Redux: Nazi CIA Traitor Michael Morell Revealed Again
by Tom Heneghan, International Intelligence Expert
Saturday August 6 2016
UNITED States of America - It can now be reported that the U.S. Military Michigan and Tennessee Flag Officers are prepared to decapitate the NAZI Paperclip Bush-Clinton CIA within 48 hrs.
Definition: CIA now stands for “CRIMINALS IN ACTION”.
We can now report that the patriotic U.S. Military Flag Officers have the power now to immediately arrest CIA stooges Bill and Hillary Clinton, CIA mastermind George Herbert Walker Bush, former year 2000 illegal occupant junior George W. BushFRAUD, along with former Florida governor, year 2000 presidential election stealer, Jeb Bush, and finally Barbara Bush aka the “Bookkeeper”, and just like Hillary Clinton, a 7th degree satanic witch.
The U.S. Military Flag Officers have now documented the crimes of the NAZI Paperclip treasonous CIA dating back to the assassination of President John F. Kennedy, the 1970s staged psy op coup d'état against then President Richard Nixon, the Bush-CIA Crime Family direct conspiracy to have then President Ronald Reagan assassinated in early 1981 using Bush Crime Family crony John Hinckley aka George Humphrey as the assassin.
The U.S. Military Flag Officers have also concluded that the crash of the U.S. helicopters in October of 1980 aka the failure of then President Jimmy Carter to free hostages held in Iran held by Iranian Mullahs aka Israeli Mossad assets was an act of TREASON perpetrated by the CIA on the orders of then Republican Vice Presidential candidate George Herbert Walker Bush. This is commonly known as the “October Surprise”,
Note: The recent $400 million ransom payment made to the government of Iran in exchange for the release of U.S. military personnel, which was done in unmarked Swiss and Euro currency, was a residual payment to U.S. CIA and Israeli Mossad assets still operating in Iran dating back to the days of the U.S.-Iranian hostage crisis in 1980 aka the “October Surprise”.
Secret CIA proprietary accounts tied to the Bushes and Clintons, along with Obama-Soetoro, current U.S. Vice President Joseph Biden and the Bank of Israel, have now been frozen by the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and U.S. Treasury officials loyal to the patriotic U.S. Military Flag Officers.
Note: Current U.S. Treasury Secretary Jack Lew has now been politically and financially decapitated.
The U.S. Military Flag Officers have also completely concluded that the year 2000 presidential election was brutally hacked and stolen by the INSLAW corporation, E-Systems out of Dallas, Texas, and by what would eventually become known as ‘Smart Systems Technology’ at the time operating out of Haifa, Israel and Boca Raton, Florida.
Reference: Not only was the state of Florida hacked, but as previously reported, the states of Missouri, Tennessee, West Virginia and New Hampshire were stolen by electronic hacking of the highest order aka a computer virus put in the Voters New Service by the CIA and CNN at 8:00 p.m. (central standard time) on election night in the year 2000 with the virus placed in the computer system by none other than then U.S. CIA asset Michael Morell.
P.S. The U.S. Military is now going to have Mr. Morell dealt with immediately with due prejudice. Morrell is not only a treasonous 9/11 co-conspirator, now documented year 2000 election stealer, but has allowed Smart Systems Inc. to continue to this day the illegal spying and NAZI German-style espionage against the American People.
Nazi Morell was also the individual who fabricated evidence concerning the existence of weapons of mass destruction (WMDs) in Iraq, which led to the Un-Constitutional, totally illegal war in Iraq, which murdered thousands of U.S. soldiers, hundred of thousands of innocent Iraqi civilians, destabilized the entire Middle East to this day and led to the formation of the ISIS British Intelligence financed, CIA-Israeli Mossad trained terrorist organization.
Laugh out loud: Nazi traitor Michael Morell and Nazi traitor former CIA and NSA Director and 9/11 co-conspirator Michael Hayden have now endorsed none other than lifelong CIA asset, Iraq War advocate and Nazi neocon Hillary Clinton for president.
Director message to Morell and Hayden: The U.S. Military is enraged at both of you. You have crossed the line!
Stay tuned! Your day is coming soon, TRAITORS!
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