Showing posts with label health care. Show all posts
Showing posts with label health care. Show all posts

Medically Speaking

Every day I see or hear people hanging on every word spouted by people like Mike Adams, Joe Mercola, or Mehmet Oz and others.  I am glad that the masses have these talking heads who for the most part rely on ego more than fact as the push too much false data in to the revolving media door.  I suppose it is that old adage, you can fool some of the the people most of the time.  Generally we call this "controlled opposition".  What it does is overwhelm you with data that you somehow come to believe is true and you then come to rely on these sources that are doing nothing more than posting or talking about data without substance.

If you have no substance the little dab won't do ya when push comes to shove.

2014 is looming around the corner.  Big Insurance is salivating as it gets ready for one of the biggest corporate welfare flow of dollars into their coffers.  This is important because what comes out the the other side will more likely than not be little of what you need to hold on to your health.

At the same time the FDA is cranking out approvals for new pharmaceuticals.  One example is a new drug ready to help your insomnia.  Most common side effects already posted in mainstream media include inability to stay awake during the day, falling asleep while driving, and suicide.

I just wonder what the price tag will be and how many people post this and numerous other stories on social media sites without thinking through the entire equation.

Certainly part of the equation is the good natural remedies available to assist with insomnia, all without serious adverse effects.  Certainly none I know about ever have caused suicide.

Where I am going with this is to point out the important role you play in your own health.

At times it is tough because you get rolled in to an exam room and wait for a doctor to show up to let you explain why you don't feel well.  Instead of really listening to what you have to say and  what you need and want to say, you get rushed in and out, just like a drive through fast food place.

Your dear life really depends on your willingness and ability to speak up.  Medical errors kill hundreds of thousands of people every year and many of these come from a health care provider misdiagnosing your problem.

You absolutely need to become your own best advocate for your health.  You need to be not only proactive but interactive.  And if it means you have to get in someone's face to be heard, you need to learn how to do so and not be fearful of doing it.

If you don't understand something then ASK!  And make sure all your questions are answered.

Studies tell us that - on the average - a health care provider interrupts a patient every 10 seconds.  This means that you need to figure out just how you can explain what it is you are experiencing in this amount of time.  Stay focused so you get your point across.

If the health care provider can't come up with a diagnosis consider that today the most common diagnosis is "no diagnosis at all".  This is the main reason I began developing Health Forensics over 15 years ago.  Health Forensics is a very specific process that can target nutritional deficiencies and link them to the health problems you are experiencing.  I call it "Executive Medicine for the Common Man".

Remember the same thing I always tell my students: You are paying the bill and this health care professional is hired by you to provide you with great care.  Challenge them when you have to.

And remember, you are the best historian because you know your body better than anyone else.

Selections from Natural Health News

The patient is the best historian

Medical education is a form of brainwashing, not too different than educating future lawyers.  Most higher education is not far removed, because it is the major way, just as in the days of the Guilds, that a trade or profession was continued.  Keeping the education process in a narrow perspective fosters the culture in that field, and perpetuates the lack of growth and change, new ideas, or new approaches.

Wonderful Catmint

Now for my comment -
Mainstream articles sometimes irk me for various reasons.  One reason I find distressing is a "study" done by people who do not have a working knowledge of herbs.  They seem always to conclude that generally they do not work.

Media reports of the same study repeated until you are sick of hearing it also make it nothing more than a talking-head blabbering about what they are told to read during the news cast.

Vitamin E

I am once agin amazed at these studies that keep coming along telling you that if you take vitamins you will get very sick or worse.  I am not too sure this is the scientific method I learned in the years of science classes I took over many years of schooling.

I've been in health care since the early 1960s.  I started studying and using natural health in the mid 50s.  Over many years of education and work in this field I have yet to have come into contact with anyone harmed by vitamins.

On the Attack Against Dr Wright Again

Currently in the stifling bureaucratic environment of Washington State Jonathan Wright, MD is under attack again, this time from the Department of Health. The problem, as reported, seems to have to do more with an error on the part of the WA DOH bureaucrats that anything Dr. Wright did or did not do.

This is fairly typical for this department. Their current Secretary has been a party and state loyalist for decades. This agency will go to great lengths to protect the agency long before it will admit wrong doing and make any corrective changes. It is little different than Washington state's Department of Social and Health Services (DSHS) or other agency for that matter. In 1998 the then governor issued an executive order addressing the lack of proper investigative acumen in state agencies. Clearly WA DOH ignored this over the past decade and more.

Look at the recent attack on Phil Werschler, MD of Spokane.

Look back many years at the attack on Glenn Warner, MD of Seattle. He was a champion of the people, especially those with cancer, and years ahead of this time.

The Philosophy of Dr. Glenn A. Warner, M.D. (1919-2000)
"I learned many lessons during my years of practice, the most important being: * Cancer is a carcinogenic process within the body that can be reversed, * The healing process is entirely up to you, * Reversing the carcinogenic process and becoming a long term survivor requires you to take control of your life, make informed choices about treatment, and select the therapies best suited to your healing process."
THE PROCESS OF HEALING "Self empowerment is the key to a healthy life. Simply put, it means you must take charge of the things you do in your life in order to create and maintain the health you want. If you suffer a life threatening illness, you are fully capable of making the choices and changes necessary to help your body heal. It's up to you and you alone; no one else can do it for you. Healing and maintaining your health is your responsibility, not the doctor's. The doctors job is to help you buy time to heal." Use this time well and begin planning now what you want your life to be after you recover!
What do we know about cancer? The majority, if not all of us, live with cancer cells in our bodies all the time. Our immune system keeps these cells under control until events occur in our lives that prevent it from doing its job of keeping cancer cells at bay. The process of degeneration usually starts with a trauma to the body, mind or emotions. In my clinical practice I found it takes 10-15 years for cancer to develop to a stage where it becomes a problem for the individual. Toward the end of this period a key event or trigger in the individual's life will accelerate the cancer growth; usually one year prior to the development of the malignant stage.
What do we know about the immune system? * It's your body's primary cancer fighter, it can be strengthened. * Depression, fear, anxiety and stress suppress it. * Chemotherapy and radiation can destroy it. * Raw natural foods strengthen it. * Poor quality foods and malnutrition are the main causes of immune system deficiency (example: sugar can shut off the immune system and inactivates white blood cells for up to 24 hours after ingestion).
1-Take control Do not rush to treatment; it's no time to panic. - Learn everything about your disease - Understand how you heal from illness - Research all therapies available - Research treatment clinics and doctors - Research support groups Find a doctor to work with you (2-4 opinions) - Who has an immuno therapy background - Who will answer all your questions - Who communicates well - Who welcomes your input and offers hope - Who will give 5 referrals of 5 year survivors Explore your reasons and purpose to live - Ask questions about your life and future - Ask what lifestyle changes you must make
2-Build immune system Work with a physician and natural care practitioner Ensure high quality Nutrition - Juice raw vegetables and fruits - Eliminate sugar, alcohol, and caffeine - Eliminate red meat - Use high quality vitamins and minerals Detoxify your Body - Test for and eliminate toxins in the body - Replace dental amalgams and root canals - Keep blood pH levels alkaline Lose weight if overweight Eliminate Stress - Simplify your life - Eliminate negative environments/thoughts - Develop a positive attitude - Explore art, music, and meditation Exercise - At least 30 minutes a day, 5 days a week - 5-6 hours before bedtime Sleep a minimum of 8 "quality" hours nightly - Consult a sleep clinic if you have problems
3-Aggressive therapy Immuno Therapy Proven Safest-Most Effective Evaluate merits of chemotherapy and radiation - Can suppress or destroy your immune system - Reduces quality of life and longevity - Recovery can take years - Use fractional doses as a last resort Use minimal surgery to reduce/eliminate tumor Pursue your choice of therapy aggressively - Combination of treatments most effective - Choose a program that fits your beliefs - Believe in the program you choose Make body a hostile environment for disease - Totally eliminate stress; get plenty of rest - Juice, detox, exercise, and meditate Believe in your body's ability to heal itself - Learn to visualize your body as healthy - Explore and develop your spiritual nature - Believe in the power of prayer - Dedicate everything you do to wellness
4-Maintain health Maintain total control of your healing process Change your lifestyle to support your healing Ensure regular checkups and tests Continue learning about your disease Maintain a strong immune system Continue spiritual development Continue developing a positive attitude Avoid stress, resolve conflict, and meditate Maintain quality rest and sleep cycles Maintain a high quality nutritional program Maintain a detoxification program Continue daily exercise program Attend support group meetings Trust the healing process and "Live Life Well!"
WHAT CHOICES WILL YOU MAKE? If you are reading these words, you are looking for a way to better health and overcoming disease. Dr. Warner's approach to cancer therapy developed over 40 years of observing what he saw as the failure of conventional medical treatments (chemotherapy and radiation) to prolong life or provide quality of life. Surviving cancer and living life well is a process of: * Taking Control of Your Life * Building Your Immune System * Aggressive Therapy * Maintaining a Healthy Lifestyle
It's our birthright to live life free of disease. We come into this world with the physical blueprint to live 150 years. What we do to ourselves cuts this time in half and, for many, much more. Through lifestyle modification you, with a supportive physician, can reverse the carcinogenic process. It can be as simple as changing your diet or as complex as a combination of selective surgery, immunotherapy, diet and exercise. Your personal belief system will determine the choices you make. With knowledge and the right attitude you can make the choices necessary to improve your condition and live the healthy life you want.
Success however, is based on two fundamental questions you must answer: Are you willing to accept responsibility for your healing? Will you put into practice the choices you make in order to create a positive outcome?
 The information about Dr. Warner' Philosophy on Cancer Support and Wellness is taken from Brochure created by Rob Sandstrom.

Communication Key in Health Care

DURHAM, N.H., Dec. 22 (UPI) -- Efforts to increase physician-nurse communication and build teamwork help reduce surgery-related complications such as blood clots, U.S. researchers say.
Implementation of the Medical Team Training Program and Surgical Morbidity involved the surgical team taking a cue from aviation and having the surgical team use a checklist before surgery, as well as debriefings afterward, as pilots and co-pilots do.
The study, published in the journal Archives of Surgery, said the communication-boosting program resulted in 15 percent fewer complications such as blood clots and infections.
Yinong Young-Xu of EpiPatterns, a New Hampshire data analysis firm, and colleagues at the National Center for Patient Safety, Department of Veterans Affairs, White River Junction, Dartmouth Medical School, Baylor College of Medicine, Michael E. DeBakey VA Medical Center and the University of Michigan used data from the Veterans Health Administration Surgical Quality Improvement Program.
The analysis involved 119,383 sampled procedures from 74 Veterans Health Administration facilities that provide care to veterans.
© 2011 United Press International, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
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