Showing posts with label skin cancer. Show all posts
Showing posts with label skin cancer. Show all posts

The Sun Is Not Causing Your Skin Cancer

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'The most common form of cancer in the world today according to WEBMD is non melanoma skin cancer. Skin cancer rates have skyrocketed and are literally almost out of control. The mostly widely known solution in our modern era is to wear lots of sunscreen, takes immune suppressing drugs, and get laser or burn treatments. 

Unfortunately, the Western treatments option never address the root of the issue. Due to this, the sun has gotten a massive amount of blame. But, again, is the sun or even UV rays to blame?'



Not only do these bulbs waste energy, they are a hazardous waste, and now:

CFL Light Bulbs and UV Skin Cancer Risks

A study funded by the U.S. National Science Foundation and published in a recent issue of the journal Photochemistry and Photobiology found widespread chipping or cracking in the phosphor surface coating of nearly all the compact fluorescent bulbs they examined. These cracks allow UV rays to escape, which would have been absorbed by the phosphor coating and converted to safe, visible light.

As reported in many new services, including "HealthDay, "most of the bulbs 'have cracks in the phosphor coating, probably due to the fact that the coating is brittle and has trouble making the tight bends required to make these bulbs compact," explained study lead author Miriam Rafailovich, a professor of materials science and engineering and director of the Garcia Center for Polymers at Engineered Interfaces at Stony Brook University in Stony Brook, N.Y. 'As a result, we observed, by eye, defects in nearly all the bulbs that we studied." The researcher added that  "skin cells exposed to [compact fluorescent light] emissions showed the same damage as those exposed to UV light" when placed close, less than one foot, to a CFL bulb. (SOURCE)

Read more about CFL risks here.
Jan 17, 2009
Over the past two years on this blog (Natural Health News) we have posted about a dozen articles regarding the risks of CFL light bulbs to your health. Many other warnings were sent in our newsletter, taught in our classes, ...
Oct 22, 2008
Perhaps the ultimate "alternative to the alternative," the LED (light-emitting diode) light bulb may well dethrone the compact fluorescent (CFL) as king of the green lighting choices. But it has a way to go yet in terms of both ...
Mar 22, 2008
For many years I tried to explain to people that there was a hazardous risk to using CFL light bulbs, now being promoted by all those greenies that jumped on the bandwagon without doing all the necessary research. CHI and ...
Apr 04, 2011
For many years I tried to explain to people that there was a hazardous risk to using CFL light bulbs, now being promoted by all those greenies that jumped on the bandwagon without doing all the necessary research.