UN "FAO Goodwill Ambassador," a Lebanese singing star, is an antisemite

The UN's Food and Agriculture Organization is dedicated to defeating world hunger. Over the years it has been criticized for being a bloated bureaucracy that was inefficient or even counterproductive, and it is in the fourth year of a large restructuring program.

To publicize its message, it has recruited famous stars from the acting, music and sports worlds to be "goodwill ambassadors" to spread its message about the importance of fighting hunger. Celebrities like Susan Sarandon, Raul, Pierre Cardin, Celine Dion and a few dozen others have been so designated.

One of these goodwill ambassadors is Lebanese singing superstar Majida El Roumi. Here is a poster for an upcoming concert at the Pyramids on May 20. Her YouTube videos have millions of views.

This UN FAO ambassador is also an antisemite.

Al Nilin reports on a press conference El Roumi had this week.
Majida responded to questions by the attendees of the conference without equivocation. She spoke about the Arab world conditions in which we live and discussed their causes. One is the idea of ​​breaking up the Arab world and to realize the dream of "Greater Israel" from the Nile to the Euphrates. She said, "When I was fifteen years old, I read "The Protocols of the Elders of Zion," and what is happening today is mentioned in detail in those protocols. Any Arab who sees what is happening today in the Arab world, everything we see and we are seeing today, are mentioned in the book of protocols, which calls for destabilization of the Arab world to start, and it is not limited to the Arab world. What happened in the French capital of Paris and Brussels recently is a Zionist plot with the complicity of Arab and international worlds."

In this video of the same press conference, starting at 10 seconds, Majida says, "International Zionism behind the fragmentation of the Arab world, they have something in their minds called the world government, all of us were created on this land to serve them."

In 2014 she already had told the media that she had read the Protocols at the urging of her father, himself a famous musician, to understand history.

Given that another UN agency employs a singing star who openly supports attacking Jews, this is perhaps not nearly as startling as it should be. But the FAO should be asked why they want to be linked with an open Jew-hater.

(h/t Shawarma News)

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