What Your Donations Buy - From Anna Von Reitz

As most of you know, we have brought together a crack team of non-Bar lawyers, paralegals, and researchers to address three basic issues:
Foreclosure Fraud
Identity Theft/Mischaracterization of American State Nationals
Lawful Banking
Your donations have made the Second Summit just held in Anchorage, Alaska, possible.  Your dollars supported airplane tickets, hotels, and printing costs related to the conference.  People here in Alaska paid for meeting space, utilities, equipment, food and per diem and transportation.  Together, we all made it happen. 
As a result, we have exhaustive and precise information about what "citizenship" is and is not, what "nationality" is and is not, how one becomes a "citizen" and how one ceases to be considered a "citizen" and how to properly reclaim our birthright status as American State Nationals.  We are now "locked and loaded" on these issues and have delved through and discerned all the trap doors and semantic deceits that the Federal "Code" can offer.
Your birthright status as a Californian, Coloradan, or Virginian or any other "State National" is recognized in the old Federal Code at 8 USC 1101 (a) (21). That is a precious one sentence long statement of who and what you are, in their own words, admitted on the page, black and white.
It may not seem like a lot---- " national holding permanent allegiance to a state"--but it is everything.
It's your explanation and defense of who you really are, and all you really need to know in the face of any questioning from your "public servants".  That, and the fact that you are not a "citizen", if you are not a government employee or dependent, not African American, not seeking welfare benefits or political asylum, and not "pledging" yourself and your assets as chattel property backing government corporation debt as a "volunteer", that is.
Day by day, your support is buying manpower and time and expertise.  It is buying paper and ink and keeping the lights turned on.  We are all doing the work for free, but our team needs continued support to keep the gas turned on and the babies fed while we do this.  We need your support to be able to travel and hold meetings and teleconference. We need it to file law suits, pay for expert testimony, and do all else that has to be done.
We can't do it alone. 
We are sharing back what we learn and what we experience with all of you, so that you and your families can benefit directly from the best of the research and court results and everything else that we do---- for free.  We don't sell any "packages" or promote any products for profit.  Every penny goes back into the effort, to push another step forward.
There are some people--- mainly those on the other side of the issues--- who have criticized me for asking for donations.  God knows I worked for forty years before this and didn't ask a dime.  But the scope of the work has grown and the urgency of the situation has, too.  It's no longer about me.  It's about all of us.
We are being targeted to pay debts that aren't ours. Our property and the value of our labor is being claimed by foreigners.  We are being defrauded and enslaved by our own employees and our supposed "Allies"---- and it is time for this to end.
If you can, please send whatever you can to my PayPal account: avannavon@gmail.com or to Anna Maria Riezinger, c/o Post Office Box 520994, Big Lake, Alaska 99652.

I will do all that I can to put every penny to good use in this effort.
See this article and over 300 others on Anna's website here:www.annavonreitz.com


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