30 Healthiest Foods of All Time

Photo Credit:http://avocadosite.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/03/avocado_superfood.png

'The average US household spent most of their food budget (nearly 18 percent) on refined grains followed by sugar and candies (at nearly 14 percent). The next highest category was red meat (mostly from concentrated animal feeding operations, or CAFOs), followed by frozen or refrigerated entrees and beverages.1

In stark contrast, Americans spent less than 0.5 percent of their food budget on dark green vegetables and a similar amount on orange vegetables. Other vegetables made up less than 4 percent of at-home food spending and whole fruits just over 6 percent.'


The Three Dimensions of Mindfulness

Photo Credit:http://www.enthusiasticbuddhist.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/09/mind-full.jpg

'What does it mean to be mindful?

When the notion of Mindfulness is mentioned at a conversation, people often tend to confuse it with being awake. Mindfulness is, however, not identical with being awake, since being awake is only one dimension of Mindfulness. It is the outermost dimension of Alertness, its surface only. Three dimensions of Mindfulness may be identified.'



Virus Hunters Create Viruses for Fame and Big Pharma Profits

Photo Credit: Real Farmacy

'“A century ago, they let patients die by denying that germs had anything to do with diseases. Today they may be letting them die by insisting that the germ is everything.” - Dr. Robert Scott Root-Bernstein  


Nickson Would be Celebrating Life if it Weren’t for Vaccines

Photo Credit: VacTruth

'One mother, Lindsey Pelton, lost her son less than 12 hours after he was given routine vaccines. She wants to share the truth about how families are left to fend for themselves and are denied help, even for burial costs, after vaccines harmed their child. 

Her journey through the process of filing a vaccine injury claim will open your eyes to another part of the vaccine debate in which unsuspecting parents may find themselves.'


Cannabis Superior To Drugs For Inflammatory Bowel Condition (Crohn's Disease)

Cannabis Superior To Drugs For Inflammatory Bowel Condition (Crohn's Disease)
Photo Credit:GreenMedInfo

'When drugs fail, and surgery is the only remaining option on the horizon, smoking cannabis may provide an effective and safe natural alternative for the debilitating inflammatory bowel disease known as Crohn's disease.


If Fish Oil is So Unhealthy, How Did It Pull Brain Damaged Victims Out of Comas?

Photo Credit:https://acupuncturetruckee.files.wordpress.com/2012/05/fish-oil.png

'There are a lot of health writers who recommend staying away from using fish oil as a supplement for omega-3, and there are mainstream reports of studies that “prove” supplementing omega-3 does nothing for heart health.

 But rarely is anything mentioned about brain health. Omega-3s are the building blocks for the cell walls and neuron structures of the brain, myelin sheath, and nervous system.

“We have strong data that suggest omega-3 will activate good proteins to cope with brain damage and turn off proteins that cause neuroinflammation,” said Dr. Nicolas Bazan, director of the Neuroscience Center of Excellence at LSU Health in New Orleans and author of one of the studies that determined this.'


The Whole Truth About the Budwig Diet

'Too many in the natural health field, especially writers, scoff at the Budwig Diet’s core protocol as unreal and unsuited for reversing cancer. There are other dietary requirements that are part of her protocol. Lots of sunshine and stress management are also part of Johanna Budwig’s approach to healing the whole person.

That core protocol is flaxseed oil and cottage cheese. Originally it was flaxseed oil and quark, a crumbly textured white cheese resembling ricotta that is common among German speaking nations, Scandinavian countries, and much of the Eastern European region. But quark is not available in America. So here it’s cottage cheese instead of quark.'
