Hilarious: Abbas presents Saudi king with framed Zionist newspaper

Palestinian president Mahmoud Abbas gave a commemorative gift to Saudi King Salman on Sunday.

A framed copy of a 1930s-era Palestine Post.

Which was a Zionist paper and the precursor to today's Jerusalem Post.

You can't make this stuff up.

When did Abbas grow that third hand?

I actually found the date of the newspaper: August 13, 1935.

It details a visit by the Emir Saud to Palestine, which is why Abbas chose that date. But it also has stories that Abbas might not want the king to read, like "Lucerne Beehive of Activity as Zionist Delegates Arrive" and "Health Spas Ban All Jews" in Germany which was written by the very Jewish "Palestine Telegraphic Agency," or "Vienna Police Seek 2 Arabs" - not calling them "Palestinians" for some odd reason.

Why couldn't Abbas find a non-Zionist newspaper with "Palestine" in the title to show the King this article?

(h/t Yenta)

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