Health Care Adrift

I rarely if ever add guest posts to my blog.  In a way this may be seen as snobbish, however I don't see it that way.  As Natural Health News is the original an earliest source for quality good natural news.  Natural Health News led by example and sites that get more readers stealthily spied on our web sites, copied our writing without attribution, used our original format, and began selling their souls to the same banter you find on mainstream media sites.  But then there are many more lemmings than I'd care to document.

Because Natural Health News has high standards I have chosen an article very similar to an issue I was discussing at a recent Socrates Cafe gathering.  The ideas written in this post are much the same as I tried to espouse to other skeptical group members.  But do remember that the "death panel" remains in the Affordable Care Act , section 3403.  It is rationing of care by fiat.

Of course this is an old practice by Big Insurance.  It certainly continues and will explode once 2014 arrives.

My best advice is to learn to be better able to take care of your health.

And I do hope you think about what this writer has to say -
Rescuing Medicaid and Medicare Patients The pain we feel in life is going to get worse though it is possible to go against the flow and rise above it all. Specifically the pain of poverty is going to continue to rise in the United States as Greek-style International Monetary Fund oriented austerity is being imposed on the US. Taxes and regulations are increasing and public benefits and services are going down. The US is now starting to be hollowed out as efficiently as Greece and that will be the death of the western medical system and the economy built around it.
Pharmaceutical multinationals have halted shipments to Greece because of the economic crisis. Even the Swiss Red Cross slashed its supply of donor blood to Greece because it has not paid its bills. Pharmacies in Greece describe chaotic scenes as clients desperately search from shop to shop for much-needed drugs. Greece’s Pharmaceutical Association said "around 300 drugs are in very short supply," adding that "It’s a disgrace.
Congress needs to cut the debt, or that’s what the budget experts are saying. They say the government needs to rein in the mushrooming cost of the biggest budget-busting programs: Social Security, Medicaid and especially Medicare. The American administration is now wanting to make some administrative changes in the Medicare program that might lower payments to healthcare providers, while also reducing benefits or raising premiums for wealthier Medicare patients. These tinkering tactics don’t come anywhere close to addressing the monstrous programs that the country nor the people can afford anymore.
The paradigm of western medicine has led to the creation of a very expensive ineffective medical system that is bankrupting the government as well as its citizens. Mainstream medicine prefers that people endure its treatments no matter what the cost. Even if its principles and practices break the nation it would rather civilization ends as long as they can continue to build proton beam radiation machines at the cost of hundreds of millions of dollars each.
We all know, even doctors know, how dangerous allopathic medicine is. It is as dangerous as it is expensive. The point is that we do not need nor can we afford this form of medicine that is going to be wiped out in the next great depression as it is now being wiped out in Greece.

Bernanke at the Helm

Though Bernanke seems to believe that we should all go down with the ship it does not have to be that way. Bernanke knows nothing about medicine and seems to be blind to the future because as everyone also knows he is stuck in the past. He is what I call a true blue level consciousness person, someone stuck in the levels of ideas and concepts that only exist in memory and thus the past. His high speed printing presses might be leading the bullet train to a crash at the end of the tracks but he is not looking forward only back.
It’s always the Great Depression for him, the early thirties unless that is all a lie and he is just the message-boy of the people who own him, the Federal Reserve System and the rest or most of the central banks around the world.
In the world of medicine the train wreck has arrived. Community-based cancer care, where until recently four out of five Americans with cancer were treated, is in serious crisis. The April 1 payment cut to Medicare mandated by sequestration will make cancer clinics go broke if they give Medicare patients the chemotherapy they need, oncologists claim. “A lot of us can’t believe this is happening,” said Jeff Vacirca, chief executive of North Shore Hematology Oncology Associates on Long Island.
Cancer clinics are turning away thousands of patients due to fears that treating them could jeopardize the bottom line. Oncologists across the country are finding it impossible to administer chemotherapy drugs while keeping their clinics afloat, let alone turn a profit.
This video is about people dying because of Obama care. But the conclusions are wrong. Everything is wrong when they start talking about expensive chemotherapy. Some think we should take water from a stone (money from a bankrupt government) and keep feeding the medical paradigm that does not allow for safer, less expensive and even more effective cancer treatments. Or we can save a few hundred billion and trillions through the next decade by learning to treat cancer differently.
For most people that is just too big of an idea to swallow but I have published a complete form of treatment that can be administered to cancer patients at home for a cost of four to five thousand dollars for a three month program. I believe my Natural Allopathic Medicine protocol approach is safer and more effective than their miserable system of cancer treatments that have hardly changed at all through the decades.
When the financial system finally splits at the seams and the economy goes down hard survival skills will include learning how to take care of oneself whether one has cancer or not. Might as well start learning unless you think you have all the time in the world and that we can magically print our way to heaven like Bernanke believes.
Let him pay for the ridiculously expensive cancer treatments with his digital money. All they have to decide is to do it and presto money can fall from heaven into oncology clinics across the country. They do it for the banks why not for the cancer patients? It is time to stop thinking of just the price of gold and start thinking about how we are going to take care of our families when the system completely collapses around us as it is already doing in Greece, Spain and many other countries.

Mark A. Sircus 

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Consider this when thinking of vaccines

While I am terribly busy with so many details too numerous to mention following a recent move and the fall out from this change I find it very important to share this information with you.
Being one of the first bloggers to report the issue of vaccination boys with the terrible solution following on reports of extreme adverse reactions in girls, the damage continues to rise.  And what is even worse little or no information on this issue is published in US mainstream media.  It is certainly not what you are getting from your doctor.  But in all cases of any vaccine make sure you ask first.
From Vaccination is Not Immunization

Let’s start with the ones cited by Merck:
fever, nausea, pharyngitis, dizziness, NVD, bronchospasm and Gastroenteritis, appendicitis, PID, upper respiratory infection
- 2007 Physicians Desk Reference [227] p 1987

Additional side effects discovered later include loss of consciousness, loss of vision and seizures.  (Lopes, [87]) And oh yes, paralysis.

Then the British media began to report still other effects of Gardasil, like the deaths of 30 young girls, which American media never mentioned.  [94]
 A frequent consequence of the HPV shot is Guillain Barre syndrome, an autoimmune condition resulting in paralysis.  There have been several such cases both in the UK and the US, including a high profile case in Oct 2008 of a 12 year old British girl who collapsed 2 days after the HPV shot and was subsequently paralyzed from the waist down.  [94] Her first symptoms came on within 30 minutes.  Again, no US media.

 Newer 2012 intel from the VAERS database - the government tracking system for vaccine injuries since 1991 - this data makes public the 26 American girls who died from the Gardasil shot in 2011.  [11] The story has never been in any mainstream media source.  But you can easily find these government documents [1], although scrolling through them to find the 26 deaths will require that you do a search for the word death.
 Diligent research came from Judicial Watch, a group that recently unearthed the data through Freedom of Information.  [11]
 In the US and UK combined more than 100 girls died from the HPV vaccine between 2010 and 2012.  See that anywhere on FOX News?

 Can the vaccine itself cause cancer? That’s a fair question - we’re talking about a vaccine that they’re claiming prevents cancer by imitating a pathogen that itself causes cancer, right? So wouldn’t we want to be fairly secure that this vaccine wouldn’t cause cancer? Here’s what the manufacturer states: 
    “Gardasil ...  not been evaluated for carcinogenicity or impairment of fertility.”  (2007 [227] p1986 )
 Wonderful.  They want to vaccinate all American 12 year olds with a new vaccine for cancer and they don’t even know whether or not it causes cancer, or makes the recipients infertile.

Gardasil is a 3 shot series at $360.  [86]
    “The vaccine is expected to reach $1 billion in sales next year, ... could make Gardasil ...within five years, sales of more than $4 billion, according to Wall Street analysts.” [88]

 Again, the whole story of HPV vaccine is much more invidious than we’re representing here.  For those readers seeking the real extent of the science behind the HPV vaccine industry, the IARC Monographs is your ticket.  [59] The vigilant reader is also invited to follow up these sources:  [11], [22], [87]

 Rarely has such a calculated, systematic misrepresentation of fact been attempted in which data is so obviously manipulated, issues so deliberately obscured, and financial interests so obsequiously served.

 With the uncertainty about the safety and efficacy of the HPV vaccine, the certainty of the side effects, the prodigious economic upside to global dissemination irrespective of its scientific merits, the absence of long-term studies, and the ludicrous religious/ethical/equality media controversy smokescreen designed to distract us from the underlying scientific issues, is this really a vaccine you want to try out on your innocent little 9 yr old?  Source
Selections from Natural Health News 
Jul 28, 2008
HPV Vaccine Adverse Events Worrisome Says Key Investigator. Now the scientists are starting to wonder. I hope you are as well, and you get the facts before you force this unknown into the bodies of your daughters and sons.
Sep 21, 2011
In 2006 the HPV vaccine was recommended by the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices. A few years later the U.S. Centers for Disease Control stated, “As of June 22, 2011… VAERS [the federal Vaccine Adverse ...
Dec 23, 2010
The FDA emphasized that HPV vaccination would not prevent anal cancer in individuals already infected with the virus. "Treatment for anal cancer is challenging; the use of Gardasil as a method of prevention is important as it ...
Nov 13, 2008
For well over a year we have been alerting readers of Natural Health News to the risks of the HPV vaccines, the problematic side effects, and the fact that for the most part it is unproven and that HPV more often than not clears ...

In General
Sep 08, 2010
The Obama administration announced that it plans to invest nearly $2 billion in measures to beef up the nation's ability to respond to bioterrorism and pandemic threats, including $822 million for pandemic influenza vaccine ...
Aug 23, 2010
KATHMANDU, Sept. 5 (Xinhua) -- Nepali government has suspended the import and use of over 2.7 million pandemrix vaccines manufactured by a global company for protecting people from influenza - A/H1N1, generally ...
Apr 18, 2010
“U.S. federal health authorities recommended … that doctors suspend using Rotarix, one of two vaccines licensed in the U.S. against rotavirus, saying the vaccine is contaminated with material from a pig virus,” CNN reports.
May 02, 2012
I am sure Mary Selecky, the Washington State Department of Health Secretary, has made no effort to keep up with the facts about vaccines, their toxins, their risk to health, and the options that should be made available to ...

On the Attack Against Dr Wright Again

Currently in the stifling bureaucratic environment of Washington State Jonathan Wright, MD is under attack again, this time from the Department of Health. The problem, as reported, seems to have to do more with an error on the part of the WA DOH bureaucrats that anything Dr. Wright did or did not do.

This is fairly typical for this department. Their current Secretary has been a party and state loyalist for decades. This agency will go to great lengths to protect the agency long before it will admit wrong doing and make any corrective changes. It is little different than Washington state's Department of Social and Health Services (DSHS) or other agency for that matter. In 1998 the then governor issued an executive order addressing the lack of proper investigative acumen in state agencies. Clearly WA DOH ignored this over the past decade and more.

Look at the recent attack on Phil Werschler, MD of Spokane.

Look back many years at the attack on Glenn Warner, MD of Seattle. He was a champion of the people, especially those with cancer, and years ahead of this time.

The Philosophy of Dr. Glenn A. Warner, M.D. (1919-2000)
"I learned many lessons during my years of practice, the most important being: * Cancer is a carcinogenic process within the body that can be reversed, * The healing process is entirely up to you, * Reversing the carcinogenic process and becoming a long term survivor requires you to take control of your life, make informed choices about treatment, and select the therapies best suited to your healing process."
THE PROCESS OF HEALING "Self empowerment is the key to a healthy life. Simply put, it means you must take charge of the things you do in your life in order to create and maintain the health you want. If you suffer a life threatening illness, you are fully capable of making the choices and changes necessary to help your body heal. It's up to you and you alone; no one else can do it for you. Healing and maintaining your health is your responsibility, not the doctor's. The doctors job is to help you buy time to heal." Use this time well and begin planning now what you want your life to be after you recover!
What do we know about cancer? The majority, if not all of us, live with cancer cells in our bodies all the time. Our immune system keeps these cells under control until events occur in our lives that prevent it from doing its job of keeping cancer cells at bay. The process of degeneration usually starts with a trauma to the body, mind or emotions. In my clinical practice I found it takes 10-15 years for cancer to develop to a stage where it becomes a problem for the individual. Toward the end of this period a key event or trigger in the individual's life will accelerate the cancer growth; usually one year prior to the development of the malignant stage.
What do we know about the immune system? * It's your body's primary cancer fighter, it can be strengthened. * Depression, fear, anxiety and stress suppress it. * Chemotherapy and radiation can destroy it. * Raw natural foods strengthen it. * Poor quality foods and malnutrition are the main causes of immune system deficiency (example: sugar can shut off the immune system and inactivates white blood cells for up to 24 hours after ingestion).
1-Take control Do not rush to treatment; it's no time to panic. - Learn everything about your disease - Understand how you heal from illness - Research all therapies available - Research treatment clinics and doctors - Research support groups Find a doctor to work with you (2-4 opinions) - Who has an immuno therapy background - Who will answer all your questions - Who communicates well - Who welcomes your input and offers hope - Who will give 5 referrals of 5 year survivors Explore your reasons and purpose to live - Ask questions about your life and future - Ask what lifestyle changes you must make
2-Build immune system Work with a physician and natural care practitioner Ensure high quality Nutrition - Juice raw vegetables and fruits - Eliminate sugar, alcohol, and caffeine - Eliminate red meat - Use high quality vitamins and minerals Detoxify your Body - Test for and eliminate toxins in the body - Replace dental amalgams and root canals - Keep blood pH levels alkaline Lose weight if overweight Eliminate Stress - Simplify your life - Eliminate negative environments/thoughts - Develop a positive attitude - Explore art, music, and meditation Exercise - At least 30 minutes a day, 5 days a week - 5-6 hours before bedtime Sleep a minimum of 8 "quality" hours nightly - Consult a sleep clinic if you have problems
3-Aggressive therapy Immuno Therapy Proven Safest-Most Effective Evaluate merits of chemotherapy and radiation - Can suppress or destroy your immune system - Reduces quality of life and longevity - Recovery can take years - Use fractional doses as a last resort Use minimal surgery to reduce/eliminate tumor Pursue your choice of therapy aggressively - Combination of treatments most effective - Choose a program that fits your beliefs - Believe in the program you choose Make body a hostile environment for disease - Totally eliminate stress; get plenty of rest - Juice, detox, exercise, and meditate Believe in your body's ability to heal itself - Learn to visualize your body as healthy - Explore and develop your spiritual nature - Believe in the power of prayer - Dedicate everything you do to wellness
4-Maintain health Maintain total control of your healing process Change your lifestyle to support your healing Ensure regular checkups and tests Continue learning about your disease Maintain a strong immune system Continue spiritual development Continue developing a positive attitude Avoid stress, resolve conflict, and meditate Maintain quality rest and sleep cycles Maintain a high quality nutritional program Maintain a detoxification program Continue daily exercise program Attend support group meetings Trust the healing process and "Live Life Well!"
WHAT CHOICES WILL YOU MAKE? If you are reading these words, you are looking for a way to better health and overcoming disease. Dr. Warner's approach to cancer therapy developed over 40 years of observing what he saw as the failure of conventional medical treatments (chemotherapy and radiation) to prolong life or provide quality of life. Surviving cancer and living life well is a process of: * Taking Control of Your Life * Building Your Immune System * Aggressive Therapy * Maintaining a Healthy Lifestyle
It's our birthright to live life free of disease. We come into this world with the physical blueprint to live 150 years. What we do to ourselves cuts this time in half and, for many, much more. Through lifestyle modification you, with a supportive physician, can reverse the carcinogenic process. It can be as simple as changing your diet or as complex as a combination of selective surgery, immunotherapy, diet and exercise. Your personal belief system will determine the choices you make. With knowledge and the right attitude you can make the choices necessary to improve your condition and live the healthy life you want.
Success however, is based on two fundamental questions you must answer: Are you willing to accept responsibility for your healing? Will you put into practice the choices you make in order to create a positive outcome?
 The information about Dr. Warner' Philosophy on Cancer Support and Wellness is taken from Brochure created by Rob Sandstrom.

More Risks From Fluoride

Heavy tea drinkers getting skeletal fluorosis.  The risk is much higher where water is artificially fluoridated with fertilizer waste products containing fluorsilicic acid.  This also gives you lead, mercury, arsenic and a wide range of other toxic heavy metals.  Places like Seattle and Everett along with many other Washington state communities are exposed daily to these poisons and the state health department endorses the actions.  Phoenix and many Arizona locations also are subjected to artificial fluoridation and seem to be beholden to Delta Dental's PR hype.  
Happily people are wising up and saying no, learn more about the risk of fluoridation at

Be aware that green tea is a high fluoride source and it can lead to pancreatic cancer.
Selections from Natural Health News  - 30+

Jul 22, 2011
If you follow this blog and our other web work you may know that I have frequently spoken out against green tea, especially as it is marketed to be the panacea of the world. I do drink green tea from time to time, but very ...
Feb 11, 2009
"We know that cancer patients look to green tea extracts among other natural supplements to complement their therapeutic regimens," Dr. Axel Schonthal, said in a statement. "We wanted to better understand how the ...
Apr 04, 2011
This and previous research suggests that consuming green or oolong tea is associated with lower serum folate levels in pregnant women. Given the potential adverse effects of folate deficiency on fetal malformations such as ...
Apr 05, 2011
You might think of fluoridated water as a good thing—after all, this organic compound is added to our drinking supply for a reason, right? Unfortunately, however, the bigger picture isn't quite so clear: Although water ...
May 02, 2012
I am sure Mary also is blind to the damage caused by fluoride as it is forced on thousands of Washington State citizens without their permission in the form of toxic and heavy metal laden fertilizer waste provided by Cargill.
Jul 08, 2011
Watch for fluoride is prescription drugs like antibiotics (fluorquinolones) and antidepressants (SSRI,SNRI) , as well as others. Many foods like soy and others sprayed with pesticides and herbicides contain fluoride too.
Jan 11, 2011
The New York Times just reported that a "political battle" is brewing on EPA's decision to phase out the use of sulfuryl fluoride as a food fumigant in the US. According to the Times, Senator James Inhofe (R-Okla.) wants to ...

Just Stand Up and Say NO to Drugs When Pregnant

I have over the past 10 years or more written extensively about the risk of harm to the health of pregnant women and their baby from SSRI anti depressant drugs.

It is also interesting to note too about Rh negative mothers with Rh negative babies and the fact that the mercury containing Rho-Gam shot can and does lead to autism.

But re-focusing on the push for requiring all pregnant women to take SSRI drugs to allegedly prevent Post Partum Depression or PPD is insanity at its best.  The risk of heart damage to the bay alone is enough to throw this push out the door as quickly as one can.  Maybe we need to force SSRIs on the bureaucrats that write such ridiculous policy.

Also of note is a new report on depression and new mothers from Chicago today suggesting that 40 percent of new mothers are depressed.

Physiologically this may in fact be nutritional deficiency and thyroid or adrenal stress.  Certainly the mainstream medical folks need to put this all into the proper perspective.  And in the interim pregnant women need to just say 'NO' to these drugs.
Jul 06, 2011
Prozac use has shown that women who took the SSRI (and fluoride based) antidepressant during the first three months of pregnancy gave birth to four times as many babies with heart problems as women who did not.
Mar 16, 2009
There is currently no corroborative evidence regarding the risk for PPHN following exposure to SSRIs in pregnancy; this is the first study that has investigated the potential risk. The study did not include enough cases with ...
Jan 05, 2009
Related posts from Natural Health News ...
May 27, 2008
And for all the push to pre-treat pregnant women with SSRIs to prevent PPD, even with articles now claiming that these drugs cause no harm to a fetus, I wonder what has happened to the tenent - especially for the first ...

Electromagnetic Cream Tops Best's List

A. M. Best, the oldest and largest credit rating agency for the insurance industry just placed radiofrequency radiation from cell phones and cell towers and cybersecurity risks at the top of their list of emerging technology risks. Their website is
The number 1 emerging technology-based risk is radiofrequency radiation. Best states "
RF (Radio Frequency) Radiation Risk – Today there are more than 600,000 cell sites in the United States and that number is expected to grow with the demand for more reliable wireless devices. The risks associated with long-term use of cell phones, although much studied over the past 10 years, remain unclear. Dangers to the estimated 250,000 workers per year who come in close contact with cell phone antennas, which act at close range essentially as open microwave ovens can include eye damage, sterility and cognitive impairments. While workers of cellular companies are well trained on the potential dangers, other workers exposed to the antennas are often unaware of the health risks. The continued exponential growth of cellular towers will significantly increase exposure to these workers and others coming into close contact with high-energy cell phone antenna radiation.  
Number #2 is Cyber Risk -   Best says "Significant data breaches have become common (e.g., Citigroup, the International Monetary Fund, JP Morgan Chase & Co., Sony Online Entertainment, Hilton Worldwide, Marriott International Inc., Verizon, and Heartland Payment Systems). These can involve, for example, loss of sensitive financial information, personal data, and proprietary secrets. Identity theft alone is estimated to cost consumer and companies roughly $5 billion and $50 billion, respectively, each year. A 2009 study found that lost data cost U.S. companies in excess of $200 per lost customer file. In a 2011 study conducted among large U.S. companies more than 80% of information technology executives said that they had detected one or more recent attacks. Such exposures continue to evolve as companies are increasingly storing sensitive and confidential information with cloud vendors – a vendor that provides other companies with an infrastructure on which to store data or run applications – exposing data to new types of breaches on a massive scale. Everyone's privacy is at risk.
Antennas to support fourth generation the (4G) wireless broadband infrastructure is being deployed seamlessly across Arizona, and around the world, including in remote areas where some people live. People suffering from electrical hypersensitivity or who just prefer to a quieter, more natural, lifestyle live. It is getting harder to find healthy, natural environmental places and spaces where people, animals, trees and plants can thrive.   
Smart meters and other remote automated utility meters are intelligent end points that collect data and transmits it on the internet using the electronic "cloud."  They specifically state: "companies are increasingly storing sensitive and confidential information with cloud vendors – a vendor that provides other companies with an infrastructure on which to store data or run applications – exposing data to new types of breaches."  Smart meters in homes are known to be an easy way for hackers to gain entry to the major data handling systems that will contain information on utility customer energy use...and more.  
See below for more information sent by the EMR Policy Institute 

Top Liability Expert A. M. Best Identifies Radio-frequency Radiation

With Emerging Technologies That “Pose Significant Risks with Possible Long-Tail Losses”
Radio-frequency Radiation heads A.M. Best list that includes Cyber Risk, Fracking, and Nanotechnology. 
Why take note of A.M. Best’s opinion?  From its website :
The largest and longest-established company devoted to issuing in-depth reports and financial strength ratings about insurance organizations.
Founded in 1899, A.M. Best Company is a full-service credit rating organization dedicated to serving the insurance industry. Policyholders refer to Best's ratings and analysis as a means of assessing the financial strength and creditworthiness of risk-bearing entities and investment vehicles.
From A.M. Best’s February 14, 2013 Best’s Briefing –
The insurance industry faces a constantly escalating level of exposure from rapidly developing technologies with risks that are not well understood.  In many situations, the science associated with understanding these new risks is in the early stages of development.  A.M. Best believes that it is critical for insurers to maintain vigilant oversight of emerging technologies as a critical component of their enterprise risk management system.  Effective enterprise risk management encompasses identifying, evaluating and addressing risks that could threaten the earnings or viability of an insurer.  This includes a prospective look at the underwriting exposures so that changes to policy language or underwriting criteria can properly manage losses for these new risks.  An exposure which may present only insignificant insured losses at present, may bring future unprecedented losses . . .
. . . Insurers need to monitor the manner in which emerging technologies are, or are likely to be, deployed; the risks associated with their use; their residual or unintended impacts; and the manner in which the insurance policies may be called upon to cover losses.
Emerging Technology-Based Risks

RF (Radio Frequency) Radiation Risk – Today there are more than 600,000 cell sites in the United States and that number is expected to grow with the demand for faster, more reliable wireless devices.  The risks associated with long-term use of cell phones, although much studied over the past 10 years, remain unclear.  Dangers to the estimated 250,000 workers per year who come in close contact with cell phone antennas, which act at close range essentially as open microwave ovens can include eye damage, sterility and cognitive impairments.  While workers of cellular companies are well trained on the potential dangers, other workers exposed to the antennas are often unaware of the health risks.  The continued exponential growth of cellular towers will significantly increase exposure to these workers and others coming into close contact with high-energy cell phone antenna radiation.
Cyber Risk -  Significant data breaches have become common (e.g., Citigroup, the International Monetary Fund, JP Morgan Chase & Co., Sony Online Entertainment, Hilton Worldwide, Marriott International Inc., Verizon, and Heartland Payment Systems).  These can involve, for example, loss of sensitive financial information, personal data, and proprietary secrets.  Identity theft alone is estimated to cost consumer and companies roughly $5 billion and $50 billion, respectively, each year.  A 2009 study found that lost data cost U.S. companies in excess of $200 per lost customer file.  In a 2011 study conducted among large U.S. companies more than 80% of information technology executives said that they had detected one or more recent attacks.  Such exposures continue to evolve as companies are increasingly storing sensitive and confidential information with cloud vendors – a vendor that provides other companies with an infrastructure on which to store data or run applications – exposing data to new types of breaches.
Fracking Risk – Over the past 10 years horizontal fracturing (“fracking’) has become a big business and a highly contentious issue.  The process involves pumping a pressurized fluid into a rock layer, which causes fracturing of the rock and release of petroleum, natural gas or other substances for extraction.  The potential benefits are enormous; however, there are significant risks, including potential release of radioactive substances, radon (a known carcinogen) in the natural gas going into homes and potential chemical contamination of drinking water.  The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency has determined that fracking was the likely source of ground water contamination in at least 36 cases.  There are a variety of other concerns including the potential for exposed workers to develop silicosis and that the process may lead to earthquakes.
Nanotechnology Risk -  A wide variety if consumer and industry products are increasingly constructed a the molecular level, using materials from 1 to 100 nanometers in length (a nanometer is one billionth of a meter).  Nanotechnology is employed in an array of products, including medicines and medical devices, glass, coatings, construction products, fire protection materials, vehicles, foods, textiles, cosmetics, optics and sports equipment.  Nano-sized particles, however, act differently than materials built at normal scale, and existing chemical risk assessments are not suited for exposures arising from nanoparticles.  Considerable concern has arisen that some nanoparticles may be toxic.  With the exception of airborne nanoparticles entering the lungs, understanding of the effects of nanoparticles on the human body, including accumulation, metabolism and organ-specific toxicity is extremely limited.  Concerns involve both the potential of immediate harms as well as harmful effects appearing after long latency periods.  Of the technology risks now emerging, nanotechnology product exposures may be the most similar to asbestos.  While it remains unclear whether nanoparticles can lead to asbestos-like losses, insurers need to carefully monitor developments of this emerging technology.
Insurers must evaluate constantly evolving technology exposures with the knowledge that existing scientific/technical understanding is often incomplete.  A.M. Best will review companies’ understanding of their exposure to emerging risk, and their approaches to mitigating the risks within the framework of their enterprise risk management programs.