Better Heart Health with Proper Thyroid Testing

Reading this pleases me because I have for decades raised this issue with clients who are being improperly counseled by their health providers about critical health concerns. 

In one case the person's did not get her doctor's attention until the TSH   result was pushing 10. And not only had this been over the current high range of 3.0 for years, they kept pushing statin drugs because her cholesterol level kept going up and they ignored the patients requests for proper testing.

I see it getting worse as there is more exposure to fluoride in water, food, and drugs, but also with more exposure to electromagenetic fields, more microwaved food, and increased mobile use.

More ‘aggressive’ thyroid management may help reduce risk of heart disease

Thyroid Awareness  Listen to our thyroid discussion on BTR
A new issue of herbalYODA Says! with a focus on "Weighty Issues" was published on January 5.  Don't miss future issues: Subscribe today.  BTR session: Listen in the archives.

For many who have known and worked or studied with us over the many decades of our natural healing work, you'll be pleased to learn that "Lace Ventura" Health Detective is back, after a too-long hiatus.  Look into Regenerative Health Today!

Our very popular and successful "ASK" program: This service is for your inquiries.  People who want a bit of advice, or have a simple question or two, can submit their request through our "ASK" program. More in-depth programs include our Health Detective and Health Forensics programs.

Receive your copy of our Rejuvenation Cleanse FREE with any donation to Creating Health Institute (CHI).  Your donations are critically needed and very welcome.  They also help keep this blog alive.

Veteran's Resources

Also of interest: AUM


Jul 03, 2010
Larry Frieders, the compounder, THYROID MADNESS DEFINITION: 1.Treating hypothyroid patients solely with T4-only meds (synthroid) 2.Dosing solely by the TSH and the total T4, or using the outdated "Thyroid Panel" 3.
Jul 22, 2008
NEW YORK (Reuters Health) Jul 21 - Environmental exposure to organochlorine compounds affects thyroid function in preschool children, according to a report from Spain in the July issue of Occupational and Environmental ...
Jun 13, 2009
"The thyroid, located in the neck, is a kind of master gland, secreting hormones that affect metabolism. Doctors usually check its activity by an indirect measure -- looking at levels of TSH, or thyroid stimulating hormone." ...
Mar 05, 2011
PURPOSE: In the present study we investigated the possible histopathological effects of pulse modulated Radiofrequency (RF) fields on the thyroid gland using light microscopy, electron microscopy and immunohistochemical ...

Heart disease: Low Priority

Not too many days ago I wrote an article for my column on Health & Politics at Sinclair News.  I had been waiting for the results of Andrew Breitbart's autopsy because an earlier commenter claimed that no one dies at age 43 from heart disease.

Certainly this is well known to be untrue.

Drugs cause problems, and now it seems that my concern over lack of training in the last decade or so for doctors and specialists has found support.

You can learn a lot more about prevention from material posted on my website to help you and perhaps some of these doctors in training learn more about this most important sector of health care.

The 2012 edition of my 2005 book, Blood Pressure Care Naturally, is now available.  This little book, the first in my Road To Health Natural Care Series, has been useful to hundreds, patients and providers alike.

One of the key areas is the section on vitamins and minerals.  This point is more pronounced today coming from a new scientific study on magnesium proving it work for hypertension.  These reports always encourage me because I know that at least some one is side stepping the propaganda you read all the time in mainstream media about how you must not take vitamins and minerals or other supplements.  And yes, even AARP promotes this non sense too.

The real proof is that when you become your own best health advocate you will be healthier and you will be better able to question that authority with MD or DO or NP etc following their name.
Tue, Apr 24 2012  Prevention a low priority in heart docs' training
By Kerry Grens
NEW YORK (Reuters Health) - A new survey of training programs for future cardiologists suggests that only a fraction are getting the minimum level of education in heart disease prevention that professional guidelines recommend.
"Prevention and management of risk factors (for heart disease) is not an emphasized -- and almost neglected -- portion of the curriculum," said Dr. Quinn Pack, the lead author of the study. "We don't know how it affects (doctors') knowledge."
To become a cardiologist, physicians who have trained in internal medicine go through a cardiology fellowship lasting several years.
In 2008, leading organizations including the American College of Cardiology Foundation (ACCF), American Heart Association and American College of Physicians published recommendations that cardiologists in training get at least a month's worth of experience in settings devoted to prevention.
These could include clinics specializing in cardiac rehabilitation after a heart attack, diabetes treatment, weight loss, smoking cessation and other related topics.
Accreditation criteria for graduate medical training programs also require cardiology fellows to have training and experience in prevention-related issues.
Pack, who is a preventive cardiology fellow at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota, said he had noticed that some of the fellowship programs where he had applied seemed to emphasize prevention more than others.
To find out whether the fellowships are adhering to the training guidelines, Pack and his colleagues sent a survey to the directors and chief fellows of about 200 programs.
Less than a third responded, and among those who did, 24 percent of their programs met the guidelines for training in prevention.
Another 24 percent had no part of the curriculum formally dedicated to prevention.
While some prevention topics -- such as the use of heart medications -- were nearly always part of a formal lecture to fellows, other topics were overlooked.
The doctors who responded to the survey reported that nutrition, obesity, smoking cessation and managing chronic diseases each earned a place in a formal lecture less than half the time.
Dr. Roger Blumenthal, a professor at Johns Hopkins University who chaired the task force that wrote the ACCF training guidelines, said it was "very disappointing" that only a quarter of the programs set aside time in their fellowships for a rotation in prevention.
"What we would hope is that they're applying the basic preventive cardiology principles for the rest of their cardiology time," he told Reuters Health.
Pack said that in general the training recommendations have more of an emphasis on diagnosis and the management of acute heart conditions, and that fellows end up spending more time learning how to read stress tests and insert stents, for example.
Not only are these skills more technical than, say, helping people quit smoking, they can also earn doctors more money, Pack said.
"There tends to be more focus on the reimbursable procedures," Pack told Reuters Health, "as opposed to the things that, in my opinion, make a real difference to patients -- the medications, the diet, the smoking cessation and lifestyle changes."
Pack's study did not measure whether doctors whose fellowships followed the training recommendations were more knowledgeable in prevention than doctors who didn't get a dedicated prevention rotation.
The survey respondents often said that a lack of time to devote to prevention training was the biggest obstacle to meeting the guidelines.
Another problem was a lack of faculty members with expertise in prevention. Twenty fellowship programs had no faculty who specialized in the subject.
Blumenthal said the lesson learned from Pack's study is that program directors need to make sure their fellows properly understand all the fine points of prevention in cardiology.
Pack said getting prevention experts on staff and reconfiguring the fellowship program to include time for prevention could help programs meet the training recommendations.
"There's time," he said. "It's just given to other priorities."
SOURCE: The American Journal of Cardiology, online April 4, 2012.


Feb 03, 2012
Preventing heart disease requires much more than simply screening for high cholesterol in the blood. "Although this approach has been useful, it fails to identify almost one-half of the 1.3 million individuals who develop MI ...
Sep 13, 2011
A group of people with heart failure was studied to see how well they responded to COQ10 and other antioxidants. Patients had a 40% or lower ejection rate and had been diagnosed for at least six months. Daily dose of ...
Apr 19, 2010
People who drank more than one diet soda each day developed the same risks for heart disease as those who downed sugary regular soda, a large but inconclusive study found. The results surprised the researchers who ...
Feb 02, 2011
Cordless Phones, like WIFI, Boost Heart Risk. Cordless Phone EMFs Trigger Heart Rhythm Abnormalities. By Erik Goldman / Editor in Chief - Vol. 11, No. 4. Winter, 2010. The controversy continues over the possibility that ...

Give it up for Earth Day and Your Health

April 22, 2012 - Earth Day: A day without wireless

Wireless devices damage the environment in many different ways.

Wireless devices are energy hogs. For instance, it takes three times as much energy to make a simple phone call on a cellphone compared to a landline ( Wireless internet access requires far more energy than fiber optic internet access. Fiber optic internet access to the premises is the state-of-the-art gold standard in broadband. Used with hardwired modems, it is the most energy efficient, highest speed, highest capacity, and most reliable option for broadband. Furthermore, it is safe and secure.
Use of energy-wasting wireless devices, therefore, accelerates the environmental damage caused by mountaintop removal coal mining (, tar sands oil extraction (, and fracking ( because of their higher demand for electricity production.
As if this were not bad enough, the pulsed modulated microwave radiation utilized by wireless devices to communicate interferes with the navigational abilities of bees, birds, bats, and a variety of other creatures ( One study linked nest proximity to cell phone antennas to significantly poorer reproductive success for white storks, including incomplete nest construction, absence of chicks, and increased chick death ( Laboratory studies show it causes various developmental abnormalities and decreases fertility, suggesting other species likely experience decreased reproductive success (
It’s not just the rest of the planet that regrets the human love affair with wireless. Many humans are experiencing health problems from exposure to the pulsed modulated microwave radiation utilized by cellphones, WiFi, baby monitors, and utility smart meters (a.k.a. AMR or transmitting meters) etc.
Many humans experience dizziness, heart arrhythmias, headaches, poor sleep, low energy, inability to concentrate, short-term memory problems, facial flushing and skin rash when exposed to radiation from wireless devices ( . These are just a few of the symptoms of radiofrequency sickness ( Radiofrequency sickness develops when people are over-exposed to radiofrequency radiation, which includes the pulsed modulated microwave radiation inherent in wireless devices.
Exposure to radiofrequency radiation has also been linked to an increased risk for cancer, including lymphoma, leukemia, brain tumor (cellphones), melanoma, parotid gland tumors, and breast cancer ( In fact, in spite of incredible industry pressure, the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) of the World Health Organization (WHO) recently classified radiofrequency radiation as a class 2B possible human carcinogen ( Had the IARC panel been allowed to consider all the evidence, Dr. Franz Adlkofer, former executive director of the VERUM Foundation for Behavior and Environment stated that, “the classification likely would have changed from ‘possibly’ carcinogenic to ‘probably.’”, in an October 2011 presentation at the Harvard Law School (
The use of wireless devices has increased markedly in recent years and so have the resultant radiation exposures. The pulsed modulated microwave signal utilized by wireless devices is extremely biologically active, intrinsically unnatural, and not regulated to prevent biological effects ( These ubiquitous consumer devices have never been safety tested for animals or humans and no post-market surveillance is in place.
Show respect for the Earth. Take Earth Day to turn off your wireless devices to save energy and out of consideration for animals, plants, and fellow humans.

Additional information at:

Nutrients for AntiAging

Life Extension provides this article about a nutrient mix of 30 ingredients proven in studies to have effective anti aging and overall health benefits.

Ginger root extract, ginseng, and the mineral selenium meet the criteria in all five categories: Oxidant stress, Inflammation, Mitochondrial function, Insulin resistance, and Membrane integrity.  

This article appears in the May 2012 issue.


Vaccines: The Number Keeps Mounting


Aloe Vera, A Natural Beauty Gel

Keep your skin smooth, healthy and glowing with a remarkable natural beauty gel. Everyday your skin goes under attack from sun, wind and environmental toxins. Using this gel and products made from it, protects your skin and heals past damage. Packed with vitamins, anti-oxidants, amino acids and minerals, it nourishes, protects and heals face and body. In fact, it is a natural cure for the skin, as well as offering major beauty benefits.

Aloe vera works wonders oan dry skin by smoothing out rough areas and nourishing the skin cells. It naturally contains high levels of vitamin E. Vitamin E works on the skin surface to smooth out the appearance of fine lines, age spots, and scars for smoother, younger looking skin. Vitamin C, also found in high quantities in the gel of this plant, is a free radical fighting anti-oxidant that improves collagen production in the skin. Collagen is a structural protein that breaks down over time. By building up collagen levels, vitamin C helps plump up skin cells.

Amino acids work externally on the skin adding collagen-building proteins. The amino acid proteins smooth and protect moisture levels in the skin by bonding with the skin cells. Aloe vera has 18 different amino acids that improve the skin when used in topical applications.

Age spots and discoloration of skin pigment is an inevitable part of the aging process as your skin undergoes damage from free radials and UV radiation. This natural beauty gel naturally lightens dark areas on the skin.

You can also treat puffy eyes with aloe vera gel. In the morning, eyes can look puffy and swollen. Rub some of the gel around your eyes first thing. It's natural anti-inflammatory properties get to work right away so you look fresh and awake when you head out the door.

It also heals damaged skin. Studies show that small wounds and cracks heal better when treated with it. Compounds in aloe vera fight fungal and bacterial infections while stimulating the healing process and encouraging the skin to rebuild in the damaged areas. And, as a natural anesthetic, it reduces pain at all stages in the healing process.

Keep healthy skin glowing and repair damaged skin with a daily application of aloe vera. Face cream and toner that contain it make it easy to add this natural healing gel to your daily skin care routine. Or use aloe gel straight from the plant. The leaves come packed with clear gel. Simply break off a stalk and squeeze the gel into your hands. That's why I like to keep an aloe vera plant close at hand.

You can learn more about organic moisturizers, facial toners and other natural ways to create beautiful skin at my GaelleOrganic web site.

Steps to Become a Natural Beauty

Stores and catalogs are full of cosmetic products that promise a natural look. Instead of spending money on makeup and hair color that are designed to appear as if they aren't being used, try just not using them and be a real natural beauty. Read on to learn how to become a natural beauty.

Step 1:Skip the hair color. The natural color of your hair may not be an exciting red or blonde, but it was chosen by your genes the same way your skin tone and eye color were. It's probably the best color for you. Instead of spending money coloring your hair, buy a good shampoo and conditioner that will gently cleanse your hair and keep it healthy.

Step 2:Get a flattering but easy to maintain hairstyle. If you have to spend a lot of time blow-drying, curling, straightening and applying mousse to your hair, it's a sure bet that you won't look good first thing in the morning or late at night. It would be much easier to roll out of bed, run a brush through your hair and go. Keep it trimmed and it will always look great.

Step 3:Wear moisturizer and sunscreen. You don't need an expensive product that will remove the natural oils from your face and another one to add moisture. Instead, gently exfoliate your face and body every day, then apply any inexpensive moisturizer. Add sunscreen to skin that isn't covered by clothing before leaving the house.

Step 4:Throw out your makeup. At first, you'll think you look washed out and splotchy, but soon you'll see that healthy skin provides its own color for your cheeks, lips and eyelids.

Step 5:Apply lip balm to protect your lips from drying out while letting the natural color show through. Most lip balms add a little shine as well.

Step 6:Let your nails go naked. Trim them to a reasonable length and keep them moisturized and clean. A little filing and buffing will give you a natural French manicure without base, polish, top coat and quick-dry. Wear gloves for gardening and housework to keep from damaging your nails.

Step 7:Use tweezers sparingly. Instead of forcing your eyebrows into an unnatural shape, just pluck the stray hairs under and between the brows. A few strokes with an eyebrow brush or your finger is all you'll need.

Step 8:Find a subtle, natural scent. Lavender and vanilla are good choices for scents that seem to be a part of you rather than something you applied. You may even be able to simply use a scented fabric softener. Wear the same scent always, and people will be reminded of you whenever they detect it--even if you're not there.

Step 9:Look after your feet. Scrub your heels to get rid of the hard, dry skin and keep your toenails trimmed.

Step 10:Wear the same jewelry every day. Plain studs in your ears, a ring that has sentimental value or a locket is all you need to complete your look. By choosing a couple of items that mean something to you, you can avoid searching for the right accessories to every outfit.

Switzerland the Home of Scenic Natural Beauty

The country of Switzerland is the most sought after tourist destination of the world. The snow capped mountains, the rolling green hills, emerald lakes, rivers, churches, glossy cities, Chateaus and chocolate factories compels travellers to visit Switzerland again and again. The landlocked country of Switzerland is located in the Western Europe and is bordered by Italy in the south, Germany in the north, France in the west, Liechtenstein and Austria in the east. Be it a simple getaway from the hustles and bustles of a metro city or a romantic holiday, Switzerland surprises its visitors with is eloquent charm.

Switzerland is no doubt a traveller's paradise. The picturesque landscapes, diverse culture, open hearted people and scenic beauty of the place are an image directly transferred from the fairy tale. There are many places in Switzerland which you cannot miss during your visit. The rivers and the mountains add a spice to visit. Some of the Switzerland famous places are Bern the capital and the ancient city, Chur one of the oldest city, Zurich the economic centre, Geneva the cultural city, the industrial city of Basil, Neuchatel the yellow city, Grindelwald and Brig the snow destinations.

While travelling a Switzerland tourist map is a must. A map displays the places to visit, hotels, restaurants, geography which are all essential for an error free travel.

Switzerland considered a replica of heaven on Earth is bestowed with many mesmerizing place of tourist interest. Some of the places to see in Switzerland are:

The Jungfrau Region: Situated in the southwestern part of Switzerland, the Jungfrau Regions is located on the footsteps of three mountain summits known as the Jungfrau, Eiger and the Monch. This Alpine wonderland is full of green valley and lush meadows which is feast for the eyes. Attractions in the regions are the Aletsch Glacier, Schilthorn, Kleine Scheidegg and paragliding.

Montreux: smallest government division located in the emerald Lake Geneva on the foot hills of Alps Mountain. The castles, vineyards and jazz music are the hallmark of the town. Chateau se Chillon, Cornice Lauaux Vineyards, Golden Pass Line, Swiss Chocolate Train and Lakeside Promenade Fleuri are the major attractions of Montreux.

Zernez: the Swiss National Park in Zernez is the first attractions. The National Park is home to a variety of wildlife such as marmots, large red deer, ibexes, and chamois. The breathtaking view of the rolling hills, rivers and wild species leaves you spellbound. The Swiss National Park granted the World Heritage Biosphere Reservation in Switzerland.

St. Moritz: With peasant summer and chilly winter the place is visited by numerous tourists throughout the year. The town was first discovered by the Celts. The frozen lake, unending miles of ski trails and snow capped peaks makes St Moritz a must see place in Switzerland. Muottas Muragl, Diavolezza, Engadine, Mount Corvatsch and Segantini Musuem are listed as the top rated thing to do in Moritz.

The Rhine Falls: The Rhine Fall is the largest waterfall in Europe situated near the town of Schaffhausen. The Rhine Falls was believed to be formed during the ice age. The view of the Schuss Laufen castle is amazing. On the 1st of august, the National day of Switzerland, there is a fantastic display of fireworks which attracts numerous tourists to the Rhine Falls.

Come and breathe fresh bucket of air in the country synonyms with undefined beauty and take back memories lasting for a lifetime.

Stive writes about various beautiful tours and travel destinations of the world. He is providing valuable information on Switzerland Tour Package and Switzerland Tourism etc. For more information visit to

Honey Masks Can Bring Out Natural Beauty

I really like honey in my tea, on cereal and in cooking. I never even thought that honey would be good for my skin, but I have been looking for organic skin products and thought that maybe honey would work. It turns out that it is very good for the skin because it is a natural antibacterial and also is an antiseptic. Who knew? From my cooking I know that it contains amino acids and enzymes and that also has to be good for the skin. Wow, I also found that it naturally cures acne!

I found that it cures the acne because it cleans the skin and because of the antibacterial properties it keeps anything from growing on the skin. Antioxidants in honey seem also to protect from the sun, so hooray, it is a sun block too!

So I guess I really don't need all those potions and lotions with all the stuff we can't even pronounce when there are the natural anti-aging properties in the honey that is right in my own kitchen. And I can even make my own honey mask to cure the acne and dark spots. What a deal.

Making Honey Masks

In order to make a honey mask, you have to mix it with something. Why use not something else from the kitchen like lemon, milk, oatmeal or anything else that might be good for the skin and for almost nothing, especially compared to the products in the stores.

Try these on for size:

• Combine some raw honey with a few drops of lavender and put on the skin for about 15 minutes

• For sensitive skin: a little bit (a tablespoon) of raw honey, half banana, ¼ cup cooked oatmeal with milk and egg to form a paste

• For acne: 2 tablespoons honey, 2 tablespoons milk, 1 tablespoon yogurt, a lemon and water for form a paste and leave on until it dries

• Another for acne: honey and a few drops of tea tree oil

• A tablespoon aloe vera and honey and leave on for 10 minutes for redness, inflammation and itchy skin (be sure this is made fresh every day)

Your friends are bound to notice the change if you use any of these honey masks because your skin will be suppler, smoother, moisturized and clear.

Creating Honey Masks

Make them fresh each day and use organic if possible. Filter the honey to get rid of the dust and pollen that could harm instead of help your skin. If you have sensitive skin, be sure to test first. You don't want to break out when you are trying to clear your skin.

Honey masks are really sticky and messy, but don't let that turn you off because they are so great for the skin.

But, do you really have the time to prepare fresh honey masks every day? They won't be part of everyone's daily beauty ritual, but if you make the effort you will have soft, acne free, supple and younger looking skin! Might be worth the mess and time, don't you think?

Barbee Heiny is a business woman who has been looking for natural skin care products and when not finding many, has researched creating her own from simple kitchen products. Check out her website at: Organic Skin Care Recipes, where she provides articles on Organic Skin Care, including 5-Basic-Kitchen-Ingredients-to-Make-Recipes-for-Face-Masks, A Great Face Mask Recipe for 5 Common Skin Problems, and much more.

Natural Skin Care Products for Natural Beauty and Radiant Skin

As our environment is becoming more toxic so is proper skin care becoming increasingly more important. Our surrounding environment comprises of increased UV radiation and pollutants, which expose our skin to a range of harmful chemicals daily. The last thing your skin needs is skin care creams and lotions that are filled with toxic and synthetic chemicals. Most brands of skin care product ingredients contain potentially harmful and synthetic chemicals of which some are carcinogenic. Making use of organic or natural beauty products will reduce the chances of chemical load and will help you maintain a flawless complexion. There are several advantages using organic and natural beauty products for your overall health and skin.

Products containing natural ingredients contain no toxic or harmful chemicals, no artificial colorants or fragrances and have not been tested on animals, and making use of any of the natural skin care products you have less chance of developing allergic reactions. Natural skin care ingredients are easily absorbed by your skin, contain natural nutrients and contain essential oils, herbs and other natural ingredients to promote the healthy skin. Certified organic ingredients are used and are 100% natural. To ensure effectiveness, quality and freshness most natural and organic beauty products are handmade under experienced medical herbalists and pharmacists. These natural products are also environmental friendly and when you purchase these products directly from the manufacturer you will save money. The average person sprays, rubs and suds a host of different beauty products on their skin daily, and we absorb these chemicals we expose ourselves to as the skin is like a sponge as opposed to being a barrier. The FDA and cosmetic companies claim that these chemicals are safe; however, many are in minute doses. Take into consideration that we all bath daily, spray perfumes and apply lipstick, creams to our skins daily which begins to add up over time. No one really knows how these chemicals combinations react in our bodies or affect us over a long period of time. For example phthalates is hormone disruptor that causes infertility, birth defects and other, and this is used in all artificial fragrances.

Almost all of the skin care and cosmetic ingredients have not been properly evaluated for safety by the FDA according to the Environmental Working Group. There have been no reports of anyone dropping dead after using a beauty product but these toxic chemicals have known side effects that can cause allergic reactions, skin rashes, birth defects, cancer and other side effects. The European Union has already banned more than 1,110 cosmetic product ingredients and 10 are banned in the USA. Steer you shopping cart clear of synthetic and toxic products for you skin.

Claude Bernard has big experience as an author on the topic like natural skin care products. He contributes his knowledge on natural skin care treatment and beauty products. On demand of web publication he writes content for health and beauty in extra.

Sulfur for Health

Sulphur, or in the US 'sulfur', is a basic mineral necessary for healing.  I am pleased to be able to offer my clients and readers an excellent organic form of sulfur.  It is the one I use.  I also can offer an excellent quality product for balneotherapy.

Sulfur is very interesting in the way it works and how it benefits your health. And it is great for pain, inflammation, and anti aging.

I have many clients with diabetes using it and they have found that their blood sugar levels are coming down.

Use sulfur (organic MSM) to help prevent glycation of your cells, allowing insulin to carry glucose.   You may have trouble losing weight even though you have been working out because Sugar molecules cross link with collagen to make your cell walls THICK.  This acts to block the hormone insulin from carrying in glucose you need to FUEL your cells and give you ENERGY!
Take  sulfur twice a day in water to help unglycate your cells! Biologically active sulfur (unlike most MSM sold today) will make your cell membranes more permeable so insulin can carry in the glucose and oxygen (O2) can flood into the cell. Your mitochondria start producing energy once they have enough oxygen. (When cells produce energy in an anaerobic environment, one by product is LACTIC ACID which makes you feel sore!)
Sulfur is a great way to get O2 into the cells. ATP is energy for the cells, but you need O2 to produce it! 
When insulin can't bring in the glucose that you need you gain fat and most often belly fat.  In America the Obesity/ Diabetes epidemic is out of control!
Stop eating sugar and fast acting carbs! Start monitoring your blood sugar,  Use supplements such as chromium polynicotinate and l-glutamine to lower blood sugar levels and stop carb cravings. (Ask us more about this).
Start eating good fats.... that will help convert your body from a glucose burner to a ketone burner and you will start burning your own body fat if you do, and thats GOOD!Good fats include cultured butter, olive and coconut oil. Eating healthy fat doesn't make you fat.  Eating carbs and too much protein (which breaks down into glucose) does. Eat lots of green leafy vegetable and cut out bread, crackers, cookies, ice cream, cake, and beer.Kettlebells make a great exercise proggram that doesn't take more than 10 minutes a day. Walking, cycling, swimming and gardening are also good forms of exercise. Sulfur will help you avoid lactic acid buildup causing pain, and it will help you by making more oxygen available to your sells. (Lactic acid is generated when cells produce energy in an anaerobic environment.)


 the road to new health.

About Sulfur -

Sulfur is a naturally occurring mineral that is found mostly near hot springs and volcanic craters. It has a distinct "rotten egg" smell, caused by sulfur dioxide gas escaping into the air. As a supplement, sulfur is available in two forms: dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) and methylsulfonylmethane (MSM). About 15% of DMSO breaks down into MSM in the body. Both have been touted as treatments for pain.

MSM and DMSO are commonly used in veterinary medicine.

MSM occurs naturally in some plants, such as horsetail; fruits and vegetables; some grains; and milk. MSM is important in joint health and helps form connective tissue -- cartilage, tendons, and ligaments. It may also slow the nerve impulses that transmit pain signals, reducing pain.

DMSO is a chemical byproduct of papermaking and is used as an industrial solvent, as well as for medicine. The Food and Drug Administration has approved DMSO for intravesical use. That means it is instilled in the bladder by a doctor to treat interstitial cystitis. DMSO is also used in creams and taken by mouth for pain and other conditions. Unlike MSM, DMSO is absorbed through the skin.

Never use industrial-grade DMSO as a supplement, because it may contain dangerous impurities. 

You should talk to your doctor before either taking DMSO internally or applying it to your skin.
People also apply sulfur products to the skin to treat acne and other skin conditions.
Mud baths containing sulfur, often called balneotherapy, can help treat skin disorders and arthritis. Balneotherapy is one of the oldest forms of pain relief for people with arthritis. The term "balneo" comes from the Latin word for bath and means soaking in thermal or mineral waters. Some people claim these baths are useful for allergies and respiratory problems.

There are more than 1 million scienece based articles about MSM.
Skin DisordersSulfur baths, and other forms of sulfur applied to the skin, seem to help treat psoriasis, eczema, dandruff, folliculitis (infected hair follicles), warts, and pityriasis versicolor, a long-lasting skin disorder characterized by patches of skin that are a different color from the usual skin tone.
  • Balneotherapy --
  •  Well-designed studies, most conducted in Israel, suggest that balneotherapy can help treat several different kinds of arthritis, including osteoarthritis (OA), rheumatoid arthritis (RA), and psoriatic arthritis. People who took sulfur baths and other spa therapies improved strength, had less morning stiffness, had better walking ability, and less inflammation, swelling, and pain in joints, particularly in the neck and back. Mud packs and Dead Sea salts dissolved in a regular bath tub also improved symptoms of arthritis, but not as effectively as soaking in the Dead Sea itself.
  • MSM --
  •  MSM is a popular supplement for treating the pain of arthritis, including both OA and RA. But there is not much scientific evidence that it works. One preliminary study suggested that 6,000 mg of MSM did improve pain and function without side effects in people with OA of the knee. Some preparations combine MSM with glucosamine to treat OA. One study suggests that approach might help, but more research is needed to be sure.
  • DMSO --
  •  Several studies suggest that DMSO creams may reduce pain and swelling in people with RA and OA, but not all studies agree. Some find that DMSO is no better than placebo. More research is needed.
Allergic Rhinitis (Hay Fever)One preliminary study showed found that taking 2,600 mg of MSM per day for 30 days reduced symptoms of seasonal allergies. But more and larger studies are needed to see whether there is any real effect.
ShinglesTopical DMSO has been proposed as a treatment to relieve pain and inflammation of shingles (herpes zoster). Some evidence suggests it may reduce the number of lesions and lower inflammation, but more studies are needed.
Interstitial CystitisAlthough research is limited, the FDA has approved DMSO to treat interstitial cystitis, a chronic bladder inflammation that causes frequent and nighttime urination, as well as pain. When DMSO is used to treat interstitial cystitis, a doctor inserts a liquid solution of DMSO directly into the bladder. General anesthesia may be needed because the procedure can be painful and may cause bladder spasms.
AmyloidosisSeveral case reports suggest that DMSO, applied in creams or taken by mouth, may help treat amyloidosis, a condition where protein builds up in the body's organs and damages them. However, because the condition is rare, there are no scientific studies about DMSO and amyloidosis. Take DMSO, or apply it in creams, only with your doctor's supervision.
Dietary Sources:
MSM is found in protein-rich foods such as eggs, meat, poultry, fish, and legumes. Other good sources include garlic, onions, Brussels sprouts, asparagus, kale, and wheat germ.
Available Forms:
Sulfur supplements are available in two main forms: dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) and methylsulfonylmethane (MSM).
Healthy people who eat a well-balanced diet don' t usually need extra sulfur. People who follow a vegan diet, however, may be at risk for sulfur deficiency.
Ointments, creams, lotions, and dusting powders containing sulfur are available to treat skin rashes. Natural sulfur baths -- the kind usually found at hot springs -- may help ease pain associated with arthritis.
How to Take It:
PediatricDon' t give sulfur to a child.
AdultThere is no recommended dietary allowance for sulfur. Most people get all they need from their diet.
  • Arthritis: Studies have used a dose by mouth of 500 - 3,000 mg MSM per day; or topical doses of a cream or gel with 25% DMSO applied 1 - 3 times per day
  • Hayfever: One study used 2,600 mg per day.
  • Amyloidosis: Case reports have used a dose by mouth of 7 - 15 g DMSO per day; or, topical doses of 50 - 100% DMSO applied 2 times per week.
Because of the potential for side effects and interactions with medications, you should take dietary supplements only under the supervision of a knowledgeable health care provider.
Researchers believe MSM is safe. However, you should talk to your doctor before taking large doses of this or any other supplement.
Do not take DMSO internally except under your doctor's supervision. Side effects of taking DMSO internally include headache, dizziness, drowsiness, nausea and vomiting, diarrhea, or constipation. Used topically, DMSO can cause skin irritation.
If you have diabetes, asthma or liver, kidney or heart conditions, do not use DMSO. Never take industrial-grade DMSO.
DMSO should not be used by pregnant or breastfeeding women.
Possible Interactions:
There are no reports to suggest that MSM interacts with any conventional medications. The only indication I have found is possibly with warfarin or other blood thinning medicine.
However, DMSO may interact with a number of other medications. Talk to your doctor before using DMSO.
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The Beauty Benefits Of A Healthy Diet

A healthy diet consists of good eating habits and highly nutritious foods. Studies have shown that eating healthy can boost the immune system and protect the body from developing problems such as heart disease, skeletal conditions, obesity, cancer, and diabetes. Eating the proper foods not only benefits your health, but also increases your natural beauty by improving your hair, skin, and nails.

If you want to keep your body looking great, then the first thing that you should do is drink plenty of water. Drinking water keeps your skin hydrated and helps it to look healthy and radiant. You should aim to drink approximately eight tall glasses of water each day.

Green tea is also good for your body. Drinking green tea every day benefits the overall appearance of your skin, due to the fact that this type of tea contains anti-inflammatory properties called polyphenols. You should try to drink at least a cup of green tea each day for optimal health and beauty perks.

Foods that contain vitamin A help to keep your skin soft. These foods include yellow vegetables, carrots, spinach, milk, and cheese. Foods with vitamin C provide your skin with strength and elasticity. Vitamin C-enriched foods include broccoli, strawberries, pineapple, tomatoes, and cabbage. Vitamin D, also found in many foods, helps to improve your skin's overall texture and can also help to prevent wrinkles. This vitamin is included in foods such as avocados, peanuts, olives, asparagus, and dark green leafy vegetables.

Foods containing biotin help to strengthen the nails and hair cells. These foods include eggs, nuts, meat, and oatmeal. Niacin, found in meat, pork, poultry, and fish, helps to moisturize dry and flaky skin. Whole-grain products, seafood, eggs, and meat contain selenium, which also promotes healthy skin. Zinc-enriched foods assist in controlling oil production in the skin and reducing acne. These foods include meat, seafood, eggs, and poultry. Foods that contain essential fatty acids, such as salmon, sardines, canola oil, and walnuts, help to lubricate the skin.

Other foods that encourage natural health and beauty are oysters, which contain zinc and can strengthen hair, sweet potatoes, which are rich in vitamin A and good for the skin and eyes, and almonds, which have been shown to reduce the risk of gray hair.

By understanding the benefits of the foods that you put into your body, you can do your best to lead a happy and healthy life while looking your best in the process.

Strive to follow a healthy diet as often as possible, and your natural beauty will reach its maxilum potential. If you are aiming to lose weight while eating healthy foods, use tools such as the bmi calculator to help you meet your goal.

Health and Beauty

Organic beauty products

Much like organic food, organic beauty products should be made with ingredients that are certified organic, cosmetics and skin care products can be certified through the same processes used for food and the best way to know that you are getting an organic skin care product is to look for the USDA organic seal which means that the product has met the standards of the National Organic Program, the seal can legally be used on products labeled "100% organic" which means what it says or "organic" at least 95% organic products. Products labeled "made with organic ingredients" cannot carry the seal, but they must have at least 70% organic ingredients.

Organic is defined as follows: Organic food is produced without using most conventional pesticides, fertilizers made with synthetic ingredients or sewage sludge, bioengineering, or ionizing radiation so before a product can be labeled 'organic,' a government-approved certifier inspects the farm where the food is grown to make sure the farmer is following all the rules necessary to meet USDA organic standards. What this means for organic skin products is that the farms that make a product's raw ingredients must use organic farming practices, in addition, the product itself must be produced in a way that keeps the ingredients organic, generally, this means that no chemicals are added during the manufacturing process.

Here are some popular organic beauty products you could lay your hand on:

Jason red elements - Jason products are well known in the organic sector, their new line "Red Elements" is infused with not green, but red tea and both the cleanser and toner have shown promise. Nature's gate organics forget your line wrinkles diffuser - Helps relax facial muscles to decrease the appearance of fine lines.

Zia oat milk detoxifying mask - Best for soothing sensitive or irritated skin, perfect for anyone with problem or sensitive skin and ideal for those with rosacea or eczema as well. Avalons organic renewal and vitality facial cleansing gel - Fine for normal to dry skin, but it also helps soothe sensitive skin too, the mild formula is fine for daily use.

Silky underwear - An innovative product by LUSH made with cocoa butter, jasmine, and cornstarch, it is a perfect body powder for the hot summer months when moisturizer is too much.

Burt's Bees head to toe starter kit - Experience a tidbit of everything Burt's Bees has to offer with this kit full of sampler size products, it works well as a gift or as a travel kit for yourself.

L'Occitane shea butter - This is one of the most famous products by L'Occitane, nonetheless, they offer a wide range of quality products for your skin including a new Grape Body Care line.

Kiss my face moisture shave in lavender and shea butter - Moisturizer for dry skin and great for warding of razor burn or infections from razor cuts.

Kiss my face shampoo - Kiss my face is not only organic, but also affordable, lots of types to choose from, all kinds of conditioners and different hair needs addressed.

Burt's Bees shampoo - Both the shampoo and Burt's Bees conditioners combat different issues from dull hair to color treated hair, they work and smell great and aren't too expensive.

Smooth skin

Smooth skin is achieved when proper care is taken of the skin, for the face, normal skin - A mild facial scrub helps keep skin soft and smooth; try Aveeno Skin Brightening Daily Scrub with moisture-rich soy. Acne-prone skin, wash your face with a beta-hydroxy-acid cleanser that penetrates pores, removing dirt and oil like Biore Blemish Fighting Cleanser. Skin with fine lines - Alpha-hydroxy acids digest the cement that keeps dead skin cells attached to one another and makes lines more visible; try Peter Thomas Roth AHA/BHA Face & Body Polish.

Sensitive skin Products containing lactic acid are gentle exfoliators; opt for Chanel Maximum Radiance Delicate Exfoliator. For your body, normal skin - because body skin is thicker than facial skin, rough exfoliant like salt scrubs and crushed natural ingredients like nuts are most effective; try Bath & Body Works True Blue Spa There is the Rub Salt Scrub or Les Elixirs Sweet Orange Exfoliating Cream. Rough skin - Use AHA body products on rough areas like elbows, knees and feet; use Estee Lauder Body Smoother Exfoliating Crème. Sensitive skin - Body exfoliators with jojoba beads are gentle; Murad Exfoliating Body Cleansing Gel also includes chamomile and calendula, both anti-irritants. If you have flesh-colored bumps, up to 40 percent of adults suffer from keratosis pilaris, tiny bumps on the upper outer arms and thighs, the condition is genetically inherited and caused when the skin's top layers don't slough off normally, the hair follicles are elevated above the surrounding skin, resulting in a dead-skin-cell backlog.

Over-the-counter remedy Dermatologist Bruce Katz, M.D., director of the JUVA Skin & Laser Center in New York City, recommends using moisturizers with skin-exfoliating AHAs, try BeneFit Wonderbod, it will help make the surface less rough. For ingrown hairs, that is, people with dark wiry body hair are more prone to these often-painful bumps that frequently appear after waxing or shaving, when growing hair is blocked by dead skin cells or curls at the skin's surface so the tip re-enters the follicle, the follicle and surrounding skin can become infected, causing the bump. Over-the-counter remedy Aida Thibiant, owner of Thibiant Beverly Hills Day Spa in California advises clients to use an exfoliating product and loofah on the area, it takes longer on the arms and butt, she says, but it will make ingrown hairs disappear.

Also apply products with pore-de-clogging salicylic acid to the area daily; try Neutrogena Men Skin Clearing Astringent After Shave. And if you have warts - warts are caused by a viral infection that gives rise to a growth, it is a common problem and they are easy to contract, particularly in places you walk barefoot, like a yoga center or locker room, warts can be contagious both to other people and to you, they can spread to other areas of your body. Over-the-counter remedy "Covering a wart with a bandage stops the possibility of it spreading, Drugstore treatments like DuoFilm are good options for warts on hands and feet, but for more sensitive areas like the face, visit a dermatologist.

Clear skin tips

Maintaining a clear skin is not as difficult and expensive as people make it to look and sound, there are some little tips to make your skin appear clear and beautiful in no time, first of all, if your skin is not clean it can never be clear, wash your face in the morning when you wake up, and again before bedtime, always use an antibacterial facial soap, there are many good products on the market these days, priced to suit any income, do not wash your face more than two times every day, over-cleansing can dry out your skin, which can cause your pores to produce more oil.

Use your fingertips or a washcloth, avoid scrubbing your skin as this also can cause your pores to over-produce oil. Always use an SPF facial moisturizer after you wash your face even if your skin is very oily, you should use a moisturizer as it helps achieve balance and even out skin tone, but make sure your moisturizer is oil-free, or non-comedogenic so it will not clog your pores and make sure any make-up you use is non-comedogenic. Also avoid getting hair products like hairspray or gel on your skin; try not to touch your skin with your hands during the day because oil and germs from your fingers can cause pimples.

And the final tip and most important tip for clear skin is - DO NOT squeeze pimples! Yes, it is tempting but squeezing a pimple will only make it get worse and take longer to clear and it bruises the skin, causes scarring, and can spread bacteria, causing more pimples. These simple, easy to follow tips will help you see clear, beautiful skin, sooner than you ever thought was possible. Daily use of sunscreen will help prevent irregular pigmentation from occurring; also tretinon-applied daily for many months will treat irregular pigmentation. To keep facial lines from setting in around your mouth, over-exaggerate smiling, and then gnash your teeth together. Repeat each motion 24 times.

To prevent a wrinkled neck, sweep your hands up under your chin and down again. Repeat 12 times. Rosewater can also be used as a home treatment, rosewater is filled with vitamin B, E, and k, and it is a good cleansing astringent as it wipes away gently the dirt and oil while nourishing the skin. You can also try moisturizing with natural emollient coconut oil, this exfoliates the outer layer of a dead skin while protecting it and moisturizing it and making it firmer, smoother and stronger, lastly a mixture of milk and honey, milk has lactic acid which is a natural exfoliant filled with vitamins and softener which helps in peeling the top layer of the skin while honey is a natural antibacterial and antiseptic agent that can help cleanse and shrink the pores while clearing it. Do not use moisturizers that contain mineral oils and other natural ingredients that have oil in it, as this will clog your pores the more so the general rule is to make sure the product is oil free for people with oily skin and vice versa for people with dry skin.

Acne skin

Acne is a skin condition that causes spots; most people affected by acne are aged between 12 and 25, however, men and women in their 30s and 40s can also suffer from acne, there are many treatments available to help deal with the condition. To maintain a clear acne skin, here are some tips to take note of: clean your skin gently - if you have acne, you should gently wash your face with a mild cleanser, once in the morning and once in the evening, as well as after heavy exercise, wash your face from under the jaw to the hairline and be sure to thoroughly rinse your skin, note that using strong soaps or rough scrub pads is not helpful and can actually make the problem worse, astringents are also not recommended unless the skin is very oily and then they should be used only on oily spots.

Avoid frequent handling of the skin - avoid rubbing and touching skin lesions, squeezing, pinching or picking blemishes can lead to the development of scars or dark blotches. Shave skin carefully - men who shave and who have acne should test both electric and safety razors to see which is more comfortable, when using a safety razor, make sure the blade is sharp and soften your beard thoroughly with soap and water before applying shaving cream, shave gently and only when necessary to reduce the risk of nicking blemishes. Avoid a sunburn or a suntan - many of the medicines used to cure a pimples can make you more prone to sunburn, a sunburn that reddens the skin or suntan that darkens the skin may make blemishes less visible and make the skin feel drier but these benefits are only temporary and there are known risks of excessive sun exposure, such as more rapid skin aging and a risk of developing skin cancer.

And lastly don't ever forget to choose your cosmetics carefully - while undergoing acne treatment you may need to change some of the cosmetics you use, all cosmetics, such as foundation, blush, eye shadow, moisturizers, and hair-care products should be oil free, choose products labeled non-comedogenic "meaning they do not promote the formation of closed pores", in some people, however, even these products may make acne worse. There are a vast variety of clear skin tips or ways to clear up acne, but not all are effective. Acne soaps and cleansers are the most important products but people ignore its importance. Although soaps and cleaners are common, they eliminate root causes of acne breakouts.

Smooth acne skin can be achieved when proper care is taken of the skin, for the face, a mild facial scrub helps keep skin soft and smooth; try Aveeno Skin Brightening Daily Scrub with moisture-rich soy and if your skin type is acne-prone, wash your face with a beta-hydroxy-acid cleanser that penetrates pores, removing dirt and oil like Biore Blemish Fighting Cleanser. When you follow all these steps including eating a healthy diet, you are well on your way to maintaining your acne skin and reducing blemishes.

Michael Brown

Top 12 Toxic Beauty Ingredients

The top 12 toxic beauty ingredients that are linked to breast cancer, heart disease, birth defects, memory loss, depression and more. These are just a few of the conditions that have been linked to "The Top 12 Toxic Beauty Products Ingredients," a list of the worst toxic and cancer-causing ingredients commonly found in skin care products and cosmetics. Several years ago severe health issues struck the former Ms. America Susan Jeske, who worked more than 20 years in the beauty, cosmetic and personal care products industry. Due to those health issues, led her to a holistic doctor who urged her to stop using the synthetic and toxic chemicals on her skin that were making her sick. Her health issues went away after just two weeks of using natural and organic products. She started studying everything about cosmetics and skin care and what she found disturbed her and is on a mission to educate the public about the dangers.

These toxic ingredients are "non-natural" and damaging to people's health. This list is the latest in several ongoing movements by groups such as the Campaign for Safe Cosmetics to ask the Food and Drug Administration to regulate chemicals used in the cosmetic industry.

Take a break and grab one of your favorite beauty care product and read the ingredients list, if one or more of these toxic ingredients are listed, be very cautious of what you may be doing to your health and your skin, dump what's toxic and replace them with natural beauty products. Please note that this list is in no way complete as there are many other dangerous and toxic ingredients being placed in many big brands out there. All of the toxins listed below are linked to many more health issues than what I've included here. Know what they are and always read the labels on beauty products before you purchase them! There's a world of wonderful, all-natural beauty products that are available to everyone. Amepha's Organic™ offers all natural and organic skin care products that is free of parabens, chemicals, synthetic ingredients and preservatives. Once you start digging into the natural alternatives, you won't miss the toxic cosmetics at all! Most of all, you'll be using products that don't contain any of the following:

Benzoyl Peroxide: Frequently used in acne products, the MSDS states: "Facilitates action of known carcinogens.... Possible tumor promoter. May act as mutagen; produces DNA damage in human and other mammalian cells in some concentrations. Also, toxic by inhalation. May be harmful if swallowed and in contact with skin. Eye, skin and respiratory irritant."

DEA (Diethanolamine), MEA (Monoethanolamine), & TEA (Triethanolamine): This foam booster is a skin/eye irritant and causes contact dermatitis. Easily absorbed through skin to accumulate in body organs, even the brain. Repeated use resulted in major increases of liver and kidney cancer.

Dioxin: Won't appear on an ingredient list. Often contained in antibacterial ingredients like triclosan, emulsifiers, PEGs and ethoxylated cleansers like Sodium Laureth Sulfate. Dioxin causes cancer, reduced immunity, nervous system disorders, miscarriages and birth deformity. It's a hormone-disrupting chemical with toxic effects measured in the parts per trillion-one drop in 300 Olympic-size swimming pools! Our bodies have no defense against its damage. Most visible example was Yushchenko, the Ukrainian President, who suffered from dioxin poisoning and looked old overnight.

DMDM Hydantoin & Urea (Imidazolidinyl): Just two of many preservatives that often release formaldehyde which may cause joint pain, cancer, skin reactions, allergies, depression, headaches, chest pains, ear infections, chronic fatigue, dizziness, and loss of sleep. Exposure may irritate the respiratory system, trigger heart palpitations or asthma, aggravate coughs and colds.

FD&C Color & Pigments: Synthetic colors from coal tar contain heavy metal salts that deposit toxins in skin, causing skin sensitivity / irritation. Absorption can cause depletion of oxygen and death. Animal studies show almost all are carcinogenic.

Parabens (Methyl, Butyl, Ethyl, Propyl): Used as preservatives and aren't always labeled "parabens." They're used in deodorants and antiperspirants and have been found in breast cancer tumors. Parabens, as xenoestrogens (hormone disruptors), may contribute to sterility in male mice and humans. Estrogen-like activity causes hormone imbalance in females and early puberty.

PEG (Polyethylene glycol): Made by ethoxylating Propylene Glycol. Dangerous levels of dioxin have been found as a by-product of the ethoxylation process. PEGs are in everything including personal care, baby care and sunscreens.

Phthalates: Xenoestrogens are commonly found in many products, usually not listed on labels. Health effects include damage to liver/kidneys, birth defects, decreased sperm counts and early breast development in girls and boys.

Propylene Glycol (PG) and Butylene Glycol: Petroleum plastics act as surfactants (wetting agents, solvents). EPA considers PG so toxic it requires protective gloves, clothing, goggles and disposal by burying. Because PG penetrates skin so quickly, EPA warns against skin contact to prevent brain, liver, and kidney abnormalities. There is NO warning label on products where concentration is greater than in most industrial applications.

Sodium Lauryl Sulfate (SLS) and Sodium Laureth Sulfate (SLES): Detergents and surfactants that pose serious health threats. Used in car washes, garage floor cleaners, engine degreasers and 90 percent of personal-care products that foam. Animals exposed to SLS experienced eye damage, depression, labored breathing, diarrhea, severe skin irritation-even death. SLS may also damage skin's immune system by causing layers to separate, inflame and age.

Sunscreen chemicals: Avobenzone, benzphenone, ethoxycinnamate, PABA are commonly used ingredients that are known free radical generators and are believed to damage DNA or lead to cancers.

Triclosan: Synthetic "antibacterial" ingredient with chemical structure similar to Agent Orange! EPA registers it as a pesticide, posing risks to human health and environment. Classified as a chlorophenol, chemicals suspected of causing cancer in humans. Tufts University School of Medicine says triclosan is capable of forcing emergence of 'super bugs' it cannot kill.

Top Beauty Benefits Of Colon Cleansing For Women

By detoxifying through a colon cleansing process, women can achieve optimal attractiveness without spending money on ineffective beauty products and risky cosmetic surgery procedures.

Women often undergo the colon cleansing process to become healthier, but colon cleansing also comes with several cosmetic benefits. Instead of caking on makeup to hide imperfections, colon cleansing enhances optimal natural beauty that can turn drab women into head turners.

One main benefit is that a detoxified colon has the ability to rid skin of blemishes, acne and other blotches, making skin softer and radiant. Princess Diana was an avid advocate of colon cleansing and used colonics several times a week to achieve her famous glowing complexion.

Toxins that build up in the colon are harmful and are the bane of various skin imperfections. A clogged colon is also known to cause premature wrinkling. By cleansing the colon, women are able to prevent embarrassing breakouts and obtain a vibrant complexion. A healthy colon means healthy skin, which enables women to look younger, fresher and more beautiful.

A clean colon also allows women to obtain a beautiful, lean and healthy body. Cellulite affects more than 90 percent of adult women. The body stores dietary toxins in the cells right under the skin and harming these cells with junk food and sugary drinks can disrupt this layer, causing dreaded cellulite.

Detoxification promotes weight loss and prevents unattractive fat and cellulite build ups. By flushing out clogged toxins, the body is more able to absorb the necessary nutrients that will continue to flush out wastes, preventing cellulite and unhealthy fat. Food is digested better, resulting in a slimmer, healthier figure. A waste free colon also increases metabolism, allowing the body to burn more calories at a faster rate. This healthier digestive system reduces bloating and prevents future weight gain.

By eliminating toxins, the body is better able to absorb essential nutrients, protein and vitamins. This helps hair to become shinier, silkier and healthier. Natural shiny hair is a must have for all women and is reported to be one of the assets men find most attractive. Along with beautiful hair, nails will also become stronger and less apt to break.

A clogged colon can also cause embarrassing body odor, which may not always be hidden by perfumes and deodorants. For example, if the odor smells oily it signifies liver problems while a rotten order could mean kidney issues. Colon cleansing is the perfect way to release the waste and restore organ health that causes these awful odors.

With colon cleansing, the natural cosmetic benefits are plentiful. Ladies can look more vibrant, slimmer and overall attractive all while making their bodies healthier and happier. Co-Clean has is a very highly rated natural colon cleanser.

Jennifer Hughs is the pen name for the health and lifestyles writer who is compensated by Value Marketing, Inc. d/b/a Lab88. The author has 20+ years in the cosmetic and health industries and has worked with leading beauty and health publications.