Spotted on the streets: One padlock is not enough....

....fixing the Proton Saga's boot is wayyyy more troublesome than installing this doubleproof security anti-theft system. Mister Bean would be doubly proud.

Lowongan Kerja Bank Syariah Bukopin - Fresh Graduate, D3/S1 Semua Jurusan - Agustus 2015

Info Loker Bank Agustus 2015 Bank Syariah BukopinBank Syariah Bukopin adalah lembaga keuangan yang berjenis Jasa Keuangan Perbankan. Sebagai salah satu bank nasional di Indonesia, sejarah Perseroan dimulai pada 1990 dengan meleburnya 2 (dua) bank pasar, yakni BPR Gunung Sindoro dan BPR Gunung Kendeng di Samarinda, Kalimantan Timur. Proses peleburan ini termaktub dalam Akta Nomor 102 tanggal 29 Juli 1990 dan Surat Keputusan Menteri Keuangan Nomor 1659/KMK.013/1990 tanggal 31 Desember 1990. Dengan peleburan ini, statusnya pun meningkat menjadi bank umum dengan nama PT Bank Swansarindo International. Berdasarkan Surat Keputusan Bank Indonesia Nomor 24/I/UPBD/PBD2/Smr tanggal 1 Mei 1991, PT Bank Swansarindo International memperoleh izin usaha sebagai bank umum dan pemindahan kantor pusat ke Jakarta.
Lowongan Kerja Agustus 2015 Bank Syariah Bukopin - Untuk mengembangkan  bisnis perusahaan, selama 2005-2008 PT Bank Bukopin,Tbk. terlibat dalam asistensi kegiatan operasional PT Bank Persyarikatan Indonesia. Tambahan modal juga diberikan PT Bank Bukopin, Tbk. untuk memperkuat bisnis PT Bank Persyarikatan Indonesia. Setelah beberapa tahun di bawah asistensi PT Bank Bukopin,Tbk. dan melihat peluang bisnis di perbankan syariah, PT Bank Persyarikatan Indonesia mengubah arah bisnisnya dari bank konvensional menjadi bank syariah. Izin usaha berdasarkan prinsip syariah pun diperoleh dari Bank Indonesia yang dituangkan dalam Surat Keputusan Gubernur Bank Indonesia Nomor 10/69/ KEP.GBI/DpG/2008 tanggal 27 Oktober 2008. Atas dasar surat keputusan tersebut, nama PT Bank Persyarikatan Indonesia berubah menjadi PT Bank Syariah Bukopin. Secara resmi Perseroan melakukan kegiatan operasional berdasarkan prinsip syariah pada Selasa, 11 Zulhijah 1430 H atau 9 Desember 2008.

Lowongan Kerja Bank Syariah Bukopin
Fresh Graduate, D3/S1 Semua Jurusan - Agustus 2015

PT Bank Syariah Bukopin memberikan kesempatan kepada putra-putri terbaik Indonesia dengan integritas serta komitmen tinggi untuk bergabung dan berkarir bersama kami dengan mengisi Lowongan Kerja Terbaru pada posisi sebagai berikut :

Teller Cabang Semarang (kode : Teller)

Kualifikasi pelamar :
  • Wanita
  • Pendidikan minimal  D III dari semua jurusan
  • IPK minimal 2,75
  • Belum menikah, Usia maksimal 25 tahun
  • Tinggi badan minimal 160 cm
  • Berpenampilan menarik
  • Penempatan Cabang Semarang

Account Officer (AO) Cabang Semarang (kode : AO)

Kualifikasi :Kualifikasi pelamar :
  • Pria
  • Pendidikan minimal  S1 dari semua jurusan, diutamakan jurusan akuntansi
  • IPK minimal 2,75
  • Usia maksimal 27 tahun
  • Penampilan menarik
  • Siap bekerja dengan target

Tata Cara Pengajuan Lamaran : 

Jika Anda memenuhi kualifikasi pakerjaan ini, segera kirim data diri Anda melalui e-mail : Dengan format subjek : KODE LAMARAN_NAMA
Contoh : Teller_Zulia atau AO_Wijanarko

Berkas lamaran lengkap dikirim atau diantar langsung ke :

PT. Bank Syariah Bukopin Cabang Semarang
UP. Sumber Daya Insani
Ruko gajah Mada Unit 5, Jl. Gajah Mada No. 97,  Semarang

Lamaran diterima paling lambat 31 Agustus 2015 (Cap Pos)
Tuliskan kode lamaran pada pojok kanan atas amplop

Informasi lebih lanjut, silakan lihat sumber resmi berikut ini :
Lowongan Kerja Terbaru Bank Syariah Bukopin

Lowongan Kerja PT Penjaminan Infrastruktur Indonesia (Persero) - D3/S1 Semua Jurusan - September 2015

Lowongan Kerja September 2015 PT Penjaminan Infrastruktur Indonesia (Persero) - PT Penjaminan Infrastruktur Indonesia (Persero), atau PII merupakan Badan Usaha Milik Negara (BUMN) didirikan sebagai respon Pemerintah Indonesia terhadap kebutuhan akan adanya penjaminan terhadap risiko politik yang melekat pada investasi di bidang infrastruktur. Melalui penjaminan tersebut, diharapkan akan mendorong keikutsertaan pihak swasta yang lebih luas dalam pembangunan infrastruktur khususnya melalui skema Kerjasama Pemerintah Swasta/KPS (Public Private Partnership, PPP).
Sebagai dasar pelaksanaan KPS, Pemerintah telah menerbitkan Peraturan Presiden Nomor 67/2005 tentang KPS dalam Penyediaan Infrastruktur, yang diubah dengan Perpres 13/2010. Perpres 13/2010 menyebutkan adanya dukungan kontinjen berupa Jaminan Pemerintah yang akan diberikan oleh Menteri Keuangan (Menkeu) kepada proyek KPS.
Info Loker September 2015 PT Penjaminan Infrastruktur Indonesia (Persero)Dukungan kontinjen atau jaminan tersebut diberikan Menkeu melalui suatu Badan Usaha Penjaminan Infrastruktur (BUPI). Untuk itu, PII yang merupakan BUPI dibentuk pada tanggal 30 Desember 2009 sebagai salah satu upaya Pemerintah mendukung percepatan pembangunan infrastruktur di Indonesia, melalui penyediaan jaminan yang dilakukan dengan proses yang akuntabel, transparan dan kredibel. Disamping itu, kehadiran PII sebagai BUPI diharapkan akan mendorong masuknya pendanaan dari swasta untuk sektor infrastruktur di Indonesia melalui peningkatan kelayakan kredit (creditworthiness) proyek KPS yang dapat berdampak pada penurunan cost of fund dari proyek-proyek infrastruktur.
PII bertindak sebagai Penjamin bagi sektor swasta atas berbagai risiko infrastruktur yang mungkin timbul sebagai akibat dari tindakan atau tidak adanya tindakan Pemerintah yang dapat menimbulkan kerugian finansial bagi proyek KPS infrastruktur, seperti keterlambatan pengurusan perijinan, lisensi, perubahan peraturan perundangan-undangan, ketiadaan penyesuaian tarif, kegagalan pengintegrasian jaringan/fasilitas dan risikorisiko lainnya yang ditanggung atau dialokasikan ke pemerintah dalam masing-masing kontrak KPS.

Lowongan Kerja PT Penjaminan Infrastruktur Indonesia (Persero)
D3/S1 Semua Jurusan - September 2015

PT Penjaminan Infrastruktur Indonesia (Persero) memberikan kesempatan kepada putra-putri terbaik Indonesia dengan integritas serta komitmen tinggi untuk bergabung dan berkarir bersama kami dengan mengisi Lowongan Kerja BUMN September 2015 pada posisi sebagai berikut :


Kualifikasi pelamar :
  • D3 / S1 dari Semua jurusan
  • maksimal 28 tahun
  • Mampu berbahasa inggris dan indonesia
  • Minimal pengalaman 1 tahun dibidang yang sama
  • Disiplin, percaya diri dan jujur
  • Kemampuan komunikasi dan interpersonal yang baik
  • Mampu untuk bekerja multitasking

Tata Cara Pengajuan Lamaran : 

Jika Anda memenuhi kualifikasi pakerjaan ini, silakan kirimkan lamaran Anda secara online melalui website Rekrutmen PT Penjaminan Infrastruktur Indonesia (Persero) via lamar Receptionist dengan klik APPLY NOW dibawah halaman.

Penerimaan dibuka sampai tanggal 23 September 2015

Informasi lebih lanjut, silakan lihat sumber resmi berikut ini :
Lowongan Kerja Terbaru PT Penjaminan Infrastruktur Indonesia (Persero)

Lowongan Kerja PT Indika Energy Tbk - S1 / S2 Berbagai Jurusan - Agustus 2015

Lowongan Kerja Agustus 2015 PT Indika Energy Tbk - Indika Grup merupakan sebuah perusahaan umum yang bergerak dalam bidang media, telekomunikasi, peralatan, rumah produksi, perusahaan rekaman, manajemen artis, bioskop dan pertambangan yang berpusat di Jakarta, Indonesia yang mulainya didirikan oleh Sudwikatmono pada tahun 1996.
Pada tahun 2008, Indika Energy telah dicatatkan pada Bursa Efek Indonesia (BEI) di tengah-tengah dorongan untuk secara konsisten mengembangkan dan memperluas ruang lingkup bisnis baik secara organik maupun melalui akuisisi tegas mencakup semua aspek sumber daya energi, jasa dan sektor infrastruktur, yang telah menjadi tiga pilar bisnis utamanya.
Info Loker Terbaru PT Indika Energy Tbk - Seiring waktu, Indika Energy telah berkembang menjadi perusahaan energi terintegrasi dengan kemampuan untuk mengekstrak berkelanjutan nilai yang semakin besar melalui memanfaatkan hubungan sinergis di semua operasi. Hubungan ini span dari eksplorasi, rekayasa, konstruksi, produksi, pengiriman dan transshipment untuk pelanggan domestik dan internasional untuk pemanfaatan batubara yang dihasilkan untuk pembangkit tenaga listrik.
Seiring dengan pendapatan dari sinergis cross-selling layanan kepada klien di kalangan bisnis Indika Energy, pengendalian biaya jangka panjang ditingkatkan dengan sinergi operasi terpadu menstabilkan pendapatan dan memfasilitasi arus kas sebagai layanan energi dan diversifikasi bisnis infrastruktur memberikan kontribusi lebih signifikan. Strategi portofolio bisnis produk dan layanan pelengkap untuk pelanggan domestik dan internasional merupakan kekuatan inti.

Lowongan Kerja PT Indika Energy Tbk
S1 / S2 Berbagai Jurusan - Agustus 2015

PT Indika Energy Tbk memberikan kesempatan kepada putra-putri terbaik Indonesia dengan integritas serta komitmen tinggi untuk bergabung dan berkarir bersama kami dengan mengisi Lowongan Kerja Terbaru pada posisi sebagai berikut : 

ERP Logistics Business Analyst

Kualifikasi pelamar :
  • Kandidat minimal Sarjana, jurusan Teknik Industri, Teknik Mesin, Teknik Pertambangan / Mineral, Teknik Petroleum / Oil / Gas, Ilmu Komputer / Teknologi Informasi atau setara
  • Setidaknya 3 tahun pengalaman kerja dalam mendukung SAP atau implementasi SAP
  • Memiliki pengalaman / terlibat dalam implementasi SAP minimal 1 siklus penuh atau roll out dari MM Module (termasuk Warehouse Management dan Logistics Execution) atau memiliki pengalaman di min. 1 tahun mendukung Modul MM (termasuk Warehouse Management dan Logistics Execution)
  • Memiliki pengetahuan yang baik dalam proyek TI siklus hidup / pengembangan siklus hidup, desain proses bisnis, perencanaan kapasitas, memecahkan masalah dan mengkonfigurasi aplikasi ERP - sebaiknya SAP atau manajemen bahan 
  • Diperlukan bahasa : Bahasa Inggris
  • Berpikir analitis yang kuat dan siap untuk bekerja beberapa tugas secara bersamaan
  • Berorientasi layanan orang dan pemain tim
  • Mau bekerja keras, disiplin, loyal, pro-aktif dan mampu bekerja secara individual maupun tim
  • Bersedia untuk melakukan perjalanan ke lokasi
  • Penuh waktu posisi yang tersedia

Accounting Officer

Kualifikasi pelamar :
  • Pria / Wanita max. 30 tahun
  • Sarjana (S1) Akuntansi atau setara dengan IPK min 3,00
  • Memiliki Pengalaman min 3 tahun sebagai Accounting
  • Sertifikat Brevet A / B / C adalah nilai lebih
  • Pemahaman yang baik tentang sistem keuangan dan akuntansi
  • Pengetahuan tentang software akuntansi operasi adalah suatu keharusan
  • Keterampilan pribadi yang baik dan kemampuan untuk berinteraksi dengan semua tingkatan organisasi
  • Keterampilan perencanaan dan koordinasi baik
  • Broadminded, kreatif, strategis dan berpikir analitis 

Accounting & Tax Officer

Kualifikasi pelamar :
  • Setidaknya gelar Sarjana, jurusan Perpajakan / Keuangan / Akuntansi / Perbankan atau setara
  • Setidaknya 1 tahun pengalaman bekerja di bidang terkait, diperlukan untuk posisi ini Lebih disukai Staff (non-management & non-supervisor) mengkhususkan diri di bidang Akuntansi, Audit / Perpajakan atau setara
  • Sertifikat Brevet A / B / C adalah keuntungan
  • Pemahaman yang baik tentang sistem keuangan dan akuntansi
  • Pengetahuan tentang software akuntansi operasi adalah suatu keharusan
  • Memiliki pengetahuan yang baik tentang dasar-dasar perpajakan yang berlaku di Indonesia
  • Mengetahui aturan pajak yang berlaku
  • Memahami dan menghargai e-SPT
  • Keterampilan pribadi yang baik dan kemampuan untuk berinteraksi dengan semua tingkatan organisasi
  • Komputer Menguasai (MS Word, Excel, Power point)
  • Fasih berbahasa Inggris baik lisan maupun tulisan

Tata Cara Pengajuan Lamaran : 

Jika Anda memenuhi kualifikasi pakerjaan ini, silakan kirimkan lamaran Anda secara online melalui website Rekrutmen PT Indika Energy Tbk via dengan klik APPLY JOB pada setiap posisi lowongan.

Penerimaan dibuka sampai tanggal 31 Agustus 2015 

Informasi lebih lanjut, silakan lihat sumber resmi berikut ini :
Lowongan Kerja Terbaru PT Indika Energy Tbk

Some Tuesday night ranting - Stupid People and the fact that I don't sell anything on this website!!!!!!!

I recently got a couple of e-mails that I consider as inappropriate and slightly strange. Most of you folks out there know that is a website that provides information, knowledge, opinions and reviews about all automotive related stuff. Some would also know that I test cars and write stuff for other automotive websites too (not so much anymore) but most of you can tell that I do not sell anything at all through the site. 

I mean is it stated anywhere that I am an agent or a dealer or a distributor of any automotive related product? Where? I have been managing my own website and the only things I can see that are promoting stuff are the ads on the website. Those ads do not even relate to the strange requests I get. Like this two below.

Name: Z**
Email: - (I have purposely hid it)
Comment: Dear admin Heico....

Interested in putting the front grill and the bottom grill (which is above the plate number)...for my XC90 (2008)..

Where can I get those thing (shop or contact number)

Thanks you for your time....

Answer to EMAIL #1

In email #1 I have somehow become administrator of Heico. The company that does aftermarket performance parts for Volvo cars tuner HEICO. Did I state anywhere in my site that I personally know people from Heico? No. Then why did the person ask me? Personally I think the 2008 XC90 that he wants to mod should be kept stock as he may need the money to go to school or college or some refresher course in rational thinking. You do not make someone who runs a motoring website as administrator of Heico in an instant. That person needs to spend his money not on a grille but on logical thinking classes. Nowhere on my website says that I am with Heico or associated with Heico or sell Heico parts. Wouldn't it be simpler to just GOOGLE Heico Volvo and get their contact details? Just because I once or twice reviewed Heico Volvo and it came up while you were searching online it does not mean I am associated with the company lah dei!!!!! Read and understand. Is that so hard?

Here is a link to Heico just in case someone as blur as the poster of that email wants it -


Dear Sir / Madam,

Please quote us your best price for the following items before 25/08/2015 at 03.00PM  :

2. ITEM :Battery, Lead Acid, Hitachi #N200, 12V/200AH
QUANTITY : 10 each 

Please state of the following:
     1. Price Validity
     2. Price Term
     3. Delivery Period
     4. Payment Terms
     5. Estimate Weight and Packing Size
Your urgent reply is much appreciated
Thank you and best regards.

Yours Faithfully,

L******y M*****g
Sales Operation Clerk

Reply to email #2
Hello? I remember writing about HITACHI AUTOMOTIVE BATTERIES. No where in the article did it state I sell the batteries lahhhhhh!!!!!!!! 

These two examples above are the tip of the iceberg. I have received many more. I have come to the conclusion that there are some Malaysians (and some from Mars or elsewhere) that they cannot understand reviews and news or the fact that it is NOT STATED ANYWHERE in the website that I sell stuff. Why are these people so dense? Why is it so hard to search for hitachi automotive batteries on Google???? Or if the person read the article published on motoring-malaysia they would have found out who the distributors of the product are and GOOGLEd them instead - Let me give a clue - Borneo Technical Co (M) Sdn Bhd (Borneo Technical).

Read. Read and understand before asking. Is that so bloody hard? Sales Operation Clerk. Haiyoh. If I had employees like this they wouldn't be my employees for long. 

Sorry folks. Had to let out some steam. The thought of so many people who are actually just like the chap who supposedly has a CGPA of 3.85 is getting to me.


Volkswagen Malaysia celebrates the 40th anniversary of the Volkswagen Polo

Mr Armin Keller with Vincent Paul Yong

Aside from launching the Volkswagen Polo Club edition last week Volkswagen Malaysia threw a photo exhibition, a fashion show and a dance party all at once. I attended the event last friday. Only for a short while before little ol' me decided to call it a night. I suddenly felt all forty three years of my life even though the party brought me back to my twenties.  The heart was willing, but the body was dead tired (after three launch/events from morning till after the sun had set). 

Anyway, Volkswagen Group Malaysia celebrated 40 years of Polo by collaborating with local photographer Vincent Paul Yong Photography, better known as VPYP. Vincent brings alive this classic car’s exciting personality through a Polo exhibit where he coated the car in chrome and showcased a photo series featuring DJ duo LapSap and illustrations by Cloakwork.

The exhibition launch at APW on 21 August included Pearly Wong’s SS16 fashion show and LapSap taking on the decks.

Volkswagen celebrates 40 years of the Polo
Ms Martina Berg, Mr Armin Keller, and Mr Robert McAllister
(21 August 2015) The Volkswagen Polo is German engineering at its best in a fun sized package and this year it’s celebrating its 40th birthday.  This hatchback made its first appearance in 1975 and has since gained a legion of fans.
Currently in its fifth generation, the Polo hatchback is one of the brand’s top-selling passenger cars around the world and in 2014, Malaysia introduced the locally assembled Polo making it more affordable and accessible. Mr Armin Keller, Managing Director of Volkswagen Group Malaysia commented “To date, the status of the Polo in Malaysia is unmatched. With over 13,000 units sold it is no wonder that this practical, yet fun car has captured the hearts of Malaysians. It’s agile but solid performance results in a drive best suited for KL’s busy roads as well as long highways. “
In Malaysia, the Volkswagen team decided to celebrate this milestone by collaborating with established fashion lifestyle photographer Vincent Paul Yong Photography (VPYP) to produce a photo series that showcases the driving fun with the car.  
Self-taught photographer Vincent has brought the Polo to live with a photo-story highlighting a day in the life of DJ duo LAPSAP and includes illustrations by graffiti artist Cloakwork. This exciting collaboration emphasizes the spirit of the colourful spirit of the Polo. The images were revealed at an launch event at APW titled WYSIWYG- What You See Is What You Get.
The VPYP photo exhibition featuring the Polo will be on showcase from 21 to 30 August 2015 for the public to view.

In conjunction with the Polo’s 40th anniversary, Volkswagen Malaysia is pleased to announce the introduction of the Polo Club that will feature a multimedia head unit with navigation and window tint. The Polo Club will be available at RM88,888 and the Polo Sedan Club at RM89,888 while stocks last.  


Truck News: Volvo Trucks 2015 Malaysian Fuelwatch Challenge winner announced

Mats Nilsson, Managing Director of Volvo Malaysia flagging off the Final round of the Volvo Fuelwatch Challenge 2015 in Shah Alam on 22 August 2015

Volvo Trucks (Volvo), which operates under Volvo Malaysia, has proudly revealed the Malaysian winner of its Fuelwatch Challenge 2015 at a Gala Dinner held at the Dorsett Grand Subang last Saturday. Volvo Trucks’ annual Fuelwatch Challenge was held as a training and competition for truck drivers and it offers the participants tons of skill knowledge and information, equipping truckers with the ability to churn out the best fuel consumption possible for their vehicles. This is achieved through a process that encompasses a comprehensive approach and setting the right ergonomics between man and machine for maximum output, with minimum fuel that leads to the best vehicle productivity and increased awareness on safety. i.e fast is not always efficient, too slow is also not efficient but a certain sweet spot. 

The top three winners of Volvo Fuelwatch Challenge 2015.

The qualifying round of roadshows across various cities and towns in Malaysia kicked off earlier in April. At the recent Finals, the title winner Mr Nor Rahmat Bin Abd Talib, from Prifaria Sdn Bhd, Prai, defeated 17 other semi-finalists who were all vying to become Malaysia’s most fuel-efficient truck driver. As the national champion, Mr Nor Rahmat Bin Abd Talib is set to represent Malaysia in the competition’s APAC Finals – set to take place in Hua Hin, Thailand from 15th to 18th September 2015 where he will be competing against winners from Australia, New Zealand, Thailand, Indonesia, Korea and Singapore among others.

Guest-of-honour at the gala dinner last saturday was Encik Mohd Yusop bin Mohamad, Assistant Director of Automotive Engineering Division, Road Transport Department (JPJ), Malaysia Ministry of Transport (MOT). He commended the company on the success of its annual Fuelwatch Challenge and its wide reach among Malaysian truck drivers and was also glad to see private companies like Volvo Trucks seriously taking the initiative and responsibility to help improve the situation for industry, environment and communities by contributing to fuel efficient and safe driving behaviour. 

The guest at the dinner was entertained by games before the dinner began with arm wrestling contests and other games. Previous winners from 2013 and 2014 were present and gave tips and pointers to those that competed this year. I personally enjoyed being in the presence of the people that ply our roads and highways. These are good people. Hard working people that are the backbone of the transport industry and therefore, our economy.

Volvo Trucks continues to champion fuel efficiency and safety; reveals 2015 Fuelwatch Challenge winner

Mr Nor Rahmat Bin Abd Talib, truck driver for Prifaria Sdn Bhd in Prai to represent Malaysia in
Fuelwatch Asia Finals 2015 in Thailand

(From left) Mr. Law Ah Tiong, Vice President, Aftermarket, Volvo Malaysia; 2nd place winner En. Merzuki Bin Jusoh from Prifaria Sdn Bhd in Terengganu; Dato’ Tn. Hj Wan Ahmad Azmi bin Wan Daud, Managing Director, Prifaria Sdn Bhd; 1st place winner En. Nor Rahmat Bin Abd Talib from Prifaria Sdn Bhd in Prai; 3rd place winner En. Md Idwan Shah Parais Abdullah from Kota Mas Oil Sdn Bhd in Kota Kinabalu; En. Rusman Bin Japalus, Managing Director, Kota Mas Oil Sdn Bhd; and Guest-of-honor En. Mohd Yusop Bin Mohamad, Assistant Director of Automotive Engineering Division, Road Transport Department (JPJ), Malaysia Ministry of Transport.

Shah Alam, 24 August (Monday) 2015 - In its continuous quest to advocate fuel efficiency and road safety among truck drivers who are the life blood of the economy, Volvo Trucks (Volvo), which operates under Volvo Malaysia, has proudly revealed the Malaysian winner of its Fuelwatch Challenge 2015 at a Gala Dinner held at the Dorsett Grand Subang last Saturday.

Volvo Trucks’ annual Fuelwatch Challenge was held as a training and competition for truck drivers and it offers a treasure trove of skills and information, equipping truckers with the ability to churn out the best fuel consumption possible for their vehicles. This is achieved through a process that encompasses a comprehensive approach and setting the right ergonomics between man and machine for maximum output, with minimum fuel that leads to the best vehicle productivity and increased awareness on safety.

The qualifying round of roadshows across various cities and towns in Malaysia kicked off earlier in April. Today at the Finals, the title winner Mr Nor Rahmat Bin Abd Talib, from Prifaria Sdn Bhd, Prai, defeated 17 other semi-finalists who were all vying to become Malaysia’s most fuel-efficient truck driver.

The sixth instalment of this annual competition, this year’s challenge saw an overwhelming participation of over 1,000 drivers – an increase from last year’s participation of 800 drivers.

Recording the highest overall accumulated score based on theoretical tests during the preliminary rounds, Mr Nor Rahmat Bin Abd Talib was one of the 18 truck drivers to push through to the semi-finals and finals – where contestants needed to battle it out in a real time driving challenge covering a 45km distance. During the real time fuel efficiency test, Mr Nor Rahmat Bin Abd Talib achieved the lowest fuel consumption, clocking 2.83 kilometres with just one litre of fuel while carrying a load of 20 tonne in the Volvo FM 440 with i-shift technology.

Close behind were Mr Merzuki Bin Jusoh from Prifaria Sdn Bhd, Terengganu and Mr Md Idwan Shah Parais Abdullah from Kota Mas Oil Sdn Bhd, Kota Kinabalu who won the second and third places respectively. Mr Merzuki Bin Jusoh achieved 2.77 kilometres per one litre of fuel and Mr Md Idwan Shah Parais Abdullah achieved 2.56 kilometres per one litre of fuel. They won themselves RM3,000 BSN voucher (second place) and RM2,000 BSN voucher (third place), and a Fuelwatch trophy each.

As the national champion, Mr Nor Rahmat Bin Abd Talib is set to represent Malaysia in the competition’s APAC Finals – set to take place in Hua Hin, Thailand from 15th to 18th September 2015 where he will be competing against winners from Australia, New Zealand, Thailand, Indonesia, Korea and Singapore among others.

“Winning this challenge has been both a pleasant surprise and a thrill for me. I have been practicing on driving fuel-efficiently during my daily driving routine and today, it all paid off”, said Mr Nor Rahmat Bin Abd Talib.

He added, “It will be nerve-wrecking yet incredibly exciting to be contending with other national winners; but I am confident that if I do my best, I will hopefully be able to make Malaysia proud.”

When asked if he has any advice for other drivers and future contestants, he said that practice and commitment are vital to achieving the desired results.

“Our job requires us to be on the road roughly 8 hours a day, almost every day. While we are responsible for transporting and delivering our loads in a safe and timely fashion, we also need to ensure that we apply fuel-efficient driving techniques into our daily driving. This helps us not only reduce environmental footprints, but additionally helps us to conserve fuel – which contributes to reducing business costs. For those who have not participated in the Fuelwatch Challenge, I urge you to do so because it is a great training platform to teach drivers on safe and fuel-efficiency driving as well as empower them that the role they play makes a difference in society,” said Mr Nor Rahmat Bin Abd Talib.

The competition also goes beyond driving skills that saves fuel and increase environmental awareness as it also condones proper management, vehicle optimisation, performance monitoring, safety measures, and maintenance of the truck prior to usage. Not only will it contribute significantly to fuel efficiency on the road, it would also reduce the risk of a breakdown and more importantly, ensure the safety of the trucker.

“Quality, Safety, and Environmental Care have been our guiding principles since our inception in 1969. While we integrate these core values into our products, we strive to ensure that the end-users of our products – in this case, the drivers – also exhibit these very fundamental values in their everyday driving. We want our drivers to be of top-notch quality, who observes safe driving, and to drive and operate in the most fuel-efficient manner. These are makings of a good, responsible, and committed driver; and another point of this annual competition is to drive these values into our drivers,” said Mats Nilsson, Managing Director of Volvo Malaysia.

“Truck drivers are the backbone of the economy and as a leading truck manufacturer globally and in Malaysia, Volvo seeks to continue inspiring this change in drivers’ behaviour. We hope that our message, through our annual Fuelwatch Challenge, will continue to resonate with all Malaysian drivers, fleet operators and relevant authorities,” Nilsson said.

“On a related note, we truly welcome the Government’s recent announcement to introduce Euro 5 in a bid to have cleaner fuels on Malaysian roads, as well as the support already expressed by several petroleum companies. This is a positive move by the government to preserve the environment, it corresponds so closely with Volvo’s environmental care core value and we fully support it,” added Nilsson.

Guest-of-honour at the dinner, Encik Mohd Yusop bin Mohamad, Assistant Director of Automotive Engineering Division, Road Transport Department (JPJ), Malaysia Ministry of Transport (MOT), once again lent his support to Volvo and commended the company on the success of its annual Fuelwatch Challenge and its wide reach among Malaysian truck drivers.

“One of the key challenges for the transportation and logistics industry today is the rise in fuel costs. And overall, threats to the environment posed by excessive carbon emission is another issue we are grappling with these days. As such, on behalf of JPJ, I am glad to see private companies like Volvo Trucks seriously taking a responsibility to help improve the situation for industry, environment and communities by contributing to fuel efficient and safe driving behaviour,” said Encik Mohd Yusop.

He further added, “I would also like to take this opportunity to congratulate the winner of this year’s Fuelwatch Challenge who will also take on the role of Fuelwatch Ambassador 2016. I wish him the very best for the Asia Finals in Thailand in September. Do make Malaysia proud!”
