Showing posts with label vaccinations. Show all posts
Showing posts with label vaccinations. Show all posts

Vaccination Is The Driving Force Behind The Destructive Evolution of Viruses and Pharmaceutical Companies Know It
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'The most common argument used by public health officials and the medical community to justify "no exceptions" on mandatory vaccination laws is that unvaccinated people pose a serious health threat to others who "cannot be vaccinated," such as the immunocompromised. For them, unvaccinated children pose a big danger and even threaten the health of fully vaccinated children. 

These statements are more opinions than anything else since they are completely unsubstantiated and baseless from a scientific perspective. In reality, vaccination is the driving force behind the propagation of illness, shedding and mutation of viruses.'


Nickson Would be Celebrating Life if it Weren’t for Vaccines

Photo Credit: VacTruth

'One mother, Lindsey Pelton, lost her son less than 12 hours after he was given routine vaccines. She wants to share the truth about how families are left to fend for themselves and are denied help, even for burial costs, after vaccines harmed their child. 

Her journey through the process of filing a vaccine injury claim will open your eyes to another part of the vaccine debate in which unsuspecting parents may find themselves.'
