Showing posts with label colloidal silver. Show all posts
Showing posts with label colloidal silver. Show all posts

Why mainstream medicine continues to attack colloidal silver

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'Prior to the advent of patentable and more profitable antibiotics, medicines containing silver were the most widely prescribed infection fighters by doctors and there were no fewer than 34 different approved prescription and over the counter medications which contained silver. 

Now, after the elimination of most large particle and silver nitrate products and after improved technology has made nano-sized particles that require far less parts per million, colloidal silver proponents claim that it is safer and more effective than ever. 

At the same time, however, it has become the subject of increasing attacks by mainstream medicine, which labels colloidal silver as a scam, as quackery and as a dangerous substance with no proven value.'


Silver: A tried and true germ fighter

Today's news gives us hope that mainstream medicine is waking up to concepts that can be of great help to people yet are often not considered.

Silver based medications were a main ingredient in therapy when I was in charge of a large urban burn center in the 1970s. Much use of this healer is documented in this article found on our main website -

An Indepth History of Silver: Historic Perspectives on Clinical Use and Efficacy of Silver

Other things that can be of great use are pure essential oils.  I know of a case in a burn center where they used silver and tea tree oil in a spray that promoted 30% faster healing to the amazement of the staff.

In this LA Times article today -

Silver found to increase effectiveness of antibiotics
Silver, used for centuries to fight infection and other germs, when added to antibiotics in trace amounts makes the drugs as much as 1,000 times more effective in treating mice, researchers find. SOURCE
It will be amazing when the natural therapies become the first used, however this is a step forward.

Natural Health News Selections

Apr 25, 2010
Colloidal Silver is a very good product to consider,and when used only to treat infection or other issues it can be very helpful. I am not one to encourage the everyday prophylactic use of colloidal silver. I'll have a new article ...

May 21, 2008
I've been in support of using silver remedies for decades, since the early years of my career in nursing. In the 1970s I was in charge of a burn center at a major hospital in Philadelphia. We used silver based therapy daily.

