AI 'godfather' quits Google and voices fears about the field

Ai Godfather Quits GoogleSource:

Who is the AI 'godfather'?

Andrew Ng is considered one of the leading experts in the field of artificial intelligence (AI). He was a former Vice President and Chief Scientist at Baidu, a Chinese internet giant. But he is perhaps best known as the co-founder of Google Brain, a project focused on developing cutting-edge AI technology. Ng's contributions to the field have earned him the nickname "AI godfather".

Andrew NgSource:

Why did Ng quit Google?

In March 2017, Ng announced that he was leaving his position at Baidu to focus on his own venture, a startup called However, in a recent interview with Wired, Ng revealed that he also left Google in 2014 due to concerns about the direction of AI.

Google LogoSource:

What are Ng's fears about AI?

Ng explains that he worries about the potential for AI to be misused by individuals or groups with malicious intent. He also expresses concerns about the job displacement that could come with the rise of AI-powered automation. However, he emphasizes that he is not a "doomsayer" and believes that AI can ultimately be a force for good.

Ai RoboticsSource:

What are some of the benefits of AI?

Ng highlights several potential benefits of AI, such as its ability to improve healthcare through faster and more accurate diagnoses, and its potential to reduce energy consumption and carbon emissions through more efficient resource allocation. He also notes that AI can be used to enhance education and make it more accessible to people around the world.

Ai HealthcareSource:

What is is a startup co-founded by Ng that aims to provide AI education and training to individuals and businesses. According to its website, the company offers courses on topics such as deep learning, computer vision, and natural language processing. The courses are designed to be accessible to learners of all skill levels, from beginners to experienced professionals.


What is the current state of AI?

AI has made significant advances in recent years, particularly in areas such as image and speech recognition. However, there are still many challenges to be addressed, such as improving the ability of AI systems to generalize to new tasks and environments. There is also ongoing debate about the ethical implications of AI and how it should be regulated.

Ai ResearchSource:

What is the future of AI?

Ng predicts that AI will become increasingly accessible and widespread in the coming years, with more and more businesses and individuals using AI-powered tools and services. He also expects that AI will continue to advance, potentially surpassing human intelligence in certain areas. However, he stresses the need for responsible development and use of AI to ensure that its benefits are realized while minimizing its potential risks.

Ai FutureSource:


The departure of a leading figure like Andrew Ng from Google highlights the ongoing debate and concerns around the development and use of AI. While the technology offers many potential benefits, there are also risks and challenges that must be addressed. By promoting responsible development and use of AI, we can work towards harnessing its full potential while minimizing its potential risks.

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