Showing posts with label B Vitamins. Show all posts
Showing posts with label B Vitamins. Show all posts

KISS. And no, it's not Gene Simmons

In the traditional sense as a student of natural healing you learned to keep things simple. Dr. John Christopher was always reminding students to hold fast to this philosophy. In my mind it is the reason why the traditional way really did help people recover from health challenges. I don't see it that way today with the new twist on schooling and the new twist on remedies.
Keep It Simple Student (KISS) is worth remembering.
Remembering is certainly a major concern in health today. All the scare tactics telling you that by 2015 there will be millions living with Alzheimer's scares you into believing this is what to expect.
I ask why, so many do not.
Fluoridation in the water supply is a major factor. The US is in a huge battle to keep and expand this heinous practice. The people have really become wise to the fluoride scam and are fighting back.
Fluoride in drugs and food compounds the issue.
Environmental pollution is another way toxic brain altering chemicals are finding their way into your home and your body.
EMF contributes too. (Probably more than you think and probably more than you want to accept).
A wise person will take action to reduce or eliminate their exposure.
That same wise person will seek out ways to identify nutrient deficiencies like my Health Forensic system and take action to correct the issues.
I am amazed that it has taken so long for some people to catch on to some of these ideas. These “old” ideas are gems found hidden in treatments of years gone by. These treatments worked.
Now I am pleased to see that more information regarding Alzheimer's (ALZ) is resurfacing, especially the B vitamin connection. Using B vitamins, especially B12 shots back in the 40s-50s-60s and into the early/mid 1970s, was common in medicine and there was little or no "dementia".  Natural thyroid support was also commonly used.

I have to caution on vaccines and prescription drugs because these are highly suspect I believe, along with food additives and chemical pollution. My guess is that the nutrient deficiencies created by vaccine ingredients and prescription drugs is a major factor in the equation. Environmental toxins are another factor not to be overlooked.
I think everyone should be directing consciousness to their medicine cabinets and stocking up on the essentials like sodium bicarbonate (baking soda), magnesium (oil), different forms of iodine,activated charcoal, selenium, zinc, and clayfor hard detoxification and body cleansing. Also very important are personal food stocks for survival and food security in uncertain times. For this I suggest super foods like spirulina.
For additional reading about brain health use the search function found in the right hand column you can locate many articles from Natural Health News offering more support for the need to increase B vitamins and good thyroid support. Preventing Alzheimer's is possible. Immunity plays a role here and I'll write more on this soon.
Remember you can help support the ongoing work of our non profit organization through your purchases from CHI, and donations too. 100% of all money goes to projects.
Many are popular posts regarding this topic from my website and other blog too.


What You Don't Know About Energy Drinks

Energy drinks are at it again, and in the news.  The 5 Hour Energy CEO has played the "I don't know" game along with "I'll have to get back to you with that information" and more prattle while avoiding the real issues. While 5 Hour Energy is not the only member of this product category, one thing for sure is that it does contain sucralose. And if you don't know about sucralose (marketed as Splenda) by now you can go here for more information. Another of my trusted sources, that today re-issued one of their older articles, has this to say:
Energy drinks are labeled wrong. They don’t energize you – they stimulate you. Research shows that beyond a brief caffeine high, there are actually no health benefits to energy drinks. In fact, the combination of different chemicals is likely to do more harm than good, especially for children. People need to stop over-reaching for that buzz that will not carry through the day. Drinking 3, 4 or even 5 Five Hour Energy shots in one sitting will not help you stay energized throughout the day. The circumstances suggest that, for some, it could be deadly.

Here's why: 5 Hour Energy Shots contain synthesized versions of Citicoline, Tyrosine, Phenylalanine, Taurine, Malic Acid, Glucuronolactone, and phenylalanine.

Besides the same amount of caffeine as 12 ounces of the leading cup of premium coffee, 5 Hour Energy does not contain carbohydrates, yet they claim it provides energy. 5 Hour Energy contains 2000% daily value of B6 and the 8333% of B12. All other ingredients including amino acids are in amounts considered to be healthy, but what about the amount of B Vitamins? The company states that the B Vitamins in their supplement; B6, B12, B3, and B9 are water soluble, any amount that is not absorbed is “expelled with no toxic effects.”  

What they fail to explain is that water, an essential ingredient that is needed to expel unused B Vitamins, should be mega-dosed to offset the mega-dose of B Vitamins in a 5 Hour Energy shot. Contrary to belief, it is possible to overdose on Vitamin B. Overdosing on Vitamin B happens when intolerable amounts are taken over a long period of time which can result in headache, dizziness, fainting, yellowing of skin, and temporary nerve/brain damage that can last 3 months to 3 years.

One case for toxicity reported 5,500mg for one dose, while another reported 500mg over a period of time (3 months or so), which happens to be the equivalent of B12 in one bottle of 5 hour energy. The recommended daily dose for B3 is 6mg, .8 for B6, and 30mg for B12. The amount of B3 in a 5 Hour Energy drink is 30mg, 40mg of B6, and 500mcg of B12. The amount of B Vitamins could potentially lead to an overdose. In the most extreme case, if taken daily and over a period of time 5 Hour Energy shots could very well cause temporary nerve/brain damage (in the most extreme cases). Symptoms such as numb hands and feet are signs of toxic levels. This is also the type of toxicity that can be expected from synthesized B vitamins.
If you are interested in a really unique, safe, and health promoting energy shot please be open to using our reliable and effective EVB Concentrate, you'll be glad you did!

and there are about 30 more...
May 02, 2012
More today on the dangers of commercailly available sports and energy drinks from Health Day. In the midst of this just remember this is the reason I created herbalYODA's sportZtea many years ago. This is an all natural and ...
Jan 17, 2012
Energy Drinks. UPDATE:15 January 2012. Once again energy drinks are in the news and it appears that it isn't good (no surprise!). Agence France-Presse reports that "Australia experts call for energy drink warnings".
Oct 13, 2009
For some time we have been writing about energy drinks, and out most recent update gives you information along with the several other articles we have posted about energy drinks here on Natural Health News. Safe Energy ...
Aug 20, 2010
Study authors Stephanie Ballard of Nova Southeastern University and colleagues Jennifer Wellborn-Kim and Kevin Clauson say energy drinks typically feature caffeine and a combination of other ingredients -- including ...