Showing posts with label medical tyranny. Show all posts
Showing posts with label medical tyranny. Show all posts

An Example of Rising Medical Tyranny: ‘Your Newborn Gets the Hep-B Shot or We Take Him!’


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'Aliea Bidwell and Ben Gray had their baby delivered at St. Vincent’s Hospital in Birmingham, Alabama, and they had done some really thorough research to decide against allowing the Hep-B vaccination, which is often administered just after birth and repeated three times over the next six months.

 They had announced their decision upon arriving at the hospital without any backlash from the hospital. Maybe they had seen this statement by Erdem I. Cantekin, PhD of University of Pittsburgh’s School of Medicine sent as an open letter to The Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) ..."



The film 'Doctored' exposes AMA conspiracy to monopolize healthcare - Now available on Amazon Prime

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'The American health care system is really just a "sick care" scam designed to generate profits and power for the drug industry. Learn the full truth by watching the powerful documentary film "Doctored" on Amazon Prime: 

 The medical industry is now so completely mired in corruption that people are dying left and right from government-approved drugs, vaccines, and surgeries that are speciously considered to be "safe and effective," while "alternative" and natural remedies that actually work are vilified and unjustly regarded as quackery or fraud.

This is the subject matter of the powerful documentary film Doctored, which is now available for instant viewing through Amazon Prime.'


First They Came for the Anti-Vaxxers


10 ways the pro-vaxxers shut down reasonable debate on vaccines.

'Earlier this year I spent a few days at the Ronald Reagan UCLA Medical Center with my daughter who was having an EEG done. On our way home, I learned that there had been an outbreak of an antibiotic-resistant bacteria while we were there, that it had infected seven people and killed two of them. My daughter and I were fine – the infection having been limited to people using a particular kind of duodenoscope.'
