You know it's important to cleanse your skin daily. A morning face wash will clear away that filmy residue you feel when you get up which are toxins released overnight.

At night, a good wash gets rid of make-up and dirt and pollution that accumulate throughout the day. You don't want to give them a chance to clog up your pores and cause blemishes. Once you wash with a gentle cleanser, you'll want to moisturize. Try a product with natural ingredients to boost your collagen production and balances your skin's moisture levels so it's neither too oily nor too dry.

By including Vitamin E, Phytessence wakame and other powerful ingredients in your products you'll fight aging so you can move toward your perfect skin.

Now get out there and start using this 3-step plan every day to look younger and help your skin glow. To learn more about the top ingredients to use in your skincare, visit my website.

Jen P. April has been researching natural skin and health care for over 3 years. Visit her site now to learn more about cutting edge natural skincare products she recommends after extensive research:

Dealing With Skin Tags In The Home

Several skin tag removal home remedies have already been developed. People tend to believe that they cannot eradicate serious skin conditions or abnormalities on their own. The efficacy of home treatment is currently doubted by a large number of people. Cryotherapy and other medical treatments are frequent suggested by medical professionals. Skin tag removal home remedies can really serve as effective alternatives to medical treatments.

Skin tags can be completely mitigated by amazing home treatments. One of the easiest methods of removing the acrochordon is as follows:

1.) With just a sharp knife, baby anbesol, enough gauze, tweezers, disinfectant wipes and few other materials, you can complete your own acrochordon removal. You will not suffer so much excruciating pain from this self-applied medication thanks to anbesol.

2.) Disinfectant wipes are essential for the success of your home remedy.

3.) The knife must undergo thorough sterilization and the acrochordon must receive anbesol application.

4.) The next step can be a little painful, but this treatment method is quite effective.

5.) After sterilizing your tweezers, you will use them to remove the skin tags from your dermis. This needs to be done with a lot of care and caution, so that permanent scars do not form on the skin.

6.) With the help of contaminant-free knife or scissors, you can separate the soft warts from the skin base. If you do not use the sterilized ones, it might lead to a lot of infection to the skin.

7.) Immediately, clean the involved areas with gauze after complete separation takes place. The same procedure is then repeated to remove fibroma from other areas in the body.

If you do not want the suggested treatment, you can try the duct tape method. Your concern with skin warts can also be immediately removed through this method. You can also try some ointments and oils. You can try the frequently suggested tea tree oil to solve your wart concerns. Castor oil, Vitamin E oil and apple cider vinegar have also been reported to be effective in performing wart removal. Although these claims are still not supported by enough research, many people have already witnessed their wonders. Even tying a thread around the base region of the skin tag might help. Wart removal may also be achieved with the aid of the dental floss.

If you are deeply troubled by fibroma, you are free to test any of the suggested skin tag removal home remedies. If you are not confident with your own capabilities, it is always best to ask the assistance of skin care experts in addressing your skin tag concerns.

To understand even more related to home remedies for skin tags. Pay a visit to

Wart Removal Tips And Suggestions

Anyone who has had a wart knows how annoying they can be and how often they think about removing it. Although you can visit a doctor and have it removed with a medical procedure, there are a variety of methods for wart removal in your own home. These days people tend to look for natural methods to remove them and also the most cost effective (and safe) methods to remove warts.

Let's start by exploring what warts are - warts are merely skin growths that are caused by the human papillomavirus (HPV). The good news is that they are non-cancerous, but the virus causes keratin. This hard protein in the epidermis grows too fast and then you can get warts.

There are amazingly a wide variety of them and here are most of them:
Common - this type of wart tends to have a rough surface and are firm with a raised surface.

Plantar - this type of wart will usually appear on foot soles and they almost always grow back due to the pressure on the feet.

Plane - this type of wart tends to be round and also flat and smooth. They also tend to be very common in children and typically found on the hands, legs, and feet.

Filiform - this type of wart is typically long and almost always found on eyelids along with necks and armpit areas.

Mosaic - this type of wart tends to grow in a cluster and can usually be found on the palm of hands and feet.

Now on to the big question - how can you get rid of warts? I wish there was an easy answer to this, but essentially you only have a few choices - visit a doctor, use an over the counter product, or a natural product (what I suggest).

Here are a few documented methods to cure them:
1. Salicylic acid - you can get this in most drug stores, but it usually takes many months of daily applications.

2. Duct tape - I know this is an odd thing (and it just adds to the many uses of duct tape), but applying a new piece of duct tape daily has been known to work.

3. Garlic - slice some garlic, rub it on the warts, and place a bandage over it before bed.

The three methods above have been shown to work for people, but the obvious drawbacks to them all is the length of time they take before you might see any results.

One of the challenges here is determining what natural product to use for removing your warts. I suggest always looking to see that the wart removal product is approved by the FDA. This ensures that the wart removal product you're applying to your warts is actually safe. The other factors you want to look for are pain free, non toxic, and has other customer testimonials that show the product has been used and is effective for wart removal.

There's no reason to suffer any longer with warts since you can easily remove the warts without pain in your own home and safely.

Don't suffer with your warts any longer - you can find the best products for wart removal at where they provide top notch wart removal reviews.

Treating Stretch Marks Naturally

Stretch marks are often the result of rapid stretching of the skin related to weight gain such as during pregnancy especially during the sixth or seventh month or muscle building. We oftentimes feel embarrassed and uncomfortable revealing that stretch marks. Several treatments are accessible for the designed for improving the appearance of existing stretch marks, such as laser treatments, dermabrasion, and prescription retinoids. However, these medical treatments are often expensive.

Here's 5 easy steps to Get Rid of Those Marks Fast.

1. Eat a well-balanced diet. Consume food rich in vitamins and minerals such as fruits and lots of green leafy vegetables. Also include liver and dairy products in your diet.

2. Apply lotion or cream with Gotu Kola extract, vitamin E, and collagen hydrolysates to area where stretch marks is visible to help the healing process faster and improve skin's firmness, strength, suppleness and elasticity. Applying cocoa butter also has proven effective. Massage if possible to promote circulation and make the skin smoother. If there is a need to wear swimsuits, hide them by rubbing a tanning lotion.

3. Exercise. Engage in weight training at least three times a week. Exercise has numerous benefits in our body and that includes our skin. It can maintains desirable weight or act for weight modification both building muscle mass to fill in loose skin or burning fat to control the effects of stretching from body mass gain.

4. Drink a lot of water. Hydrate yourself with seven to eight glasses of water a day. This prevents dryness of your skin.

5. Be confident. Despite the appearance, be proud. After all, you had them for good a reason, maybe...

Prevention is better than cure! When treating any skin related blemish, the above mentioned remedies on how to get rid of stretch marks naturally and fast provides protection for your skin from further damage and helps to diminish existing stretch marks. A better choice than high-priced laser surgery.

There are so many products and methods on the market today, but if you find the proper method and stick to a regimented routine than you can have some success in reducing the visibility of the mark. Be careful not to try all the expensive treatments available and think that the most expensive is the best performer.

Take charge of your conceptual perception that stretch marks are bad and enjoy life. There is such a thing as photo shop editing.

Here is how to find more information and products that can help you reduce or remove those stretch marks. Start Learning about more products and information TODAY

Sports and Energy Drinks Again

More today on the dangers of commercailly available sports and energy drinks from Health Day.

In the midst of this just remember this is the reason I created herbalYODA's sportZtea many years ago.  This is an all natural and organic herb blend that allows you to make your own safe and health promoting sports and energy drink at home.

Find out more about herbalYODA's sportZtea here.

Please do heed the warning not to allow your children to chew sugarless gum as the Health day article states, or use articficial sweeteners when making my tea.  These chemicals are implicated in the rise of obesity and diabetes as well as more than 100 health concerns.
WEDNESDAY, May 2 (HealthDay News) -- Sports and energy drinks are causing irreversible damage to the teeth of teens and young adults in the United States, the authors of a new study claim.
High acidity levels in the drinks erode tooth enamel, the glossy outer layer of teeth, the researchers contend in the May/June issue of the journal General Dentistry.
"Young adults consume these drinks assuming that they will improve their sports performance and energy levels and that they are 'better' for them than soda," study author Poonam Jain said in a news release from Academy of General Dentistry, which publishes the journal.
However, "most of these patients are shocked to learn that these drinks are essentially bathing their teeth with acid," Jain said.
For the study, the researchers analyzed acidity levels in 13 sports drinks and nine energy drinks. They found that acidity levels varied widely between brands and even flavors of the same brand. The effect on teeth of these acidity levels were assessed by immersing samples of human tooth enamel in each beverage for 15 minutes, followed by immersion in artificial saliva for two hours.
The cycle was repeated four times a day for five days, to simulate the exposure of teeth in teens and young adults who drink one of these beverages every few hours.
Damage to the tooth enamel was evident after five days, the researchers reported, and energy drinks caused twice as much damage as sports drinks.
Damage to tooth enamel is irreversible, the experts noted. Without the protection of enamel, teeth become overly sensitive and are more likely to decay and develop cavities.
The American Beverage Association (ABA), which represents the beverage industry, took issue with the study.
"This study was not conducted on humans, and in no way mirrors reality," the group said in a statement released Wednesday. "The authors used slices of tooth enamel samples from extracted molars, and then placed them in petri dishes of liquid for extended periods of time. People do not keep any kind of liquid in their mouths for 15-minute intervals over five-day periods."
The association added that the lab experiments could not mimic the environment of the human mouth, where saliva helps neutralize any acidity from food and drink.
The ABA also noted that other factors besides exposure to food or drinks -- things such as dental hygiene, lifestyle and genetics -- also influence tooth erosion.
According to the dentistry academy, an estimated 30 percent to 50 percent of U.S. teenagers consume energy drinks and as many as 62 percent consume at least one sports drink per day.
People "don't realize that something as seemingly harmless as a sports or energy drink can do a lot of damage to their teeth," Jennifer Bone, a spokeswoman for the academy, said in the news release.
She advised patients to minimize their consumption of sports and energy drinks, and also suggested that they chew sugar-free gum or rinse their month with water after consuming the drinks.
"Both tactics increase saliva flow, which naturally helps to return the acidity levels in the mouth to normal," she explained.
After consuming sports or energy drinks, patients should wait at least an hour before they brush their teeth. Otherwise, they will spread acid onto the tooth surfaces and increase the erosive action, Bone said.

Mar 27, 2009
... Formula One (sold as ADVENTURX) in 2004. sportZtea is a blend of 5-6 herbs that provide you with nutrients supplying vitamins and minerals to support your health and hydration. No stimulants and no artificial sweeteners.

Aug 20, 2010
Brewing up a jar of herbalYODA's sportZtea and belending it with pure cranberry juice can be very beneficial. Herbs in our organic tea blend are known to contain nutritional elements: vitamins a, b complex, c, d, e, f, k, p; ...
Jan 17, 2012
We encourage you to check out the almost two dozen articles we have posted on Natural Health News about this subject . We also invite you to consider our organic natural herbal blend, herbalYODA's sportZtea, in place of ...
Jan 12, 2009
In the interim I'd like to propose the benefits of natural support for sports performance and my organic tea blend, herbalYODA's sportZtea, along with my xtreme sports formula, ADVENTURX. (It's our new special: With each ...

Malaria Resistance Reported Again

Study finds signs of malaria drug resistance in Africa

PARIS, Apr 27 – Africa’s deadliest malaria parasite has shown resistance in lab tests to one of the most powerful drugs on the market — a warning of possible resistance to follow in patients, scientists said Friday.
Researchers in London found resistance to artemether in test tube analysis of blood from 11 of 28 patients who had fallen ill after travelling in countries mainly in sub-Saharan Africa – what they said was a “statistically significant” result.
Artemether is one of the most effective drugs in the artemisinin group most commonly used in malaria cocktails known as ACTs.  Read more



Fluoride and Vaccine Failures FMI
I am sure Mary Selecky, the Washington State Department of Health Secretary, has made no effort to keep up with the facts about vaccines, their toxins, their risk to health, and the options that should be made available to parents as she continues to hawk "Get a Shot" in reaction to the whooping couch outbreak among already vaccinated children. You need this, she says, because the shots wear off.

I am sure Mary also is blind to the damage caused by fluoride as it is forced on thousands of Washington State citizens without their permission in the form of toxic and heavy metal laden fertilizer waste provided by Cargill.

No Mary, fluoride does not truly prevent cavities.  Fluoride also causes fluorosis that impacts teeth and your skeleton.  Fluoride based osteoporosis drugs are implicated in jaw necrosis and now even ADA dentists primed to push this poison on patients are screening for it in the new patient health history form.  Gee, do you think they can connect the dots?

Now, just a week or so after I had a nice talk with a grandmother about the risk of the pertussis shot, I got a great and welcome surprise from JAMA. I was explaining to the grandmother that the nurse who told her daughter in law it was safe to get a pertussis shot while pregnant as it will also help protect the baby is grossly misinforming her, and risking not only her health but that of her baby.

The insanity just seems to get worse by the day, and Selecky's department continues to cover up its own fraud and record destruction to avoid exposing their attack on me for blowing the whistle on insurance fraud, medical record fabrication and extreme patient safety issues . The evidence is compelling.  One of the best pieces is their disregard for factual information they have on my 1977 application for license by endorsement. But this is for another story on another day.

I wrote about how vitamin C can be helpful to parents in this whooping cough situation because I care about public health, something I do not see from WA DOH.  That information is here. There is a legal requirement for any health provider to provide you with both sides of the story, something WA DOH has not done for decades, and probably so have other states and health providers.

While we hear about malaria vaccines and drugs failing Bill Gates continues to push this agenda.  We don't hear about the benefits of vitamin A for this or pneumonia.

While we hear now - at last - about the fraud in medical research -

Critics who deplore the commercialization of medical research have raised concerns about scientific fraud and misconduct that are undermining the integrity of the medical-scientific literature, and the practice of "evidence-based medicine"--- which relies on published journal reports. Recent analyses of retractions of published peer-reviewed journal reports provide supportive evidence for those critics.

Now we have the AMA reporting in its very own publication about the problem with immune suppression and fluoride.  And yes, the outcome is vaccine failure.

Looks like you might not need that extra shot after all.

And to be sure, for the Benton County(WA) Health Department head that did not reply to my correspondence to her, she should know that not all the information found on the internet is questionable.  Does she forget that FDA and CDC are on the internet too, just like the WA DOH.

Should we be trusting what they say?

From Natural Health News

Vaccine does not stop pneumonia

My Happy Garden

Years ago, now about 25 or more, I started a Green Living program.  Since that time hundreds of others have decided its okay to use the leaflady's terminology.  Not sure that I mind this, but I am from a time when courtesy dictated at least asking first.

I have noticed too that a few of my original garden recipes have appeared here and there without proper attribution. I am sorry to say that today people take this sort of thing for granted.  I think getting information to people is good but in what context and at what price?

If you are interested in getting away from toxic garden sprays then My Happy Garden is for you.  If you're needing a nudge to get a garden going no matter how small the space, then My Medicine Garden is for you.

I do have a few of the original artsy copies of the individual books but now, thanks to digital publishing the two are combined, along with a Garden Notes section for you to keep a mini journal on your progress.

Find it all here in The Garden Series.


May 04, 2008
Horticulturists note, too, that "good" bugs can eat up harmful organisms to improve a garden's health. Plus, scores of other non-animal but all-natural materials -- from alfalfa to zinc sulfate -- are often used to invigorate plants.
Mar 26, 2009
I'm getting ready to start my garden up here at about 2700 feet above sea level. I'll be adding new soil to my raised beds and spading in some new peat moss in about another week when this cold snap has finally passed over ...

Apr 27, 2011
2010 HERB DAY - SATURDAY 1 MAY. HerbDay Moves to Spring Date = Requests from herb lovers all over the country, HerbDay will officially be celebrated on the first Saturday in May going forward, starting with Saturday, ...
Apr 30, 2010
HERBDAY - Celebrate on a new day. 2010 HERB DAY - SATURDAY 1 MAY. HerbDay Moves to Spring Date = Requests from herb lovers all over the country, HerbDay will officially be celebrated on the first Saturday in May ...
Jun 01, 2008
The Importance of Non-Toxic Garden and Household Products. For a number of years I imported a naturally non-toxic plant based cleaner from Canada. For some reason the owner of the company became quite negative a ...
May 08, 2010
Who Seeds Your Garden. 11000 of the seed patents are owned by Monsanto. They now have an estimated 85-90% of the seed market in the US. Corporations Move in on Your Garden · Read More. Posted by herbalYODA at ...

Better Heart Health with Proper Thyroid Testing

Reading this pleases me because I have for decades raised this issue with clients who are being improperly counseled by their health providers about critical health concerns. 

In one case the person's did not get her doctor's attention until the TSH   result was pushing 10. And not only had this been over the current high range of 3.0 for years, they kept pushing statin drugs because her cholesterol level kept going up and they ignored the patients requests for proper testing.

I see it getting worse as there is more exposure to fluoride in water, food, and drugs, but also with more exposure to electromagenetic fields, more microwaved food, and increased mobile use.

More ‘aggressive’ thyroid management may help reduce risk of heart disease

Thyroid Awareness  Listen to our thyroid discussion on BTR
A new issue of herbalYODA Says! with a focus on "Weighty Issues" was published on January 5.  Don't miss future issues: Subscribe today.  BTR session: Listen in the archives.

For many who have known and worked or studied with us over the many decades of our natural healing work, you'll be pleased to learn that "Lace Ventura" Health Detective is back, after a too-long hiatus.  Look into Regenerative Health Today!

Our very popular and successful "ASK" program: This service is for your inquiries.  People who want a bit of advice, or have a simple question or two, can submit their request through our "ASK" program. More in-depth programs include our Health Detective and Health Forensics programs.

Receive your copy of our Rejuvenation Cleanse FREE with any donation to Creating Health Institute (CHI).  Your donations are critically needed and very welcome.  They also help keep this blog alive.

Veteran's Resources

Also of interest: AUM


Jul 03, 2010
Larry Frieders, the compounder, THYROID MADNESS DEFINITION: 1.Treating hypothyroid patients solely with T4-only meds (synthroid) 2.Dosing solely by the TSH and the total T4, or using the outdated "Thyroid Panel" 3.
Jul 22, 2008
NEW YORK (Reuters Health) Jul 21 - Environmental exposure to organochlorine compounds affects thyroid function in preschool children, according to a report from Spain in the July issue of Occupational and Environmental ...
Jun 13, 2009
"The thyroid, located in the neck, is a kind of master gland, secreting hormones that affect metabolism. Doctors usually check its activity by an indirect measure -- looking at levels of TSH, or thyroid stimulating hormone." ...
Mar 05, 2011
PURPOSE: In the present study we investigated the possible histopathological effects of pulse modulated Radiofrequency (RF) fields on the thyroid gland using light microscopy, electron microscopy and immunohistochemical ...

Heart disease: Low Priority

Not too many days ago I wrote an article for my column on Health & Politics at Sinclair News.  I had been waiting for the results of Andrew Breitbart's autopsy because an earlier commenter claimed that no one dies at age 43 from heart disease.

Certainly this is well known to be untrue.

Drugs cause problems, and now it seems that my concern over lack of training in the last decade or so for doctors and specialists has found support.

You can learn a lot more about prevention from material posted on my website to help you and perhaps some of these doctors in training learn more about this most important sector of health care.

The 2012 edition of my 2005 book, Blood Pressure Care Naturally, is now available.  This little book, the first in my Road To Health Natural Care Series, has been useful to hundreds, patients and providers alike.

One of the key areas is the section on vitamins and minerals.  This point is more pronounced today coming from a new scientific study on magnesium proving it work for hypertension.  These reports always encourage me because I know that at least some one is side stepping the propaganda you read all the time in mainstream media about how you must not take vitamins and minerals or other supplements.  And yes, even AARP promotes this non sense too.

The real proof is that when you become your own best health advocate you will be healthier and you will be better able to question that authority with MD or DO or NP etc following their name.
Tue, Apr 24 2012  Prevention a low priority in heart docs' training
By Kerry Grens
NEW YORK (Reuters Health) - A new survey of training programs for future cardiologists suggests that only a fraction are getting the minimum level of education in heart disease prevention that professional guidelines recommend.
"Prevention and management of risk factors (for heart disease) is not an emphasized -- and almost neglected -- portion of the curriculum," said Dr. Quinn Pack, the lead author of the study. "We don't know how it affects (doctors') knowledge."
To become a cardiologist, physicians who have trained in internal medicine go through a cardiology fellowship lasting several years.
In 2008, leading organizations including the American College of Cardiology Foundation (ACCF), American Heart Association and American College of Physicians published recommendations that cardiologists in training get at least a month's worth of experience in settings devoted to prevention.
These could include clinics specializing in cardiac rehabilitation after a heart attack, diabetes treatment, weight loss, smoking cessation and other related topics.
Accreditation criteria for graduate medical training programs also require cardiology fellows to have training and experience in prevention-related issues.
Pack, who is a preventive cardiology fellow at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota, said he had noticed that some of the fellowship programs where he had applied seemed to emphasize prevention more than others.
To find out whether the fellowships are adhering to the training guidelines, Pack and his colleagues sent a survey to the directors and chief fellows of about 200 programs.
Less than a third responded, and among those who did, 24 percent of their programs met the guidelines for training in prevention.
Another 24 percent had no part of the curriculum formally dedicated to prevention.
While some prevention topics -- such as the use of heart medications -- were nearly always part of a formal lecture to fellows, other topics were overlooked.
The doctors who responded to the survey reported that nutrition, obesity, smoking cessation and managing chronic diseases each earned a place in a formal lecture less than half the time.
Dr. Roger Blumenthal, a professor at Johns Hopkins University who chaired the task force that wrote the ACCF training guidelines, said it was "very disappointing" that only a quarter of the programs set aside time in their fellowships for a rotation in prevention.
"What we would hope is that they're applying the basic preventive cardiology principles for the rest of their cardiology time," he told Reuters Health.
Pack said that in general the training recommendations have more of an emphasis on diagnosis and the management of acute heart conditions, and that fellows end up spending more time learning how to read stress tests and insert stents, for example.
Not only are these skills more technical than, say, helping people quit smoking, they can also earn doctors more money, Pack said.
"There tends to be more focus on the reimbursable procedures," Pack told Reuters Health, "as opposed to the things that, in my opinion, make a real difference to patients -- the medications, the diet, the smoking cessation and lifestyle changes."
Pack's study did not measure whether doctors whose fellowships followed the training recommendations were more knowledgeable in prevention than doctors who didn't get a dedicated prevention rotation.
The survey respondents often said that a lack of time to devote to prevention training was the biggest obstacle to meeting the guidelines.
Another problem was a lack of faculty members with expertise in prevention. Twenty fellowship programs had no faculty who specialized in the subject.
Blumenthal said the lesson learned from Pack's study is that program directors need to make sure their fellows properly understand all the fine points of prevention in cardiology.
Pack said getting prevention experts on staff and reconfiguring the fellowship program to include time for prevention could help programs meet the training recommendations.
"There's time," he said. "It's just given to other priorities."
SOURCE: The American Journal of Cardiology, online April 4, 2012.


Feb 03, 2012
Preventing heart disease requires much more than simply screening for high cholesterol in the blood. "Although this approach has been useful, it fails to identify almost one-half of the 1.3 million individuals who develop MI ...
Sep 13, 2011
A group of people with heart failure was studied to see how well they responded to COQ10 and other antioxidants. Patients had a 40% or lower ejection rate and had been diagnosed for at least six months. Daily dose of ...
Apr 19, 2010
People who drank more than one diet soda each day developed the same risks for heart disease as those who downed sugary regular soda, a large but inconclusive study found. The results surprised the researchers who ...
Feb 02, 2011
Cordless Phones, like WIFI, Boost Heart Risk. Cordless Phone EMFs Trigger Heart Rhythm Abnormalities. By Erik Goldman / Editor in Chief - Vol. 11, No. 4. Winter, 2010. The controversy continues over the possibility that ...