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Wake Up Your Pancreas With String Beans

The Native American Remedy for Low Blood Sugar and Diabetes

By Gayle Eversole, DHom, PhD, MH, NP, ND

A project I have been working on for quite a few years, I guess going back as far as the early 1990s, is helping educate our people about preventing and assisting in the natural care of diabetes.

More than any other group of people American Indians are plagued with this dreadful disease.

When I was researching the educational program I designed when I was completing my doctoral coursework I found an interesting fact. Attributed mainly to Plains people, but not absent in tribes from other geographic areas in the Southwest and other regions, diabetes was considered somewhat of a survival mechanism.

Many traditional foods and locally found herbs have historically been helpful in the care and treatment of diabetes.

The last program I presented was at the Indian Health facility located in the Blackfeet Nation at Browning, Montana. As a gift I was given a book on the Ethnobotany of the Blackfoot Tribe. I refer to this book still today. It was a reference source while I was compiling a guide for diabetes based on natural care during The Longest Walk 3. The Diabetes Diary is that book.

A new project I am searching for support and funding is a nutrition program for Indian children to help them learn more about traditional food, traditional ways of preparing the food, and the nutrition behind the foods. If you would like to support this project, please donate here.

Now back to a bit of history.

The garden green bean we know as snap beans or string beans was a part of American Indian tribal cultivation when the Spanish and Portuguese arrived some 500 years or more ago. Along with the Jesuits the beans were taken to other parts of the world by these explorers. Today there may be more than 500 varieties of common beans.

For many years I was able to get bean pod tea and I sold it in the health store I had in Granite Falls, Washington. Then the bean pods became very hard to find so I discontinued the item even though I had many requests for it. I then provided people with information about growing their own beans and making their own tea.

These beans are full of healing nutrients. Fresh picked string beans have 41 mg of calcium, 42 mg of phosphorus, 1.14 mg of iron, 6 mg of sodium, 230 mg of potassium, 735 IU vitamin A, 40 mg folic acid (vitamin B9), 17.9 mg vitamin C, and 27 mg magnesium in one cupful.

Many of the old time natural healers used green beans in the care of people with diabetes (PWD). One of my teachers, Paavo Airola, ND, PhD, always emphasized the importance of string bean juice for anyone with diabetes. His clients drank it five times a day with their five small meals.

He believed in this because he knew of nothing that was more important in rejuvenation the spleen, liver and pancreas. His research proved that this juice stimulated the Islets of Langerhans in the pancreas.

In addition to diabetes, this wonder juice can help people with alcohol dependence, uremic poisoning, and drug addiction.

Using a juicer such as the Vita Mix or any other juicer you may have, add the whole beans after washing and draining. Any part of the plant is good so don't be too fussy. Add about half a cup of water and turn the juicer on.

You can mix in some beet powder, greens powder, or some carrot powder with your String Bean juice for additional therapeutic benefits.

More about Diabetes

More of my articles may be found at, Natural Health News, and

Better Heart Health with Proper Thyroid Testing

Reading this pleases me because I have for decades raised this issue with clients who are being improperly counseled by their health providers about critical health concerns. 

In one case the person's did not get her doctor's attention until the TSH   result was pushing 10. And not only had this been over the current high range of 3.0 for years, they kept pushing statin drugs because her cholesterol level kept going up and they ignored the patients requests for proper testing.

I see it getting worse as there is more exposure to fluoride in water, food, and drugs, but also with more exposure to electromagenetic fields, more microwaved food, and increased mobile use.

More ‘aggressive’ thyroid management may help reduce risk of heart disease

Thyroid Awareness  Listen to our thyroid discussion on BTR
A new issue of herbalYODA Says! with a focus on "Weighty Issues" was published on January 5.  Don't miss future issues: Subscribe today.  BTR session: Listen in the archives.

For many who have known and worked or studied with us over the many decades of our natural healing work, you'll be pleased to learn that "Lace Ventura" Health Detective is back, after a too-long hiatus.  Look into Regenerative Health Today!

Our very popular and successful "ASK" program: This service is for your inquiries.  People who want a bit of advice, or have a simple question or two, can submit their request through our "ASK" program. More in-depth programs include our Health Detective and Health Forensics programs.

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Veteran's Resources

Also of interest: AUM


Jul 03, 2010
Larry Frieders, the compounder, THYROID MADNESS DEFINITION: 1.Treating hypothyroid patients solely with T4-only meds (synthroid) 2.Dosing solely by the TSH and the total T4, or using the outdated "Thyroid Panel" 3.
Jul 22, 2008
NEW YORK (Reuters Health) Jul 21 - Environmental exposure to organochlorine compounds affects thyroid function in preschool children, according to a report from Spain in the July issue of Occupational and Environmental ...
Jun 13, 2009
"The thyroid, located in the neck, is a kind of master gland, secreting hormones that affect metabolism. Doctors usually check its activity by an indirect measure -- looking at levels of TSH, or thyroid stimulating hormone." ...
Mar 05, 2011
PURPOSE: In the present study we investigated the possible histopathological effects of pulse modulated Radiofrequency (RF) fields on the thyroid gland using light microscopy, electron microscopy and immunohistochemical ...

Hormone Disruption: Fluoride and Your Wireless Device

RE -

It shows that long term exposure (six years) to both cellphones and their base stations can alter human hormone profiles.

The most significant (which the authors describe as highly significant in the text) are their effects on the thyroid hormones, which show a marked reduction over this period. Although the authors do not say it (I suspect that they dare not if they want to get their work published) this would result in hypothyroidism, the most important symptoms of which are fatigue and obesity. 

WEEP reader comments:

If cellphone exposure is combined with a fluoridated water supply, the low thyroid outcome is even more likely.

See this history of the fluorine/iodine antagonism connection, and the use of fluorine-based drugs to treat overactive thyroid.

Please join the spreading campaign to remove fluoride (from toxic-waste source) out of drinking water.

'This water-based “wet scrubber” hydrofluorosilicic acid, containing the contaminants, is then taken out of the chimneys and stored in open-air cooling lakes, further exposed to airborne contaminants. Industry produces millions of gallons of this liquid hazardous waste. It costs thousands of dollars per ton to properly neutralize and dispose of hydrofluorosilicic acid, therefore, industry would rather just sell it to you as “product”.'

And then if you are exposed to mercury too... and then the EMF shuts down detox, well we have got to do something about the use of these toxic substances.  Martin Weatherall, WEEP.


Honey Selected for Health and Healing

Honey for Health and Healing

Organic Raw Honey - 17.6 oz. glass jar

As a highly respected and internationally renown expert in natural health I have been using, recommending and selling only the finest honey products for many decades.

I've always used raw honey and for the most part that raw honey is organic.

I've also put together a very in depth report about the medicinal uses of honey and been products built on information I have gathered since the mid 1950s. About that time my father, a skilled and highly respected physician and surgeon, began using bee stings to keep his hands and fingers limber for the complicated surgeries he performed.

I have always liked the dark honey such as that from buckwheat because of the high amounts of antioxidants it contains. I often suggest pollen if a person has no history of bee sting reactions. These busy workers are one of the main pollinators that we depend on for our food supply. They are also being decimated by the advent of cell phones, WIFI, and digital TV microwave towers. It is a reason I have written several articles about planting for bees.

In the early 1990s I came into contact with a fellow who was a magic bee keeper and honey producer. His honey was gathered in the Cascade foothills well away from pollution and EMF. He did not filter it either so it was a rich and amazing product. And highly sought after by makers of mead.

Sometime after that I found a honey product from Alaska that was also not filtered and the producer always sent me the pollen he collected when adding screens on the hives.

Then there was a raw, certified organic honey that crossed my path, that later became questionable as to source. Sometime later this honey became a product of South America, but the organic certification was now lacking.

Shortly after coming into contact with the great folks at Tropical Traditions and their Virgin Coconut Oil, I received a bottle of the certified organic raw and unfiltered honey from Canada.

In order for honey to be certified as organic the hives have to be located far from population and industrial centers where pollution will not affect the end product. Since bees have about a four mile flight area from their home hives this are has to be assured as clean too. Tropical Traditions sources its honey from hives in the wild frontier areas of Canada.

This honey is harvested during a limited six week period of time during the summer. It is not subjected to high heat in processing so it retains all of the beneficial nutrients and enzymes. The end result is an unfiltered, very smooth and creamy textured honey. You get all the benefits of the pollen too.

"This honey is GREAT! I really savor my heaping teaspoon from time to time."

The less intrusive filtering process provides for finely textured crystals in TT raw, organic honey, preserving all the natural health benefits honey offers. And as the purveyors of this fine honey say, “Truly raw honeys do not deteriorate with age, but like fine wines, continue to age and develop into more complex tastes.”

Try some, you will love the taste.

Selected from Natural Health News

Honey Adds Health Benefits

EPA Laxity Puts Bees at Risk