Showing posts with label Ghost Signs. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Ghost Signs. Show all posts

A modern Leicester ghost sign

A modern-day ghost sign on the old Royal Mail building by Leicester station.

Leicester ghost signs: Sid Mottram Cycles

I found these ghost signs while exploring the Narborough Road in Leicester, recently named (through gritted teeth) as Britain's most multicultural high street by the Daily Mail.

Sid Mottram Cycles closed in 1985 and the premises is now occupied by a barber's shop.

Confirming my theory that immigration often preserves or restores British traditions, the barber offers wet shaves to his customers.

A ghost sign from Rothwell

Photographed on Saturday, along with Big Brother.

Six of the Best 561

"New research from Leeds University into the impacts of permitted heather burning on upland peat bog shows that for the 20% biggest storms, the flow of water over land is higher than in areas where the moorland has not been burnt."  A prophetic post from Upper Calder Valley Plain Speaker back in August.

A little unexpectedly, David Boyle's take on A Christmas Carol appears on Philosophy Football.

Matt Crowley pays tribute to Malcolm in the Middle: "Far from the wistful nostalgia of The Wonder Years or the chummy bickering of Home Improvement, Malcolm In The Middle presents a childhood that basically sucks. Bullies rule the school, teachers are indifferent, and being smart is akin to being radioactive."

There are still 1500 gas street lamps burning in London. Maev Kennedy meets the people who light them.

Sam Roberts chooses his top 10 London ghost signs.

Judging by its place names, the landscape of Medieval Lincolnshire was haunted monstrous creatures, says Caitlin Green.