FLU Shot and the Elderly: Nothing New

You will have heard in recent days that the spin on the recent flu vaccine failure, especially with the elderly, is making the rounds on almost all media outlets.  When I first heard this I thought where have these people been and why aren't they reporting with real facts and connected reporting of the same issue for many years past.
February 21, 2013

ATLANTA (AP) — It turns out this year's flu shot is doing a startlingly dismal job of protecting senior citizens, the most vulnerable age group.
The vaccine is proving only 9 percent effective in people 65 and older against the harsh strain of the flu that is predominant this season, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said Thursday. SOURCE
I guess it is the continuation of the promotion of confusion or just plain not wanting you to know. 

In general the issue of vaccinating Elders and getting poor results is not new.  And if it is well established that the effectiveness is  just not there then why continue the practice?
"... the vaccine's ability to keep the elderly alive was, "if present at all...very small and statistically non-significant and may simply be a healthy- user artifact that they were unable to identify".
" If an elderly person is not in good health, flu vaccination does little to help ward off lung infections, Dutch investigators report."
" In a review of 64 studies in 98 flu seasons, For elderly living in nursing homes, flu shots were non-significant for preventing the flu. For elderly living in the community, vaccines were not (significantly) effective against influenza, ILI or pneumonia.
Reference: “Vaccines for preventing influenza in the elderly.” The Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews. 3(2006)."
NB: Also note that water fluoridation suppresses immunity and is having the effect of limiting vaccine effectiveness at an average rate of 50%.  Funny how this number is similar to the reported diminished effectiveness in the 2012 vaccine.
From the top 30+ posts on this topic from Natural Health News...

Feb 22, 2005
It will come as no surprise to vaccine critics that flu vaccination does not result in a decreased incidence of deaths in the elderly. In my book The Vaccine Guide (North Atlantic Books, 2002) I stated that, "The primary targeted ...
Mar 25, 2010
In a review of 64 studies in 98 flu seasons, For elderly living in nursing homes, flu shots were non-significant for preventing the flu. For elderly living in the community, vaccines were not (significantly) effective against influenza, ...
Oct 12, 2006
If an elderly person is not in good health, flu vaccination does little to help ward off lung infections, Dutch investigators report. They found that annual flu shots appear to reduce the risk of developing lower respiratory tract ...
Nov 05, 2009
They split 704 elderly patients into two groups, one of which had gotten a flu shot and one had not. They adjusted for criteria that had been ignored in other studies – like education, income and social status – and concluded ...

An Apple a Day Really Did the Trick

4 September, 2008

While many foods contain quercetin, the apple is an excellent source of this substance, and provides fiber too.

The apple contains many nutrients for health. 

You can get your copy of  our special report on Apples and Nutrition which can be sent to you once you donate to our non-profit parent organization via our donation button - More about apples
Substance Found In Fruits And Vegetables Reduces Likelihood Of The Flu

ScienceDaily (2008-09-03) -- Mice given quercetin, a naturally occurring substance found in fruits and vegetables, were less likely to contract the flu. The study also found that stressful exercise increased the susceptibility of mice to the flu, but quercetin canceled out that negative effect. Quercetin, a close chemical relative of resveratrol, is present in a variety of fruits and vegetables, including red onions, grapes, blueberries, tea, broccoli and red wine. ...  read full article

More Herbal Restrctions: SPEAK UP NOW

Based on my experience St John's Wort is a very safe and effective herb.  The problem as I see it is that the majority of products sold are not the whole herb and are not properly manufactured.

Oct 08, 2008
Oct 08, 2008
St. John's Wort extracts tested in the different trials were better than placebos and as effective as standard antidepressants with fewer side effects, the researchers reported in the Cochrane review, a journal that analyses ...

Jun 11, 2008
Jun 11, 2008
Since Carla Johnson fails to identify in her article exactly what type of St. John's Wort capsules were utilized in this study, it leads to a lot of speculation. The speculation may include whether or not Wendy Weber specified a ...
Apr 09, 2010
Apr 09, 2010
Dr. Kimberly Zoberi of Saint Louis University in Missouri says not only have St. John's wort and other herbs taken for anxiety -- such as kava extract and valerian -- not been shown to be effective, but there may be safety issues.
Nov 07, 2007
Nov 07, 2007
St. Johns wort, Hypericum perforatum L. Several years ago I wrote this article and since we've moved into standard time this past weekend, I thought it an opportune moment to post it here. I was recently interviewed for an ...


A virus gene that could be poisonous to humans has been missed when GM food crops have been assessed for safety.

GM crops such as corn and soya, which are being grown around the world for both human and farm animal consumption, include the gene.

A new study by the EU's official food watchdog, the European Food Safety Authority(EFSA), has revealed that the international approval process for GM crops failed to identify the gene.

Oct 25, 2012
Enjoy Your Holiday, GMO FREE. Originally published July 2010. As the Fourth of July holiday comes along this week end, here's wishing you a great time, and hope you BUY ORGANIC to avoid the risk of FRANKENFOOD .
Nov 16, 2012
Stand By Your NON GMO Food Sources. Posted by herbalYODA at 10:05 · Email ThisBlogThis!Share to TwitterShare to Facebook. No comments: Post a Comment · Newer Post Older Post Home. Subscribe to: Post Comments ...
Oct 09, 2011
2011: This is the second year for the NO GMO Campaign. Natural Health News has been covering this issue for many years and our blog has many related articles. Today I learned that USDA gave a $500,000 grant to the firm ...
Jun 23, 2012
Enjoy Your Holiday, GMO FREE. Originally published July 2010. As the Fourth of July holiday comes along this week end, here's wishing you a great time, and hope you BUY ORGANIC to avoid the risk of FRANKENFOOD ...

Here Comes That GMO Flu Shot

"Getting a flu shot is a personal choice, although most healthcare experts recommend it. But now there's a new vaccine in town. You know that flu vaccine you're hearing about? The one that's made using an insect virus? About 150,000 doses of FluBlok are expected to hit the market at the tail end of the 2013 flu season. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved the vaccine for use for 18- to 49-year-olds, saying it is different than other flu vaccines on the market because it isn't grown using eggs. This allows for much faster manufacturing. The approval came after a clinical trial of 2,300 people found FluBlok prevented the flu in about 45 percent of cases and was effective against all circulating flu viruses, not just the strains included in the vaccine.
According to Protein Sciences Corporation, the Connecticut-based manufacturer, Flublok does not contain the controversial mercury-containing preservative thimerosal. "This approval represents a technological advance in the manufacturing of an influenza vaccine," says Karen Midthun, MD, director of the FDA's Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research. "The new technology offers the potential for faster startup of the vaccine manufacturing process in the event of a pandemic, because it is not dependent on an egg supply or on availability of the influenza virus."
How do they know, how do they know it is safe, where are the studies?

And, ONLY 45% effective.  Not much to say for this jab, better to try to improve your nutrition and take good herbs, supplements, foods - all that are know to be of help.



Not only do these bulbs waste energy, they are a hazardous waste, and now:

CFL Light Bulbs and UV Skin Cancer Risks

A study funded by the U.S. National Science Foundation and published in a recent issue of the journal Photochemistry and Photobiology found widespread chipping or cracking in the phosphor surface coating of nearly all the compact fluorescent bulbs they examined. These cracks allow UV rays to escape, which would have been absorbed by the phosphor coating and converted to safe, visible light.

As reported in many new services, including "HealthDay, "most of the bulbs 'have cracks in the phosphor coating, probably due to the fact that the coating is brittle and has trouble making the tight bends required to make these bulbs compact," explained study lead author Miriam Rafailovich, a professor of materials science and engineering and director of the Garcia Center for Polymers at Engineered Interfaces at Stony Brook University in Stony Brook, N.Y. 'As a result, we observed, by eye, defects in nearly all the bulbs that we studied." The researcher added that  "skin cells exposed to [compact fluorescent light] emissions showed the same damage as those exposed to UV light" when placed close, less than one foot, to a CFL bulb. (SOURCE)

Read more about CFL risks here.
Jan 17, 2009
Over the past two years on this blog (Natural Health News) we have posted about a dozen articles regarding the risks of CFL light bulbs to your health. Many other warnings were sent in our newsletter, taught in our classes, ...
Oct 22, 2008
Perhaps the ultimate "alternative to the alternative," the LED (light-emitting diode) light bulb may well dethrone the compact fluorescent (CFL) as king of the green lighting choices. But it has a way to go yet in terms of both ...
Mar 22, 2008
For many years I tried to explain to people that there was a hazardous risk to using CFL light bulbs, now being promoted by all those greenies that jumped on the bandwagon without doing all the necessary research. CHI and ...
Apr 04, 2011
For many years I tried to explain to people that there was a hazardous risk to using CFL light bulbs, now being promoted by all those greenies that jumped on the bandwagon without doing all the necessary research.

Coconut and Cholesterol

I’ve been wondering just how many readers remember Carmen Miranda and Jerry Collona. I’ve wondered too how many readers might remember the Swedish film (best in Swedish with English subtitles) “My Life As A Dog”.
These may be two confusing questions and I know you’d ask what does either one have to do with health.
The answer is coconut.
You see at one time loNg ago Carmen and Jerry did a song together that Jerry was quite famous for singing solo. That song was one I liked a lot as a child, “I’ve Got A Lovely Bunch of Coconuts”. It is one I have fond memories of singing hundreds of times as a child.
I am a forever fan of the Swedish film, “My Life As A Dog”. In the movie, Ingemar, played by the young star, Anton Glanzelius, enjoys the coconut song too.
What the song has to do with health, of course, is the lovely coconut.
In this day and age of proselytizing the cholesterol myth, thousands of healthy and ill people are told they must take these drugs.
Some fantasy I’d say because for the most part these drugs that have gouged your pocketbook and your health for some twenty plus years still haven’t shown any real benefit.
Now don’t get me wrong, there are some good things that cholesterol can do for you if you can get past the marketing hype.
Your body depends on cholesterol to help you make hormones, communicate between cells, and repair damage to your cardiovascular system.
Cholesterol is an important substance that circulates with the help of the lipoproteins you know as LDL and HDL.
LDL, or the one you most likely have heard called ‘bad’ cholesterol helps carry cholesterol to your cells for healthy cell wall membranes (the thing that keeps cellular contents wrapped up where they belong). LDL helps with other cellular functions too.
HDL, or the one you know as the ‘good’ type acts like a mop to sweep up extra circulating cholesterol from your blood, transports it to your liver, where it is on its way to being excreted from your body.
In reality, keeping this all in balance to the key.
There are quite a few things you can do to keep members of this cholesterol family in balance. Mostly though mainstream medicine hasn’t given you a clue.
Most in the know will tell you that eating with the Mediterranean foodplan and more fiber will do wonders for your cholesterol balance. That Mediterranean diet has been around and recommended as far back as the 1960s to keep a healthy heart.
Rice bran oil is another helpful substance because it contains the nutrient gamma oryzanol that helps keep cholesterol from being absorbed from your gut.
Then there’s that lovely bunch of coconuts.
Coconut oil as many are now learning is one of the healthiest of all natural oils, especially for any high temperature cooking you do. Another constituent of coconut that contains coconut oil but also a lot of fiber as well is what is called ‘coconut crème’.
From time to time I get product samples to test and review. Not too long ago I received some organic coconut crème and got to thinking about just exactly what I was going to do to try it out.
One good thing is that this is organic coconut crème.
After some thinking it dawned on my that I should try it made up as coconut milk. I don’t use much in the way of dairy products and sometimes you need some ‘milk’. I hadn’t been too happy with some brands I found in the stores, these just tasted thin and watery for the most part. These also all contained carrageenan which is a toxic thickener manufactured from seaweed.
After eating a spoonful each day for a few days I decided to test this crème blended up as milk.
It was great! And it solved my sourcing problem. Now I just make up a quart at a time using distilled water and one heaping tablespoon of the crème. Even though the label says one teaspoon, what works best in flavor and texture for me is the tablespoon.
The with the festive season underway and my love of fresh cranberries I just fell in to a recipe that ended up being really tasty and enjoyable. Can’t beat the antioxidant combination and enzyme help from the little red berry this time of year.
For the raw foodists you will like this I’m sure but I think its great for any one and filling too. You can make this as a pie, roll into snack size balls, or come up with your own way of making it special.
Start with 12 ounces of fresh, room temperature cranberries, washed and sorted to remove any spoiled ones. Put them in a high speed blender or food processor along with 1 cup of filtered water, 1 cup of coconut crème (my favorite choice is below, at the end of this article), ½ cup of liquid coconut oil, a pinch of pure sea salt, and vanilla to taste. Blend until well processed.
I added about a half of a cup of raw pecans but you could choose flaked coconut for a more intense flavor.
When this mixture is smooth and creamy pour into a pie pan and refrigerate for a few hours or over night. Cut into portions and enjoy.
While this isn’t too sweet, you can add some dates to the mix or pour some pure maple syrup or nicely whipped cream on top.
The good part is that it is really good, and it isn’t even my recipe. The other good part is that it is made up of things that naturally benefit your health and help keep your cholesterol level in balance.
Coconut oil and coconut crème both benefit your heart and your health. These natural substances do protect your body from depositing unhealthy fats in your arteries. Quite the contrary, using soy, corn, canola, or other vegetables oils lead to the production of trans fats and this is what does the damage.
If you already have balanced, high, or low cholesterol, using natural coconut products you may benefit with your LDL/HDL ratio moving in the most favorable direction.
Keep this in mind, because now that food has been declared off limits for improving health by the CODEX authorities, it may come to pass that I won’t be able to say any of this again in the future.

NB: I use this to make delicious GMO free coconut milk, and in the recipe included in the above article.


Sep 12, 2011
A couple of weeks ago I received a large glass jar of coconut oil to review. Our organization frequently tests and reviews books and product and we've done so for about a dozen or more years. I guess its because of the trust ...
Jul 23, 2011
Certain foods such as cilantro, wheat bran, and coconut have detoxifying effects that can absorb or neutralize environmental chemicals that collect in our bodies. Simply adding these detoxifying foods into the diet can help ...
Mar 04, 2009
MARY ENIG Ph.D. ON NATURAL COCONUT OIL FOR AIDS and OTHER VIRAL INFECTIONS On July 19, 1995, Enig was quoted in an article published in The HINDU, India's National Newspaper as stating that coconut oil is ...
Aug 12, 2009
Researchers followed 40 subjects between the ages of 20 and 40—half receiving 30 mL of coconut oil per day and half receiving 30 mL of soybean oil—over the course of 12-weeks.1. The study participants were instructed to ...