Showing posts with label WA DOH. Show all posts
Showing posts with label WA DOH. Show all posts

On the Attack Against Dr Wright Again

Currently in the stifling bureaucratic environment of Washington State Jonathan Wright, MD is under attack again, this time from the Department of Health. The problem, as reported, seems to have to do more with an error on the part of the WA DOH bureaucrats that anything Dr. Wright did or did not do.

This is fairly typical for this department. Their current Secretary has been a party and state loyalist for decades. This agency will go to great lengths to protect the agency long before it will admit wrong doing and make any corrective changes. It is little different than Washington state's Department of Social and Health Services (DSHS) or other agency for that matter. In 1998 the then governor issued an executive order addressing the lack of proper investigative acumen in state agencies. Clearly WA DOH ignored this over the past decade and more.

Look at the recent attack on Phil Werschler, MD of Spokane.

Look back many years at the attack on Glenn Warner, MD of Seattle. He was a champion of the people, especially those with cancer, and years ahead of this time.

The Philosophy of Dr. Glenn A. Warner, M.D. (1919-2000)
"I learned many lessons during my years of practice, the most important being: * Cancer is a carcinogenic process within the body that can be reversed, * The healing process is entirely up to you, * Reversing the carcinogenic process and becoming a long term survivor requires you to take control of your life, make informed choices about treatment, and select the therapies best suited to your healing process."
THE PROCESS OF HEALING "Self empowerment is the key to a healthy life. Simply put, it means you must take charge of the things you do in your life in order to create and maintain the health you want. If you suffer a life threatening illness, you are fully capable of making the choices and changes necessary to help your body heal. It's up to you and you alone; no one else can do it for you. Healing and maintaining your health is your responsibility, not the doctor's. The doctors job is to help you buy time to heal." Use this time well and begin planning now what you want your life to be after you recover!
What do we know about cancer? The majority, if not all of us, live with cancer cells in our bodies all the time. Our immune system keeps these cells under control until events occur in our lives that prevent it from doing its job of keeping cancer cells at bay. The process of degeneration usually starts with a trauma to the body, mind or emotions. In my clinical practice I found it takes 10-15 years for cancer to develop to a stage where it becomes a problem for the individual. Toward the end of this period a key event or trigger in the individual's life will accelerate the cancer growth; usually one year prior to the development of the malignant stage.
What do we know about the immune system? * It's your body's primary cancer fighter, it can be strengthened. * Depression, fear, anxiety and stress suppress it. * Chemotherapy and radiation can destroy it. * Raw natural foods strengthen it. * Poor quality foods and malnutrition are the main causes of immune system deficiency (example: sugar can shut off the immune system and inactivates white blood cells for up to 24 hours after ingestion).
1-Take control Do not rush to treatment; it's no time to panic. - Learn everything about your disease - Understand how you heal from illness - Research all therapies available - Research treatment clinics and doctors - Research support groups Find a doctor to work with you (2-4 opinions) - Who has an immuno therapy background - Who will answer all your questions - Who communicates well - Who welcomes your input and offers hope - Who will give 5 referrals of 5 year survivors Explore your reasons and purpose to live - Ask questions about your life and future - Ask what lifestyle changes you must make
2-Build immune system Work with a physician and natural care practitioner Ensure high quality Nutrition - Juice raw vegetables and fruits - Eliminate sugar, alcohol, and caffeine - Eliminate red meat - Use high quality vitamins and minerals Detoxify your Body - Test for and eliminate toxins in the body - Replace dental amalgams and root canals - Keep blood pH levels alkaline Lose weight if overweight Eliminate Stress - Simplify your life - Eliminate negative environments/thoughts - Develop a positive attitude - Explore art, music, and meditation Exercise - At least 30 minutes a day, 5 days a week - 5-6 hours before bedtime Sleep a minimum of 8 "quality" hours nightly - Consult a sleep clinic if you have problems
3-Aggressive therapy Immuno Therapy Proven Safest-Most Effective Evaluate merits of chemotherapy and radiation - Can suppress or destroy your immune system - Reduces quality of life and longevity - Recovery can take years - Use fractional doses as a last resort Use minimal surgery to reduce/eliminate tumor Pursue your choice of therapy aggressively - Combination of treatments most effective - Choose a program that fits your beliefs - Believe in the program you choose Make body a hostile environment for disease - Totally eliminate stress; get plenty of rest - Juice, detox, exercise, and meditate Believe in your body's ability to heal itself - Learn to visualize your body as healthy - Explore and develop your spiritual nature - Believe in the power of prayer - Dedicate everything you do to wellness
4-Maintain health Maintain total control of your healing process Change your lifestyle to support your healing Ensure regular checkups and tests Continue learning about your disease Maintain a strong immune system Continue spiritual development Continue developing a positive attitude Avoid stress, resolve conflict, and meditate Maintain quality rest and sleep cycles Maintain a high quality nutritional program Maintain a detoxification program Continue daily exercise program Attend support group meetings Trust the healing process and "Live Life Well!"
WHAT CHOICES WILL YOU MAKE? If you are reading these words, you are looking for a way to better health and overcoming disease. Dr. Warner's approach to cancer therapy developed over 40 years of observing what he saw as the failure of conventional medical treatments (chemotherapy and radiation) to prolong life or provide quality of life. Surviving cancer and living life well is a process of: * Taking Control of Your Life * Building Your Immune System * Aggressive Therapy * Maintaining a Healthy Lifestyle
It's our birthright to live life free of disease. We come into this world with the physical blueprint to live 150 years. What we do to ourselves cuts this time in half and, for many, much more. Through lifestyle modification you, with a supportive physician, can reverse the carcinogenic process. It can be as simple as changing your diet or as complex as a combination of selective surgery, immunotherapy, diet and exercise. Your personal belief system will determine the choices you make. With knowledge and the right attitude you can make the choices necessary to improve your condition and live the healthy life you want.
Success however, is based on two fundamental questions you must answer: Are you willing to accept responsibility for your healing? Will you put into practice the choices you make in order to create a positive outcome?
 The information about Dr. Warner' Philosophy on Cancer Support and Wellness is taken from Brochure created by Rob Sandstrom.

Fluoride and Vaccine Failures FMI
I am sure Mary Selecky, the Washington State Department of Health Secretary, has made no effort to keep up with the facts about vaccines, their toxins, their risk to health, and the options that should be made available to parents as she continues to hawk "Get a Shot" in reaction to the whooping couch outbreak among already vaccinated children. You need this, she says, because the shots wear off.

I am sure Mary also is blind to the damage caused by fluoride as it is forced on thousands of Washington State citizens without their permission in the form of toxic and heavy metal laden fertilizer waste provided by Cargill.

No Mary, fluoride does not truly prevent cavities.  Fluoride also causes fluorosis that impacts teeth and your skeleton.  Fluoride based osteoporosis drugs are implicated in jaw necrosis and now even ADA dentists primed to push this poison on patients are screening for it in the new patient health history form.  Gee, do you think they can connect the dots?

Now, just a week or so after I had a nice talk with a grandmother about the risk of the pertussis shot, I got a great and welcome surprise from JAMA. I was explaining to the grandmother that the nurse who told her daughter in law it was safe to get a pertussis shot while pregnant as it will also help protect the baby is grossly misinforming her, and risking not only her health but that of her baby.

The insanity just seems to get worse by the day, and Selecky's department continues to cover up its own fraud and record destruction to avoid exposing their attack on me for blowing the whistle on insurance fraud, medical record fabrication and extreme patient safety issues . The evidence is compelling.  One of the best pieces is their disregard for factual information they have on my 1977 application for license by endorsement. But this is for another story on another day.

I wrote about how vitamin C can be helpful to parents in this whooping cough situation because I care about public health, something I do not see from WA DOH.  That information is here. There is a legal requirement for any health provider to provide you with both sides of the story, something WA DOH has not done for decades, and probably so have other states and health providers.

While we hear about malaria vaccines and drugs failing Bill Gates continues to push this agenda.  We don't hear about the benefits of vitamin A for this or pneumonia.

While we hear now - at last - about the fraud in medical research -

Critics who deplore the commercialization of medical research have raised concerns about scientific fraud and misconduct that are undermining the integrity of the medical-scientific literature, and the practice of "evidence-based medicine"--- which relies on published journal reports. Recent analyses of retractions of published peer-reviewed journal reports provide supportive evidence for those critics.

Now we have the AMA reporting in its very own publication about the problem with immune suppression and fluoride.  And yes, the outcome is vaccine failure.

Looks like you might not need that extra shot after all.

And to be sure, for the Benton County(WA) Health Department head that did not reply to my correspondence to her, she should know that not all the information found on the internet is questionable.  Does she forget that FDA and CDC are on the internet too, just like the WA DOH.

Should we be trusting what they say?

From Natural Health News

Vaccine does not stop pneumonia