4 Ways Mindfulness Can Enhance Your Happiness


 Photo Credit:http://realcurehomeopathy.com

It is the mind that translates good and bad circumstances into happiness or misery. So happiness comes with the purging of mental toxins, such as hatred, compulsive desire, arrogance and jealousy, which literally poison the mind. It also requires that one cease to distort reality and that one cultivate wisdom.” ~ Matthieu Ricard

Mindfulness is the new black. It is an effective mental technique, borrowed from the two thousand year old Buddhist contemplative practice and adapted to suit non-religious contexts, including boardrooms, corporations, hospitals, schools and sports teams.

It is a practice which supports the capacity to stay focused on what you are doing as you are doing it, a powerful antidote to the distractable nature of the mind and the information-overload of our digital world. When practised regularly, it can bring more calm and effectiveness into everyday life, reducing stress and enhancing mental capacity.'


Creating a Healthy (Non Toxic) Bedroom

Creating a Healthy (Non Toxic) Bedroom
Photo Credit: GreenMedInfo

'Many of us understand the importance of consuming organic foods and making detoxification a regular part of our health routine. Creating a healthy home environment is also part of the detoxification /clean living process. 

After learning about the health hazards of dryer sheets and toxic cleaning products you may have already eliminated these items from your home, but what about the bedroom? What toxins may be lurking there?

We spend one third of our lives in a bedroom sleeping and many times this room contains products that are detrimental to our health. So if you want to create a healthy living environment, your bedroom may be a great place to start.'


Vitamin D RDA Too Low, by Ten Fold

vitaminD copyA calculation error may have skewed the vitamin D recommendations by the National Academy of Sciences (NAS),  Institute of Medicine (IOM). They are far too low, by a factor of ten, say researchers at UC San Diego and Creighton University. Researchers submitted a letter of challenge, published in the journalNutrients, which confirmed a calculation error that was also noted by other investigators using a data set from a different population.
Dr. Cedric F. Garland, Dr.P.H., adjunct professor at UC San Diego’s Department of Family Medicine and Public Health said his group confirmed findings published by Dr. Paul Veugelers from the University of Alberta School of Public Health, which were reported last October in the same journal.
“Both these studies suggest that the IOM underestimated the requirement substantially,” said Garland. “The error has broad implications for public health regarding disease prevention and achieving the stated goal of ensuring that the whole population has enough vitamin D to maintain bone health.”
The recommended intake of vitamin D specified by the IOM is 600 IU/day through age 70 years, and 800 IU/day for older ages. “Calculations by us and other researchers have shown that these doses are only about one-tenth those needed to cut incidence of diseases related to vitamin D deficiency,” Garland explained.
Robert Heaney, M.D., of Creighton University, wrote: “We call for the NAS-IOM and all public health authorities concerned with transmitting accurate nutritional information to the public to designate, as the RDA, a value of approximately 7,000 IU/day from all sources.” Garland noted, “This intake is well below the upper level intake specified by IOM as safe for teens and adults, 10,000 IU/day.”
1. Heaney, R.P. et al. 2015. Letter to Veugelers, P.J. and Ekwaru, J.P., A Statistical Error in the Estimation of the Recommended Dietary Allowance for Vitamin D. Nutrients 2014, 6, 4472–4475; doi:10.3390/nu6104472 URL: http://www.mdpi.com/2072-6643/7/3/1688
2. Veugelers, P.J. et al. 2014. A Statistical Error in the Estimation of the Recommended Dietary Allowance for Vitamin D. Nutrients 2014, 6(10), 4472-4475; doi:10.3390/nu6104472 URL:http://www.mdpi.com/2072-6643/6/10/4472/htm.

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Jul 13, 2010
The researchers from Finland's National Institute for Health and Welfare measured vitamin D levels from the study group between 1978 and 1980, using blood samples. They then followed these people over 30 years to see ...
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Thyme: An an herb with multiple beneficial uses!

March is traditionally noted as Women's Health Month.  Generally NHN often encourages you to uses thermography and ultrasound for best breast cancer screening because of the risk of developing cancer from mammogram.

This herb and of course many others can be helpful to you if you are concerned with breast cancer.

Thyme was used during the embalming process in Ancient Egypt and as incense for temples in Ancient Greece. According to writer Maud Grieve, the Romans used thyme to flavor up alcoholic beverages. (1)

Hippocrates, also known as “the father of medicine” noted thyme as an amazing culinary herb that can be grown in gardens and gathered in countrysides. In one of his documents, he mentioned the therapeutic uses of thyme in treating respiratory diseases and conditions. (1)

Strongest antioxidant known to man

Today, we see many people touting the benefits of essential oils and their ability to manage stress levels, boost mood, deal with specific pain, and fight off any infections. (2)

The essential oils of thyme support body systems and are the strongest known antioxidants. Thyme contains a large amount (between 20% to 54%) of thymol, which is a naturally occurring compound, biocides, that can destroy harmful organisms. Additionally, when thymus is used in conjunction with other biocides, such as carvacrol (Oregano), the antimicrobial attributes are incredibly strong. (1)

The leaves, flowers, and oil of thyme are most commonly used by people for conditions such as bedwetting, diarrhea, stomach ache, arthritis, colic, sore throat, cough (including whooping cough), bronchitis, flatulence, and as a diuretic. (1)

But did you know that thyme could also be an effective anti-cancer remedy, especially breast cancer?

Shows promising treatment for breast cancer

Breast cancer is less prevalent in Greek women than American women. Thyme has been used as a staple in Mediterranean cooking, which is possibly why Greek women experience less than half the incidence of breast cancer. (2)

According to the journal Nutrition and Cancer, researchers from Celal Bayar University in Turkey conducted a study to see what effect wild thyme might have on breast cancer cells, especially how wild thyme affected cell death and epigenetic events in breast cancer cells. (1)

Researchers in this study confirmed that wild thyme induced cell death in the breast cancer cells, noting that wild thyme “may be a promising candidate in the development of novel therapeutic drugs for breast cancer treatment.”

Proven to kill 98% of breast cancer cells

In as little as 72 hours of in vitro breast cancer treatment, thyme essential oil was able to kill 98% in human breast cancer cells (MCF-7) with a concentration of only 0.05%. However, if concentrations were used as low as 0.01%, thyme essential oil still was able to kill 40% of breast cancer cells.

In other studies, thyme essential oil has also proven successful in treating oral and ovarian cancer. If you’re struggling with skin issues, digestive woes, yeast infection, high blood pressure, anxiety, insomnia, fatigue, or circulation, then thyme essential oil may be of benefit to you as well. (1)

Sources for this article include:
(1) www.medicalnewstoday.com
(2) www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov

Ask us about chaparral and Venus Fly Trap as well as other natural cancer therapies from our herbal products farmacy.

Thanks to Raw Food World.