NWO Plans To Kill Billions of People

NWO Plans To Kill Billions of People


This video was once again taken down due to a minute long Clip exposing GMOS! I have removed the clip and will wait and see if this video gets taken down too!

They Really did Block this video when I uploaded it the first time. It was cited for TWO, roughly 20 second clips. Saying those clips were BANNED WORLDWIDE! What were the two clips of?? BOTH CLIPS were of george w. bush Talking.

TRANSCRIPT FROM DELETED CLIP #1 - President George W. Bush Speaks to the Nation

The First Clip was from one of his speeches aired tv. Where he speaks of having an "Opportunity to forge for ourselves and future generations a NEW WORLD ORDER. A world where the rule of law, not the law of the jungle, governs the conduct of nations. When we are successful, and we will be; we have a real chance at this NEW WORLD ORDER. An order in which a credible united nations can use its peace keeping role to fulfill the promise and vision of its founders."

OVERVIEW OF DELETED CLIP #2 - President George W. Bush talks to Reps from the GMO Movement. They essential are saying that they need to do certain types of testing to achieve what they want, but they're being held up by the USDA's process. At the End of the conversation, George w. Bush makes a questionable Remark. He tells one of the Reps " Call me, we're in the "Dereg" business."

THESE TWO 20 SECOND CLIPS CAUSED MY VIDEO TO BE BLOCKED WORLDWIDE. I have removed them from this video, so i don't see why there would be any more problems.

To me it seems more than coincidence that the BLOCKED VIDEO CLIPS were of the same person saying Shady things.

What do you think??! Let me know in the Comments!

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For those simply getting to be mindful of the profundity and expansiveness of duplicity and trickery which has been deliberately developed and forced upon mankind, these are energizing and maybe notwithstanding elating times. One should however never dismiss the way that the genuine history of control, and process by which it has been built up and supported, is abominable and nothing not as much as malevolent.

Mindfulness and comprehension of that which is truly happening without further ado on planet Earth accompanies an obligation. Is it time now, whereby we should recognize and pick between the genuine or incredible; who and what is honest to goodness, and who and what is most certainly not. We are at a point in time where the debris must be isolated from the wheat.

The turmoil holding the Middle East is an immediate consequence of the procurement of money, weapons and observation to Israel by the US, the most recent Snowden spill delineates. Obama's "vulnerable separation" is only for demonstrate, the Intercept's Glenn Greenwald composes.

In a striking examination, the previous Guardian writer uncovers the astounding difference between what the United States says openly, and what it does behind the window ornament.

This includes President Barack Obama's clear deplorability over the Middle Eastern area, and in addition the American adoration for freely posting Israel as a risk to territorial peace during a period when billions of dollars of its weaponry and insight were being supplied to the Jewish state following the 1960s.

VIDEO BLOCKED WORLDWIDE NWO Plans To Kill Billions of People ILLUMINATI 2016 Comp Presented By THEhippieMODERNE



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