Showing posts with label hfcs. Show all posts
Showing posts with label hfcs. Show all posts

Sugar Doesn’t Just Feed Cancer Cells it May Even CREATE Them

Photo Credit: Real Farmacy

'First realize that even without being diagnosed with cancer, we all have at least a few cancerous cells floating around in our “inner terrain”. A decent immune system residing in a slightly alkaline or neutral pH inner terrain is able to fend them off and keep them from colonizing into tumorous masses.

On the other hand, those who indulge primarily in the SAD (Standard American Diet), which includes lots of factory farmed meat and junk foods saturated with refined sugars or high fructose corn syrup (HFCS), which processed foods use even with their non-sweet products to keep you addicted, along with all those refined carbs in refined grain baked products, are adding fuel (literally) to the fire of cancer.'


The Case Against Refined Sugar and HFCS

 Photo Credit:

'HFCS is high fructose corn syrup, a very concentrated synthetic extraction from corn, which is usually GMO, and is commonly processed with mercury, a rather toxic heavy metal. It happens to be sweeter per volume than cane sugar, and it’s cheaper.

Despite HFCS manufacturers attempts to soften their product’s toxicity by claiming it’s natural and in fruit, the fact is this concentrated form of fructose is a disaster that competes with refined sugar as a poison.

Fructose from fruit without added sugar is no big deal. It’s combined with the fruit’s natural compensating compounds and fiber, it’s without mercury,  non-GMO (so far), and more it’s not concentrated to be more than one’s liver can handle.'
