Showing posts with label health benefits. Show all posts
Showing posts with label health benefits. Show all posts

Why avocado is the feel good food
Photo Credit: Align Life

' The avocado could be the crown jewel in a healthy plant centered diet, even though it is not a vegetable.  Avocado is actually a fruit — an oily berry, sometimes called alligator pear because of its shape and outer skin texture and color.

Avocado, along with organic rice and dry, freshly soaked and cooked beans, is more than enough to silence the meat industry’s claim that you’re not getting enough protein. Though foolishly ignored by weight watcher types for its high fat content, what is also foolishly ignored is the avocado’s high and complete protein content.

Of course, it’s easy to be foolish if you don’t know the facts. So here we go.'


11 Benefits of Ginger That You Didn’t Know About

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'I love the taste of Ginger. It’s used widely used in many meals that I eat from starters, main meals and even deserts. It’s used all over the world in a variety of world cuisines from chili crab, curries to ginger confectionary and ginger biscuits. It’s also supposed to hold medicinal health benefits so it’s supposed to be good for me to eat… But what are they? I decided to find out what these benefits are that people talk about.'


7 Health Benefits of Bee Propolis
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'Bees make more than honey.  They also make gunk called propolis. And this "bee glue" is a powerful health balm.  In fact, studies show it has anti-cancer properties.

Dr. Seema Patel of the Bioinformatics and Medical Informatics Research Center, San Diego State University conducted a comprehensive review of the literature on propolis and cancer. Dr. Patel found laboratory and animal studies supporting propolis efficacy against cancers of the:'


Green Tea Linked to Decreased Risk for Dementia
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'Aside from water, tea is the most commonly consumed beverage in the world.1 In the US, black tea is by far the most popular, but green tea (which accounted for just 15 percent of the tea consumed in America in 20142) may have particularly powerful health benefits.

Regardless of variety, black and green tea (as well as oolong, dark, and white teas) come from the same plant, an evergreen called Camellia sinensis. It is the processing method and degree of oxidization (exposure to oxygen) that creates the different tea types.

While black tea is oxidized, green tea is not oxidized at all after the leaves are harvested. This minimal oxidation may help to keep the beneficial antioxidants in green tea intact.'


10 reasons why you should consume more cucumbers
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'Considered a veggie but technically a fruit related to melons, the cucumber is often an afterthought or garnish for most. Too bad. It's not only a tasty addition to many foods and very hydrating with it's 90-plus percent water content; cucumbers are packed with a load of health-benefiting nutrients too.'



Too Much Water, Not Enough Water—Why I Think We Need to Drink More

Pretty brunette drinking water on couch at home in the living room
Photo Credit: Renegade Health

Recommendations are mixed, but I think on the whole, most of us can benefit by drinking more water.

It’s a natural miracle worker: plain old water.

It has the power to reduce the risk of heart disease, soothe pain, boost your weight-loss efforts, and ease digestion.

According to recent research, though, nearly half of Americans aren’t drinking enough.

Maybe it’s because of the experts who say all the talk about drinking water is just that—talk, because we have few studies to prove that drinking extra water will really benefit you health wise. You can get just as much of your fluid requirements from other drinks, they say, like tea, coffee, and even fruit.

You need eight glasses of water a day? 


This unique BUTTER detoxifies the body, boosts fat metabolism and helps you lose weight!

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'Ghee is a super clarified butter. It’s an ancient food and medicine that has its roots in India’s ancient Vedic culture. Ghee has been used by Indian cooks for millennia as it has a very high flash point of 485 degrees Fahrenheit – not to mention it tastes scrumptious. Regular butter only has a smoke point of 350 degrees Fahrenheit; one of the lowest smoke points of any cooking fat.'
