Aspartame and Seizures

 The attitude of science toward the unwelcome is that it does not exist

June 11, 2013: Today at 5pm eastern time. just click the link and network feed will start automatically. ASPARTAME.


A disturbing report on the fast rise of seizure disorder in children was something I heard on NPR yesterday morning.

We know aspartame is in some of the vaccine solutions.  We know some of the vaccine ingredients are known to harm brain function along with causing nutrient depletion.  We know some of the seizure drugs contain aspartame. We also know that aspartame, sucralose, acesulfame K, and other neurotoxic artificial sweeteners are in children’s vitamins, children’s antibiotics, chewing gum, and many other food and beverage items. Please inquire and read labels.

81 Medicines with Aspartame


My friend, James Bowen, MD, wrote a paper on Splenda (sucralose) describing the issue of seizure from this artificial sweetener too.

Thanks go to Dr. Betty Martini also for responding to NPR regarding this issue.  Some of her material is below.

 "The Goal is to Keep Children Seizure Free"  - It's the Aspartame Issue! (Note error, should say Hayes over-ruled the revoked petition for aspartame approval)

Some years ago I attended the American College of Physicians with the late world expert on aspartame, Dr. H. J. Roberts.  In the Neurology workshop the professor said:  "Can anyone tell me why people all over this country are having seizures for no reason."  Dr. Roberts said, "Tell them Betty!"  I explained to the professor that aspartame is in thousands of products and the 50% phenylalanine lowers the seizure threshold.  Even pilots are having seizures in the cockpits of commercial airliners."  The professor said, "But I thought that was in the rare case of  Phenylketonuria."  "No Professor, in all people".  A physician raised his  hand and said, "Professor, she's right.  I'm a pilot and a physician.  I have a friend who flies commercially and has seizures and we're going to have to report him."  Today we have Mission Possible Aviation which I founded after a pilot crashed his plane on aspartame: FAA said they can't do anything because FDA approved this neurotoxin.

When the manufacturers of aspartame and the FDA lie to physicians it ties their hands.  Now let's show you how really bad it gets.  Aspartame interacts with anti-seizure medication so the patient can't be helped.  In Dr. Roberts medical text, "Aspartame Disease: An Ignored Epidemic", there is a chapter on drug interaction.  You see aspartame damages the mitochondria or powerhouse of the cell and interacts with drugs and vaccines.

So what do they do with children who just can't get well?  Sometimes they use the Ketogenic diet and they use Ketocal.  When I checked some years ago it contained aspartame.  I made such a fuss about it I decided to check and see if they had taken it out.  They have and what did they  replace it with?  Sucralose! When Marianne Lamar's husband used Splenda and had a grand mal seizure she called the manufacturer who first told her it didn't cause seizures.  She gave them such a hard time they finally admitted "well okay, yes Splenda causes seizures and migraines".  She asked them why they don't make that known and was told because there are so few cases.  Well, of course, how can you associate Splenda with seizures when its kept a dark secret that it causes them.  So Ketocal is now advertised as aspartame-free but it contains Sucralose.  Dr. Morando Soffritti did a study on sucralose and found it also causes cancer so like aspartame violates the Delaney Amendment and is illegally on the market.

I was talking to a wonderful, brilliant neurologist here in Atlanta, Dr. Ramon Sanchez,  who remembers the aspartame wars  in the beginning and knows it causes seizures.  He told me about a patient who had so many seizures he finally put her in the hospital. He said he tried every anti-seizure medication in the PDR (Physicians Desk Reference) and nothing worked.  Of course, it won't - it aspartame interacts with anti-seizure medication. When Dr. Sanchez went to the hospital he found a case of Diet Coke under the bed and questioned the patient who was addicted to it.  He got her off but she went crazy so he put her in a mental institution.  Aspartame triggers psychiatric and behavioral problems as well.  He had her released a couple of weeks later - no more mental problems and no more seizures.

Dr. Ralph Walton wrote:  "Two years after aspartame was introduced onto the market I first became aware of the negative impact of this artificial sweetener on the central nervous system. I had been treating a then 54 year old woman with imipramine, a tricyclic antidepressant, because of recurrent major depressive episodes. Previous psychoanalytically based therapy had proven ineffective, but she responded dramatically to 150mg of imipramine per day. She had done well for 11 years on this medication, but was then suddenly hospitalized with a grand-mal seizure and subsequent manic episode.

"One could postulate that she was bipolar, and the antidepressant had triggered the mania - but she had been on the same medication for a total of 11 years, and for the previous 5 years at the same 150mg per day dose. Neither the seizure nor her mania was consistent with what we know about the clinical course of bipolar disorder or epilepsy. Careful history revealed that the only change in her life was a recent decision to switch from the sugar which she had always used to sweeten her iced tea to a newly marketed product with aspartame.

"Since aspartame can alter the balance of certain neurotransmitters which we believe are involved in mood disorders and can, in my opinion, alter the seizure threshold, I advised my patient to avoid all aspartame products. She did so, and had no further seizures, no further manic or depressive episodes. I discontinued the lithium carbonate which I had started when I mistakenly concluded that she had a bipolar disorder, reinstated her imipramine and she has continued to do well.

"After this case report was published in the medical literature, many patients with unexplained seizures or treatment resistant psychiatric problems were referred to me. I became increasingly convinced that aspartame could both trigger seizure activity and mimic or exacerbate a variety of psychiatric disorders".  Dr. Walton did a study on aspartame and the reactions were so severe the institution  stopped the study.

Dr. Russell Blaylock in "Excitotoxins: The Taste That Kills", wrote about aspartame and seizures:  He said: "In 1985 Dr. Richard J. Wurtman reported three such cases in the journal Lancet.  One case involved a forty two year old secretary who developed a seizure following a practice of drinking seven liters of NutraSweet containing beverages per day.  She had no previous history of seizures.  The second case was a twenty-seven-year-old computer programmer who had a single grand mal seizure after drinking 4 to 5 glasses of "Crystal Light" containing NutraSweet.  It is interesting that this patient also experienced "twitching, trembling, jerking, and hyperventilation."  What makes this interesting is that it resembles the "wet dog shades" seen when dogs are given large doses of the excitotoxin kainate.  The last case was a thirty-six year-old professor who drank one liter of ice tea sweetened with NutraSweet everyday.  After several days of this practice he developed a grand mal seizure."

Dr. Wurtman wanted to do studies on aspartame and seizures and was threatened by the VP of G. D. Searle, the original manufacturer, if he did his research funds would be rejected.  They were.  Read it in the UPI Investigation, 8 months, by Gregory Gordon:

Mrs. Barbara Metzler, Mission Possible New Jersey, wrote Dr. Wurtman in 1986.  She said:  -- "I have a 22 year old daughter who was only recently diagnosed as having temporal lobe epilepsy. -- Her behavior has been more and more bewildering for approximately two years.  My mother's intuition told me that something was amiss.  I hammered at her relentlessly by phone.  Finally, and nearly too late, she announced that she has been experiencing bizarre symptoms with increasing frequently.  --- After pondering her revelation for several days, it suddenly occurred to me that aspartame could have triggered her seizures since I develop severe migraine attacks immediately after drinking beverages sweetened with NutraSweet."

Barbara's daughter was having seizures, going blind from the methanol in aspartame and had a complete personality change.  Her daughter, Julia, is an uncommonly brilliant girl with the possibility of a magnificent future at the time.  When she was in high school, she won a Telluride Association Scholarship.  She competed with more than one million students from the entire US for this honor.

Dr. Wurtman wrote Barbara back on April 29, 1986 from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and said:  "Dear Mrs. Metzler:  Thank you for writing to us about your daughter's condition that may very well be associated with NutraSweet.  We are very anxious to collect information on people like your daughter and would be very grateful if you would provide us with the information requested on the attached form letter.  Either Dr. Donald Schomer, my neurologist colleague, or I will be back in touch with you as soon as we receive this information.  Cordially yours, Richard J. Wurtman, M.D."

To make a long story short Barbara's daughter got off aspartame/NutraSweet/Equal/Canderel, etc. and the seizures disappeared, her eyesight was restored and her personality went back to normal.

Dr. Richard Wurtman,  was at one-time a Searle consultant,  then resigned to become a critic of NutraSweet. He said  he had been contacted by more than 200 people who suspected their seizures resulted from the toxin. He said it was enough for FDA to remove aspartame from the marketplace.   Today he has aspartame lockjaw, and will not speak out about aspartame but MIT gets research funds. His paper trail is enormous.  Don't fail to read "Dietary Phenylalanine and Brain Function" edited by Dr. Wurtman (Birkhauser).

Has it been proven aspartame triggers seizures.  Sure it has by the manufacturer's own study.  A 52 week oral toxicity study on aspartame with 7 infant monkeys showed 5 had grand mal seizures and 1 died.  Searle used it as pivotal in the approval of this deadly addictive, excitoneurotoxic, carcinogenic, genetically engineered drug and adjuvant.  In the beginning the FDA were heros, first trying to having G. D. Searle indicted for fraud but both US Prosecutors hired on with the defense team and the statute of limitations expired.  So they revoked the petition for approval.  Meanwhile G. D. Searle hired Don Rumsfeld to get it on the market and Searle filed suit at the time the FDA Board of Inquiry revoked the petition. Rumsfeld said he would call in his markers and get it on the market.  He was on President Reagan's transition team and the day after Reagan took office he had someone from the team call FDA Commissioner Jere Goyan who would have signed the petition into law at 3:00 AM and fired him.  Then he wrote an executive order making the FDA powerless to do anything on aspartame or sign the petition until he could get a new commissioner there.  He appointed Dr. Arthur Hull Hayes, a friend of Rumsfeld who then revoked the petition for approval.

Today the FDA is simply Big Pharma's Washington Branch Office.  I call them the Fatal Drugs Allowed folks,.  Even when I filed an amendment to a citizen's petition for ban  based on an imminent health hazard  in 2007 they have refused to answer.  They wrote they had more important things to do. You're suppose to answer in a week or ten days by law but the FDA serves above the law.

Look at the FDA's own report of 92 documented symptoms on aspartame and you'll see four types of seizures listed:

The aspartic acid in aspartame is an excitotoxin, a product that literally stimulates the neurons of the brain to death causing brain injury.  Call it the sister to MSG, another excitotoxin.  Actually, all three components trigger seizures in aspartame as Dr. James Bowen has discussed.  MSG has a synergistic and additive effect with aspartame.  Jack Samuels some years ago filed suit against the FDA on this issue and labeling.  Let me show you how friendly the FDA is with the glutamate people.

In l993 Jack Samuels, President of the <>Truth in Labeling Campaign, was reviewing FDA docket files relating to an FDA study on the safety of amino acids in supplements. In the files, he found a letter dated March 22, l991, from Andrew G. Ebert, PhD, Chairman, International Glutamate Technical Committee, glutamate industry organization where Ebert admitted that aspartame had been used since at least l978 in test and placebo materials that his organization provided to scientists who study the safety of MSG.

A review of studies conducted with the above-referenced test material clearly indicates that some subjects reacted to both MSG test material and placebo material. Scientists conducting such studies concluded that since subjects reacted to both MSG and placebos, their reactions were not from MSG. Even though such logic is highly questionable, we now know that subjects reacted to placebos because of the presence of aspartame, an additive that causes MSG-type responses in MSG-sensitive people. Because of the disclosure of the use of aspartame in placebo material by Jack Samuels, the Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology, in its July l995 report on the safety of MSG in food, concluded that the use of aspartame in placebo materials was inappropriate.

If you want to read more about this get the new book, "The Man Who Sued The FDA" by Adrienne Samuels.  Unfortunately, Jack Samuels died.  Many of the things used in the hospital had MSG and probably killed him.  He could go into anaphylactic shock if he got MSG.  See his web site,

So how can the manufacturer  and their paid flacks do studies on aspartame and seizures and it not show the problems.  Read Seems like there should be a law against these types of studies to cover up the problems.

It was James Turner, Attorney, and the famed John Olney, M.D. who tried to prevent approval of aspartame.  You must get the aspartame documentary "Sweet Misery: A Poisoned World",  You can google the clip, "Sick on Aspartame, Meet Don Rumsfeld" where James Turner explains approval:  Turner says Dr. Olney got so sick of Searle's shenanigans he insisted they do studies in his laboratory so he could oversee them.  Sure enough aspartame destroyed the brains of the rodents so he thought it could never get approved.  However, Searle never told the FDA!

How heinous a crime can the approval of aspartame be?   The FDA made a deal with G. D. Searle to seal all studies and records on aspartame and birth defects so the public would never know the FDA said aspartame caused birth defects.  It caused neural tube birth defects which as Dr. Monte says in his book "While Science Sleeps" is often a grotesquely disfiguring malformation of the infant that encompasses a spectrum of disorders ranging from cleft palate, through spina bifida, to the always fatal presentations of horrifically deformed skulls with exposed or missing brains.  It has caused an epidemic of autism.  Read the last chapter:
<> This is the best book there is on the methanol in aspartame.  Even tells how Dr. Monte's house was blown up with him in it.

Children don't have a chance these days.  In the movie, "Sweet Remedy" the ADD people were interviewed and said before the approval of aspartame the terms ADD and ADHD were hardly used.
Read the "Report for Schools" on the banner on my web site, Feingold, the ADD people wrote an excellent report.

Now to add insult to injury the dairy people have petitioned the FDA to allow aspartame in 17 dairy products removing labeling  like "chocolate milk, reduced calories" which would identify the product as having aspartame or artificial sweeteners to simply "chocolate milk".  Aspartame requires a PKU warning by law.  Consider if someone who has gotten off aspartame doesn't realize its in a dairy product and uses it.  Many are chemically hypersensitive for life and it could cause their death.  In "Sweet Misery" you will see a woman who told the hospital she was chemically hypersensitive to aspartame and couldn't have it.  A dietitian gave her Crystal Lite and she became a Code Blue and they had to resuscitate her to save her life.

In an interview with Dr. James Bowen, some years ago  he stated: "The FDA has made aspartame a self-validating compound, meaning that since they have released it to market generally recognized as safe, it must be held blameless. Therefore, their own studies which show horrendous toxicity must be held invalid." Dr. Bowen who says aspartame triggered his Lou Gehrig's Disease, toxic cardiopathy, and severe depression, not to mention changing his hair from rich, dark brown to total silver gray in six weeks wrote the FDA several years ago telling them that aspartame was a mass poisoning of the American public and more than 70 other countries. Their only response to this, says Dr. Bowen, was to send an FDA investigator to his office after he collected 30 other cases for them. This investigator told Dr. Bowen, "We don't like what you're doing, and we want you to stop." He told me she repeatedly refused to accept the 30 cases of aspartame poisoning he collected. Whereupon he said to her, "Did you come here to intimidate me, or did you come here to review the case reports, as you say you have?" He says she merely glared at him and refused to take the reports until he repeatedly pressured her to do so, and nobody has seen those reports since.

Special warning for diabetics:  Aspartame can precipitate diabetes, simulates and aggravates diabetic retinopathy and neuropathy, destroys the optic nerve, causes diabetics to go into convulsions, and even interacts with insulin.  The free methyl alcohol causes diabetics to lose limbs.  Jeanette Soto, Mission Possible Brookville, Florida who wrote "Blinded Sight" when her husband lost his sight from aspartame was unable to get her father-in-law, diabetic off aspartame because of the addiction.  The free methyl alcohol is classified as a narcotic.  It causes chronic methanol poisoning which affects the dopamine system of the brain and causes the addiction.  When Jeanette's father-in-law, Santiago Echiverria died it had to be a closed casket, the formaldehyde from the free methyl alcohol was oozing out of his skin.

Mothers Using Aspartame
In Pregnancy & Autism Epidemic:
The FDA Knew It Would Happen!
By Dr. Betty Martini, D.Hum

As Dr. James Bowen's paper "Aspartame Murders infants" explained, the poison violates the Federal Genocide Law. Toxic mechanisms the doctor listed include:

Teratogen, it produces birth defects
Adjuvant, it forms antigenic tissue triggering immunologic attack
Fetal Wastage
Chelation, promotes heavy metal poisoning.

 Dr. Bowen said further: "Aspartame. sold as NutraSweet, AminoSweet, E951 and Equal, is in thousands of foods and diet drinks, as well as drugs. At every point in the fertility process APM destroys, beginning with the gleam in Mom and Pop's eyes: it ruins female sexual response and induces male sexual dysfunction. Beyond this, aspartame disrupts fetal development by aborting it or inducing defects. And if a live child is born aspartame may have heinously damaged the DNA of the baby, cursing future generations.

So here we are in 2012 with a global epidemic of autism. Dr. Bill Deagle said:"The European Environmental Association has projected that with the rise of autism caused by toxic foods like Aspartame, MSG, Fluoride, and environmental degradation, by 2013 no one will be born in the Western World that does not to some degree have autism. Our board of AAEM, American Academy of Environmental Medicine and Dr. William Rae, director of the Dallas Environmental Clinic agreed in open discussion at the October 2010 annual meeting".

In 1999 Parents Magazine featured the article What's Happening to Our Children that said almost every family is involved.

To answer Parents Magazine, the aspartame industry used their power to get  this deadly chemical poison on the market that was listed with the pentagon in an inventory of prospective biochemical warfare weapons submitted to Congress <> They have used their power to keep it on the market all because of profit, addiction and greed.  Dr. Maria Alemany in Barcelona did the Trocho study on aspartame and showed that it embalmed living tissue and damages DNA.  When I met this courageous and brilliant professor he said, "Betty, aspartame will kill 200 million people."  The aspartame industry tried to assassinate his character for exposing the truth to the world.

Robin Goodwin, Mission Possible Falklands, petitioned for a ban of aspartame but didn't want to wait years.  He  wrote all 3,000 citizens warning them. His wife suffered an aspartame brain tumor and his daughter had seizures for 18 years, which ceased when she abstained. In early April, 2006, he told me aspartame-containing products  were now rotting on the store shelves there.   Aspartame Disease is now a global plague and children are suffering the world over.  If we don't get aspartame banned by Codex it could be used in countries where it is not even approved.

If you value your baby's or child's life you now must be sure they will never get aspartame. A safe sweetener is "Just Like Sugar",  Spread the word.  Email me for the "Aspartame Resource Guide" -

Dr. Betty Martini, D.Hum, Founder
Mission Possible International
9270 River Club Parkway
Duluth, Georgia 30097
770 242-2599,,
Aspartame Toxicity Center,

Selections from Natural Health News

Jul 11, 2010
EU-funded research has found that pregnant women who drink just one can of fizzy drinks containing artificial sweeteners such as aspartame, have a 37% higher risk of having a premature birth. Routinely drinking 4 or more ...
Feb 23, 2005
When aspartame was news, Dr. H. J. Roberts in a press conference foretold that in 5 or 10 years we would have a global plague. And it was Dr. Roberts who declared Aspartame Disease to be a global plague and published ...
Sep 09, 2006
In July 2005, the most impeccable study ever done on aspartame (Ramazzini) confirmed what the FDA knew a quarter of a century ago, that aspartame is a multipotential carcinogen triggering leukemia, lymphoma, kidney ...
May 30, 2008
The use of the artificial sweetener, aspartame, has long been contemplated and studied by various researchers, and people are concerned about its negative effects. Aspartame is composed of phenylalanine (50%), aspartic ...

Feb 09, 2010
"Nevella is a brand name for the artificial sweetener sucralose, which is also sold under the name Splenda. Sucralose is produced by treating sugar with chlorine chemicals, resulting in a substance 600 times sweeter than ...
Jan 13, 2010
Not only is Splenda a risk to the health of people who use it, it seems as if it is a health risk to everyone because it is not cleared by water treatment systems. Note, however, that *the science proves that sucralose is broken ...
Sep 28, 2008
If you don't know the history of Sucralose or Splenda, it was originally developed as a pesticide. Information withheld from the manufacturer include shrinkage of the thmus (part of your immune system), liver swelling and ...
Sep 23, 2008
Splenda, an artificial sweetener, has been tied to a host of ills by researchers at Duke University, The New York Times reported today. According to an article published on The Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health ...

Medically Speaking

Every day I see or hear people hanging on every word spouted by people like Mike Adams, Joe Mercola, or Mehmet Oz and others.  I am glad that the masses have these talking heads who for the most part rely on ego more than fact as the push too much false data in to the revolving media door.  I suppose it is that old adage, you can fool some of the the people most of the time.  Generally we call this "controlled opposition".  What it does is overwhelm you with data that you somehow come to believe is true and you then come to rely on these sources that are doing nothing more than posting or talking about data without substance.

If you have no substance the little dab won't do ya when push comes to shove.

2014 is looming around the corner.  Big Insurance is salivating as it gets ready for one of the biggest corporate welfare flow of dollars into their coffers.  This is important because what comes out the the other side will more likely than not be little of what you need to hold on to your health.

At the same time the FDA is cranking out approvals for new pharmaceuticals.  One example is a new drug ready to help your insomnia.  Most common side effects already posted in mainstream media include inability to stay awake during the day, falling asleep while driving, and suicide.

I just wonder what the price tag will be and how many people post this and numerous other stories on social media sites without thinking through the entire equation.

Certainly part of the equation is the good natural remedies available to assist with insomnia, all without serious adverse effects.  Certainly none I know about ever have caused suicide.

Where I am going with this is to point out the important role you play in your own health.

At times it is tough because you get rolled in to an exam room and wait for a doctor to show up to let you explain why you don't feel well.  Instead of really listening to what you have to say and  what you need and want to say, you get rushed in and out, just like a drive through fast food place.

Your dear life really depends on your willingness and ability to speak up.  Medical errors kill hundreds of thousands of people every year and many of these come from a health care provider misdiagnosing your problem.

You absolutely need to become your own best advocate for your health.  You need to be not only proactive but interactive.  And if it means you have to get in someone's face to be heard, you need to learn how to do so and not be fearful of doing it.

If you don't understand something then ASK!  And make sure all your questions are answered.

Studies tell us that - on the average - a health care provider interrupts a patient every 10 seconds.  This means that you need to figure out just how you can explain what it is you are experiencing in this amount of time.  Stay focused so you get your point across.

If the health care provider can't come up with a diagnosis consider that today the most common diagnosis is "no diagnosis at all".  This is the main reason I began developing Health Forensics over 15 years ago.  Health Forensics is a very specific process that can target nutritional deficiencies and link them to the health problems you are experiencing.  I call it "Executive Medicine for the Common Man".

Remember the same thing I always tell my students: You are paying the bill and this health care professional is hired by you to provide you with great care.  Challenge them when you have to.

And remember, you are the best historian because you know your body better than anyone else.

Selections from Natural Health News

The patient is the best historian

Medical education is a form of brainwashing, not too different than educating future lawyers.  Most higher education is not far removed, because it is the major way, just as in the days of the Guilds, that a trade or profession was continued.  Keeping the education process in a narrow perspective fosters the culture in that field, and perpetuates the lack of growth and change, new ideas, or new approaches.

Wonderful Catmint

Now for my comment -
Mainstream articles sometimes irk me for various reasons.  One reason I find distressing is a "study" done by people who do not have a working knowledge of herbs.  They seem always to conclude that generally they do not work.

Media reports of the same study repeated until you are sick of hearing it also make it nothing more than a talking-head blabbering about what they are told to read during the news cast.

Vitamin E

I am once agin amazed at these studies that keep coming along telling you that if you take vitamins you will get very sick or worse.  I am not too sure this is the scientific method I learned in the years of science classes I took over many years of schooling.

I've been in health care since the early 1960s.  I started studying and using natural health in the mid 50s.  Over many years of education and work in this field I have yet to have come into contact with anyone harmed by vitamins.

2013 Dirty Dozen and Clean 15

2013 Dirty Dozen and Clean 15

About this time every year the Environmental Working Group releases their latest list of foods highest and lowest in pesticide residue. This week I want to share with you their updated lists for 2013. They have again expanded the Dirty Dozen with a Plus category to highlight two crops -- kale and collard greens. 

According to the EWG, these vegetables "did not meet traditional Dirty Dozen criteria but were commonly contaminated with highly toxic organophosphate insecticides. These insecticides are toxic to the nervous system and have been largely removed from agriculture over the past decade. But they are not banned and still show up on some food crops."

Here are EWG's updated lists for 2013:

Dirty Dozen:
  1. Apples
  2. Celery
  3. Cherry Tomatoes
  4. Cucmbers
  5. Hot Peppers
  6. Nectarines
  7. Peaches
  8. Potatoes
  9. Spinach
  10. Strawberries
  11. Bell Peppers
  12. Kale/Collard Green
  13. Summer Squash
Clean 15:
  1. Asparagus
  2. Avocados
  3. Cabbage
  4. Cantaloupe
  5. Corn
  6. Eggplant
  7. Grapefruit
  8. Kiwi
  9. Mangoes
  10. Mushrooms
  11. Onions
  12. Papayas
  13. Pineapples
  14. Sweet Peas - frozen
  15. Sweet Potatoes
Related articles from Natural Health News

Jun 19, 2012
The Environmental Working Group (EWG) has just released the 2012 Dirty Dozen list. This year there's a + because a couple of items have been added because of pesticide concerns. EWG's new Shopper's Guide to the Dirty ...
Jun 13, 2011
EWG research has found that people who eat five fruits and vegetables a day from the Dirty Dozen list consume an average of 10 pesticides a day. Those who eat from the 15 least contaminated conventionally-grown fruits .
Apr 28, 2010
EWG research has found that people who eat five fruits and vegetables a day from the Dirty Dozen list consume an average of 10 pesticides a day. Those who eat from the 15 least contaminated conventionally-grown fruits ...
Aug 03, 2010
From my perspective, what's most newsworthy about the news from CR is the immateriality of the supplements in question, a so-called “dirty dozen.” Colloidal silver? Kava? Coltsfoot? These are not mainstream supplement ...

Health Care Adrift

I rarely if ever add guest posts to my blog.  In a way this may be seen as snobbish, however I don't see it that way.  As Natural Health News is the original an earliest source for quality good natural news.  Natural Health News led by example and sites that get more readers stealthily spied on our web sites, copied our writing without attribution, used our original format, and began selling their souls to the same banter you find on mainstream media sites.  But then there are many more lemmings than I'd care to document.

Because Natural Health News has high standards I have chosen an article very similar to an issue I was discussing at a recent Socrates Cafe gathering.  The ideas written in this post are much the same as I tried to espouse to other skeptical group members.  But do remember that the "death panel" remains in the Affordable Care Act , section 3403.  It is rationing of care by fiat.

Of course this is an old practice by Big Insurance.  It certainly continues and will explode once 2014 arrives.

My best advice is to learn to be better able to take care of your health.

And I do hope you think about what this writer has to say -
Rescuing Medicaid and Medicare Patients The pain we feel in life is going to get worse though it is possible to go against the flow and rise above it all. Specifically the pain of poverty is going to continue to rise in the United States as Greek-style International Monetary Fund oriented austerity is being imposed on the US. Taxes and regulations are increasing and public benefits and services are going down. The US is now starting to be hollowed out as efficiently as Greece and that will be the death of the western medical system and the economy built around it.
Pharmaceutical multinationals have halted shipments to Greece because of the economic crisis. Even the Swiss Red Cross slashed its supply of donor blood to Greece because it has not paid its bills. Pharmacies in Greece describe chaotic scenes as clients desperately search from shop to shop for much-needed drugs. Greece’s Pharmaceutical Association said "around 300 drugs are in very short supply," adding that "It’s a disgrace.
Congress needs to cut the debt, or that’s what the budget experts are saying. They say the government needs to rein in the mushrooming cost of the biggest budget-busting programs: Social Security, Medicaid and especially Medicare. The American administration is now wanting to make some administrative changes in the Medicare program that might lower payments to healthcare providers, while also reducing benefits or raising premiums for wealthier Medicare patients. These tinkering tactics don’t come anywhere close to addressing the monstrous programs that the country nor the people can afford anymore.
The paradigm of western medicine has led to the creation of a very expensive ineffective medical system that is bankrupting the government as well as its citizens. Mainstream medicine prefers that people endure its treatments no matter what the cost. Even if its principles and practices break the nation it would rather civilization ends as long as they can continue to build proton beam radiation machines at the cost of hundreds of millions of dollars each.
We all know, even doctors know, how dangerous allopathic medicine is. It is as dangerous as it is expensive. The point is that we do not need nor can we afford this form of medicine that is going to be wiped out in the next great depression as it is now being wiped out in Greece.

Bernanke at the Helm

Though Bernanke seems to believe that we should all go down with the ship it does not have to be that way. Bernanke knows nothing about medicine and seems to be blind to the future because as everyone also knows he is stuck in the past. He is what I call a true blue level consciousness person, someone stuck in the levels of ideas and concepts that only exist in memory and thus the past. His high speed printing presses might be leading the bullet train to a crash at the end of the tracks but he is not looking forward only back.
It’s always the Great Depression for him, the early thirties unless that is all a lie and he is just the message-boy of the people who own him, the Federal Reserve System and the rest or most of the central banks around the world.
In the world of medicine the train wreck has arrived. Community-based cancer care, where until recently four out of five Americans with cancer were treated, is in serious crisis. The April 1 payment cut to Medicare mandated by sequestration will make cancer clinics go broke if they give Medicare patients the chemotherapy they need, oncologists claim. “A lot of us can’t believe this is happening,” said Jeff Vacirca, chief executive of North Shore Hematology Oncology Associates on Long Island.
Cancer clinics are turning away thousands of patients due to fears that treating them could jeopardize the bottom line. Oncologists across the country are finding it impossible to administer chemotherapy drugs while keeping their clinics afloat, let alone turn a profit.
This video is about people dying because of Obama care. But the conclusions are wrong. Everything is wrong when they start talking about expensive chemotherapy. Some think we should take water from a stone (money from a bankrupt government) and keep feeding the medical paradigm that does not allow for safer, less expensive and even more effective cancer treatments. Or we can save a few hundred billion and trillions through the next decade by learning to treat cancer differently.
For most people that is just too big of an idea to swallow but I have published a complete form of treatment that can be administered to cancer patients at home for a cost of four to five thousand dollars for a three month program. I believe my Natural Allopathic Medicine protocol approach is safer and more effective than their miserable system of cancer treatments that have hardly changed at all through the decades.
When the financial system finally splits at the seams and the economy goes down hard survival skills will include learning how to take care of oneself whether one has cancer or not. Might as well start learning unless you think you have all the time in the world and that we can magically print our way to heaven like Bernanke believes.
Let him pay for the ridiculously expensive cancer treatments with his digital money. All they have to decide is to do it and presto money can fall from heaven into oncology clinics across the country. They do it for the banks why not for the cancer patients? It is time to stop thinking of just the price of gold and start thinking about how we are going to take care of our families when the system completely collapses around us as it is already doing in Greece, Spain and many other countries.

Mark A. Sircus 

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Consider this when thinking of vaccines

While I am terribly busy with so many details too numerous to mention following a recent move and the fall out from this change I find it very important to share this information with you.
Being one of the first bloggers to report the issue of vaccination boys with the terrible solution following on reports of extreme adverse reactions in girls, the damage continues to rise.  And what is even worse little or no information on this issue is published in US mainstream media.  It is certainly not what you are getting from your doctor.  But in all cases of any vaccine make sure you ask first.
From Vaccination is Not Immunization

Let’s start with the ones cited by Merck:
fever, nausea, pharyngitis, dizziness, NVD, bronchospasm and Gastroenteritis, appendicitis, PID, upper respiratory infection
- 2007 Physicians Desk Reference [227] p 1987

Additional side effects discovered later include loss of consciousness, loss of vision and seizures.  (Lopes, [87]) And oh yes, paralysis.

Then the British media began to report still other effects of Gardasil, like the deaths of 30 young girls, which American media never mentioned.  [94]
 A frequent consequence of the HPV shot is Guillain Barre syndrome, an autoimmune condition resulting in paralysis.  There have been several such cases both in the UK and the US, including a high profile case in Oct 2008 of a 12 year old British girl who collapsed 2 days after the HPV shot and was subsequently paralyzed from the waist down.  [94] Her first symptoms came on within 30 minutes.  Again, no US media.

 Newer 2012 intel from the VAERS database - the government tracking system for vaccine injuries since 1991 - this data makes public the 26 American girls who died from the Gardasil shot in 2011.  [11] The story has never been in any mainstream media source.  But you can easily find these government documents [1], although scrolling through them to find the 26 deaths will require that you do a search for the word death.
 Diligent research came from Judicial Watch, a group that recently unearthed the data through Freedom of Information.  [11]
 In the US and UK combined more than 100 girls died from the HPV vaccine between 2010 and 2012.  See that anywhere on FOX News?

 Can the vaccine itself cause cancer? That’s a fair question - we’re talking about a vaccine that they’re claiming prevents cancer by imitating a pathogen that itself causes cancer, right? So wouldn’t we want to be fairly secure that this vaccine wouldn’t cause cancer? Here’s what the manufacturer states: 
    “Gardasil ...  not been evaluated for carcinogenicity or impairment of fertility.”  (2007 [227] p1986 )
 Wonderful.  They want to vaccinate all American 12 year olds with a new vaccine for cancer and they don’t even know whether or not it causes cancer, or makes the recipients infertile.

Gardasil is a 3 shot series at $360.  [86]
    “The vaccine is expected to reach $1 billion in sales next year, ... could make Gardasil ...within five years, sales of more than $4 billion, according to Wall Street analysts.” [88]

 Again, the whole story of HPV vaccine is much more invidious than we’re representing here.  For those readers seeking the real extent of the science behind the HPV vaccine industry, the IARC Monographs is your ticket.  [59] The vigilant reader is also invited to follow up these sources:  [11], [22], [87]

 Rarely has such a calculated, systematic misrepresentation of fact been attempted in which data is so obviously manipulated, issues so deliberately obscured, and financial interests so obsequiously served.

 With the uncertainty about the safety and efficacy of the HPV vaccine, the certainty of the side effects, the prodigious economic upside to global dissemination irrespective of its scientific merits, the absence of long-term studies, and the ludicrous religious/ethical/equality media controversy smokescreen designed to distract us from the underlying scientific issues, is this really a vaccine you want to try out on your innocent little 9 yr old?  Source
Selections from Natural Health News 
Jul 28, 2008
HPV Vaccine Adverse Events Worrisome Says Key Investigator. Now the scientists are starting to wonder. I hope you are as well, and you get the facts before you force this unknown into the bodies of your daughters and sons.
Sep 21, 2011
In 2006 the HPV vaccine was recommended by the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices. A few years later the U.S. Centers for Disease Control stated, “As of June 22, 2011… VAERS [the federal Vaccine Adverse ...
Dec 23, 2010
The FDA emphasized that HPV vaccination would not prevent anal cancer in individuals already infected with the virus. "Treatment for anal cancer is challenging; the use of Gardasil as a method of prevention is important as it ...
Nov 13, 2008
For well over a year we have been alerting readers of Natural Health News to the risks of the HPV vaccines, the problematic side effects, and the fact that for the most part it is unproven and that HPV more often than not clears ...

In General
Sep 08, 2010
The Obama administration announced that it plans to invest nearly $2 billion in measures to beef up the nation's ability to respond to bioterrorism and pandemic threats, including $822 million for pandemic influenza vaccine ...
Aug 23, 2010
KATHMANDU, Sept. 5 (Xinhua) -- Nepali government has suspended the import and use of over 2.7 million pandemrix vaccines manufactured by a global company for protecting people from influenza - A/H1N1, generally ...
Apr 18, 2010
“U.S. federal health authorities recommended … that doctors suspend using Rotarix, one of two vaccines licensed in the U.S. against rotavirus, saying the vaccine is contaminated with material from a pig virus,” CNN reports.
May 02, 2012
I am sure Mary Selecky, the Washington State Department of Health Secretary, has made no effort to keep up with the facts about vaccines, their toxins, their risk to health, and the options that should be made available to ...