A stunning report circulating in the Kremlin today prepared by the Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR) for the Security Council (SC) states that the New York Times hosted a “top secret” George Soros sponsored meeting on 22 August with at least 50 of America’s media 'elites' where the hiding of Hillary Clinton’s grave health issues from the US public and the “destruction” of the Fox News Television Network was “strategized and discussed”.
Important to note about this report is its relying on “internal and confidential” emails from the New York Times, MSNBC, NBC, ABC, CBS and CNN television networks, the Washington Post, and other top US mainstream media outlets—all of whom the American news is now reporting have been “hacked” by what is believed to unknown persons associated with Russian intelligence services.
According to this report, this 22 August “top secret” meeting of these American media 'elites' was held at the home of Alexander Soros, the 31-year-old playboy son of George Soros, at his “Hamptons”, New York, mansion where he “supplied/gave freely” to the participants a large number of female models for “companionship” — (now THESE IDIOT 'ELITES' have been further COMPROMISED and can be further blackmailed to commit more treasonous acts against this nation) and that was described in one New York Times email as being the “must attend event of the season”.
[Note: Hamptons refers to a New York State seaside region that features some of the most expensive and luxurious residential properties in the US and is one of the “playgrounds” of America’s selfish self-serving traitorous'elites'.]
The “centerpiece / main focus” of this meeting was a nearly 2-hour long video conference between these American media 'elites' and George Soros with the discussions being solely related to how best the US media could keep covering up Hillary Clinton’s grave health issues, while at the same time strategizing how they could destroy the Fox News Television Network based on what two New York Times emails described as the “Thiel Model”.
The “Thiel Model”, SVR analysts in this report explains,refers to the legal tactics used by American billionaire, and Donald Trump supporter, Peter Thiel—who successfully used his vast wealth to destroy a left-wing media empire named Gawker after they had exposed him as being a homosexual.
To how Thiel destroyed Gawker, this report continues, was by his secretly financing a lawsuit against this left-wing media giant and it owners by a man named Terry Bollea (aka Hulk Hogan)—and that billionaire and Hillary Clinton supporter George Soros (with the aid of America’s 'elite' media establishment) is now duplicating with his secret financing of former Fox News correspondents Gretchen Carlson and Andrea Tantaros who both allege they were “sexually harassed” while working there.
Though SVR analysts in this report “seriously doubt” that George Soros and his US media 'elite' allies can actually destroy Fox News for daring to expose the “Hillary-Soros” agenda, they do note that these “unfounded / unproven” allegations against this media giant has been successful in toppling their longtime and beloved CEO Roger Ailes.
Unlike Peter Thiel, however, who successfully destroyed Gawker through the US legal system (US Federal jury trial), the George Soros “inspired” “Thiel Model” to destroy Fox News calls for the public smearing of this media giant on a daily basis by America’s 'elite' press—and which they have begun to do in force.
More critical to both George Soros and America’s 'elite' media then destroying Fox News, though, is how they can continue to cover-up the grave health issues of Hillary Clinton—that have gotten so severe that this past weekend she had to take a private air flight to go 32 kilometers (20 miles) and now has to wear winter clothing in the heat of summer.
While in the midst of what many describe as the most contentious US presidential election in modern history, Hillary Clinton’s grave health issues have also forced her to cancel nearly all of her remaining campaign appearances, refuse to meet with reporters for an open press conference in 264 days—but has not stopped her from fundraising like she did this past weekend when she attended five events that were invitation-only with the press excluded, so there is no public record of what she said to the millionaires and multi-millionaires who flocked to see her.
To the one rare public appearance Hillary Clinton has made over the past few weeks to show her “good health” was this past week on a scripted comedy television program where she “opened a jar of pickles” to prove she was not ill—and that America’s 'elite' media celebrated. !!
With “proof” that Hillary Clinton can open a jar of pickles, and America’s panicked 'elite' mainstream media telling everyone that only they should be believed when health questions are raised about her, the calls growing for more serious and critical questions regarding her wellness are growing by the day and include:
1.) Emails released by Wikileaks showing that Hillary Clinton looked into a drug used to treat sleepiness and Parkinson’s disease after she apparently began suffering from “decision fatigue” back in 2011.
2.) Leaked Wikileaks emails proving that a member of her staff, Phillippe Reines, reached out to NFL commissioner Roger Goodell for help with Hillary Clinton’s “cracked head” back in 2012.
3.) A small number of informants have come forward to claim that Clinton is suffering from multiple sclerosis. The condition is an autoimmune disease that can affect major functions of the body, such as the brain and spinal cord.
4.) Rutgers University Professor of Medicine Bob Lahita stating recently that concerns about Hillary Clinton's health are not conspiracy theories and, instead, should be taken very seriously.
5.) Board-certified internist, addiction medicine specialist and TV personality Dr. Drew Pinsky, who recently stated that he is “gravely concerned” about Hillary Clinton's physical well-being.
6.) Neurologist Dr. Fiona Gupta recently warning that Hillary Clinton’s “long history of unexplained falls” should be explained by her campaign making a full record of her health issues publicly available.
With George Soros and America’s media 'elites' determined to hide Hillary Clinton’s grave health issues from the US public, these people are now being subjected to a political propaganda campaign never before seen in that nations history, but whose effectiveness will not be known until the 8 November election.
As to why George Soros’s hatred of Donald Trump has reached such a level that he has not only given millions of dollars to Hillary Clinton herself, but now also all of America’s 'elite' media is due to his disdain of national borders he believes should not exist—and who was supported this past week by European Union chief Jean-Claude Juncker who shockingly declared to the whole world: “Borders are the worst invention ever!”
August 24 2016
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