Another solid reason to avoid Starbucks: Their new 'coconut milk' is low-quality junk food
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'Starbucks has become ubiquitous internationally. It has its pleasant atmosphere and conveniences. But even with Starbucks' high prices, Consumer Reports has rated McDonald's cheaper coffee above Starbucks' burnt bean offerings.

Starbucks recently debuted its very own "coconut milk." But is it a healthy dairy alternative, or just another overpriced mediocre even unhealthy item that draws so many who think nicer surroundings cancel out the junk food offered?'



Who is Rick Simpson and What Has He Contributed to the Cannabis for Cancer Movement?

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'This is a tribute to Rick Simpson, without whom cannabis oil for healing would probably not be used successfully by so many today. He tells everyone he didn’t invent cannabis oil, he “rediscovered” it.

But his attempts to legalize it in Canada and promote his rediscovery to the world has brought attention to many now using cannabis oil for safe, effective, and rapid healing of cancer and other diseases that are impossible from mainstream medicine.'


7 Health Benefits of Bee Propolis
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'Bees make more than honey.  They also make gunk called propolis. And this "bee glue" is a powerful health balm.  In fact, studies show it has anti-cancer properties.

Dr. Seema Patel of the Bioinformatics and Medical Informatics Research Center, San Diego State University conducted a comprehensive review of the literature on propolis and cancer. Dr. Patel found laboratory and animal studies supporting propolis efficacy against cancers of the:'


Are Factory Farm Feedlots Breeding Grounds for Airborne Pathogens?


'Factory farm feedlots or CAFOs (confined animal feeding operations) are where livestock are crowded into ridiculously small areas and fed GMO mush, injected with hormones then milked to death, or sent to slaughter after being fattened further with antibiotics.'


15 Reasons To Let Gold Run Through Your Veins

Photo Credit: Real Farmacy

'Not liquified gold bullion, but nano-particles of gold in colloidal gold solutions. You may be aware of colloidal silver and its antiseptic applications: Anti-bacterial, antiviral, and anti-fungal. Colloidal gold is produced the same way as colloidal silver – using gold instead of silver.'


Women Put an Average of 168 Chemicals on Their Bodies Each Day, Consumer Group Says

'American women put an average of 168 chemicals on their bodies each day, according to a nonprofit group, but two senators say federal regulations on personal care products have barely changed since the 1930s.

Senators Dianne Feinstein, D-California, and Susan Collins, R-Maine, introduced an amendment to the federal Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act that would give the Food and Drug Administration more power and oversight to regulate the chemicals men and women slather on their bodies every day. They’re calling it the Personal Care Products Safety Act.

“From shampoo to lotion, the use of personal care products is widespread, however, there are very few protections in place to ensure their safety,” Feinstein said in a statement.'


Why mainstream medicine continues to attack colloidal silver

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'Prior to the advent of patentable and more profitable antibiotics, medicines containing silver were the most widely prescribed infection fighters by doctors and there were no fewer than 34 different approved prescription and over the counter medications which contained silver. 

Now, after the elimination of most large particle and silver nitrate products and after improved technology has made nano-sized particles that require far less parts per million, colloidal silver proponents claim that it is safer and more effective than ever. 

At the same time, however, it has become the subject of increasing attacks by mainstream medicine, which labels colloidal silver as a scam, as quackery and as a dangerous substance with no proven value.'


How to Boost Your Immune System

'Harvard Health Publications has a lot to say about strengthening one’s immune system but mentions nothing about some of the safest most dramatic ways to do so. Its very disappointing to see such incomplete information from Harvard medical scientists because what we know and do not know about the immune system can mean the difference between life and death if you have an infection.'


6 Hidden Health Benefits of Melatonin

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'While your body is asleep, it’s raging an internal war. Melatonin, which we often refer to as the “sleep hormone”, serves as a useful ally.

The multi-faceted nature of melatonin is for the most part unknown. Currently, there is research suggesting it may protect, and even treat, certain diseases.


Below we’ve described some of the lesser-known benefits of this widely used supplement.'


Heal Cancer and other Disease with Father Zago’s Aloe Vera Protocols
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'One of the many injustices allopathic medicine has perpetrated is to label cancer as a terminal disease. Popular culture has accepted the concept that cancer as death sentence and constantly puts forth hypnotic suggestions to this end. 

This creates within us a self-fulfilling scenario that can sabotage any healing process.  Amazing books about the healing power of the Aloe Vera plant, written by Father Romano Zago, OFM, counteract this negative thinking by giving readers a sense of empowerment. But these books are not just about the use of Aloe to heal cancer.  They describe plans for healing over 100 types of illness.'


Do You Consume This Hormone Disruptor? Over 50% Of the Population Likely Does…
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'Would you like fertility problems and premature balding with that cinnamon bun…” Such should be a question asked when selling certain toxic, pre-packaged foods in America, especially since a known endocrine disruptor lurks in over 50 popular snack foods many reach for without second thought.

But who actually second-guesses the safety of their food when approved by organizations like the FDA? And this is exactly the case with the endocrine-disrupting chemical, propyl paraben. 

Although the European Food Safety Authority banned the preservative (often used in make-up and cosmetic products) from being used in food products in 2006, the Food and Drug Administration has listed it to be “Generally Recognized as Safe” (GRAS).'


Beet Salad with Walnuts and Goat Cheese -Why Beets need to be in your diet Credit:

Beets Fight Chronic Disease, Including Inflammation

'When inflammation runs rampant you are vulnerable to a plethora of chronic diseases, including cancer, cardiovascular disease, rheumatoid arthritis, and many other illnesses that are appearing at alarmingly high rates today.

Your diet plays a key role in either fighting or promoting inflammation, and this is one area where beets shine. Beets are a unique source of betaine, a nutrient that helps protects cells, proteins, and enzymes from environmental stress.

It’s also known to help fight inflammation, protect internal organs, improve vascular risk factors, enhance performance, and likely help prevent numerous chronic diseases.'


Is acetaminophen use causing you or your child to have asthma?

tylenol photo

'Taking the drug acetaminophen (also known as paracetamol) could dramatically increase the chances of developing asthma according to a study published in the American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine. Acetaminophen is the active ingredient in Tylenol and other popular non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.

Around one in five families have someone living with asthma, but according to research by the Medical Research Institute of New Zealand, that figure could be greatly reduced if the everyday use of acetaminophen was stopped.'


First They Came for the Anti-Vaxxers


10 ways the pro-vaxxers shut down reasonable debate on vaccines.

'Earlier this year I spent a few days at the Ronald Reagan UCLA Medical Center with my daughter who was having an EEG done. On our way home, I learned that there had been an outbreak of an antibiotic-resistant bacteria while we were there, that it had infected seven people and killed two of them. My daughter and I were fine – the infection having been limited to people using a particular kind of duodenoscope.'


6 Reasons to Start Using Coconut Oil as Toothpaste
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'In a study to test coconut oil's biocidal properties against the bacteria responsible for tooth decay, the oil proved to be quite effective.

The action of coconut oil was tested in its natural state and after being treated with enzymes, in a process similar to digestion.

The oils were tested against strains of Streptococcus bacteria, which are common inhabitants of your mouth.

They found that enzyme-modified coconut oil strongly inhibits the growth of most strains of Streptococcus bacteria, including Streptococcus mutans, an acid-producing bacterium that is a major cause of tooth decay.1 It is thought that the breaking down of the fatty coconut oil by the enzymes turns it into acids, which are toxic to certain bacteria.'


8 Answers To Burning Questions On Fat

'Fat cells, like all cells in the body, get replaced continuously, but the turnover rate is the same whether people are obese or lean. So what effect do diet and lifestyle have on our fat cells and how do they cells truly behave in our body?'


The Truth About Cast Iron Pans: 10 Facts You Need To Know
Photo Credit: Real Farmacy

'Cooks seeking alternatives to toxic non-stick cookware often find themselves in a bind. Stainless steel, which seems to be the healthiest alternative, is expensive, and it does not lend itself well to cooking eggs, pancakes and other dishes that non-stick cookware typically excels at. If you have not yet discovered the benefits of cast iron cooking, here are 10 reasons to buy and use a cast iron skillet.'


Dietary Chlorophyll Helps Us Capture/Use Sunlight Energy, Groundbreaking Study Reveals

Dietary Chlorophyll Helps Us Capture/Use Sunlight Energy, Groundbreaking Study Reveals
Photo Credit:GreenMedInfo

'An amazing study published in the Journal of Cell Science reveals an entirely new reason why it is essential that you 'eat your greens,' as mother always said, namely: it enables your body's mitochondria to produce more ATP energy when exposed to sunlight.

The study titled, "Light-harvesting chlorophyll pigments enable mammalian mitochondria to capture photonic energy and produce ATP", indicates that by eating a chlorophyll-rich diet mammals (and by implication humans) can capture specific wavelengths of sunlight radiation that will translate into increased energy within the powerhouses of the cell known as the mitochondria.'


Green Tea Linked to Decreased Risk for Dementia
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'Aside from water, tea is the most commonly consumed beverage in the world.1 In the US, black tea is by far the most popular, but green tea (which accounted for just 15 percent of the tea consumed in America in 20142) may have particularly powerful health benefits.

Regardless of variety, black and green tea (as well as oolong, dark, and white teas) come from the same plant, an evergreen called Camellia sinensis. It is the processing method and degree of oxidization (exposure to oxygen) that creates the different tea types.

While black tea is oxidized, green tea is not oxidized at all after the leaves are harvested. This minimal oxidation may help to keep the beneficial antioxidants in green tea intact.'


7 Reasons We Are Growing More Metabolically Inefficient

Photo Credit: Prevent Disease

'Overall calories, the types of foods we eat, decreased expenditure and an loss of self-integrity are the biggest contributors to plus-sized cultures. Due the nature of our metabolic inefficiency, more people than ever before have tremendous challenges in losing weight and keeping it off.'


Information Wars: Watch Out for Paid Trolls and Front Groups
 Photo Credit: Real Farmacy

'As you peruse the internet looking for bridges to reach some impressions of reality based information, stay focused and avoid looking under the bridge or the trolls will get you and leave you more confused than ever.

 Yes, this is a metaphor for internet trolling based on old English legends that ugly creatures lived under bridges to ward off unwanted visitors. In real terms, the bridge is the text and looking under the bridge refers to looking at the comments below.'


The Clinical Impact of Vitamin C: My Personal Experiences as a Physician

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 'Is the healing power of Vitamin C too good to be true? Can this inexpensive and convenient vitamin improve and heal the toughest of ailments? 

by Thomas E. Levy, MD, JD

My ongoing relationship with vitamin C now spans a full 20 years, when I first met Dr. Hal Huggins, a pioneering dentist who opened my eyes to a wide array of clinical approaches to different diseases with hitherto unheard-of clinical results at his clinic in Colorado Springs. 

I can honestly say that my first visit to his clinic began the most meaningful part of my medical education. Nothing has been the same since. My office where I practiced adult cardiology ended up being shuttered shortly after that first visit. And I have never looked back.'


Best strategies for a disease-free life

 Photo by john_worsley_uk
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'You don’t have to settle for disease. There are easy natural interventions that can prevent and heal the diseases that plague people in today’s Western world. Each of these interventions addresses one or more of the primary strategies for becoming disease-free. These strategies are
  • Reducing body inflammation
  • Supporting the immune system
  • Establishing a healthy lifestyle                                                      Read More

Maui Monsanto Madness – Federal Judge Positioned to Protect Monsanto
Photo Credit: Real Farmacy

'In November 2014, Maui citizens and activists managed to push through a moratorium on herbicide and pesticide testing until full disclosure of the chemicals environmental impact on humans, animals, soil, and water is known.

Currently, Dow Chemical and Monsanto are “testing” by spraying indiscriminately throughout the second largest island of Hawaii. Maui County Council also demanded full third party examination of the chemicals long term effects on the soil and water.'


The Medical Cartel: Too Big to Fail, Too Evil to Expose

'There are several reasons why the medical cartel is too big to fail: the enormous amount of money at stake; its aim to control populations.

In this article, I want to examine a related reason.

Suppose it was discovered that thousands of bridges around the US were in imminent danger of collapsing? Not because maintenance and repair were lacking, not because the materials used to build them were cheap and shoddy. But because the original designs were inadequate and broke basic rules of engineering.

Suppose five or six major manufacturers built their automobiles so the vast majority of power derived from the engines was transferred to one wheel?

Suppose the US Dept. of Agriculture recommended that all farmers spray their crops with heavy chlorine instead of water?'

In other words, the science itself is fraudulent.'


Do Blueberries Hold The Key To Defeating Cancer?
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'It's hard to believe but, not that many years ago, nutrition experts were telling people to save their calories and skip the blueberries because they had no nutritional value.

Fast forward a few decades and blueberries are now widely revered as a superfood.  In fact, investigators at the University of Alabama at Birmingham, studying the link between disease and nutrition, believe that eating just one cup of blueberries every day prevents cell damage linked to cancer. '


Decadent Healthy Dark Chocolate Avocado Mousse and a Dollop of Coconut Whipped Cream

Photo Credit: Real Farmacy

'No need to feel guilty about indulging in this DELICIOUS, creamy, dark chocolate, avocado mousse. It’s a healthy dessert for the entire family to enjoy. It’s very easy to make as well. A health conscious  chocolate lover’s dream come true!'

Read more... 


Two Great Fiction Flicks that Display the Ugliness of Big Pharma and Monsanto
Photo Credit: Real Farmacy

'Some movies are so good that I tend to view them often, especially when they broach subjects usually ignored by the mainstream media and most of the rest of Hollywood or wherever else movies are made.

These are the types of cinema that make me want to jump up, pound on the seat in front of me and shout yes, yes!

Why? Because they entertainingly reveal what most of us interested in alternative media’s health coverage already know but want others to know regarding the realities of Big Pharma and Monsanto.'


Happiness Starts in the Womb if Mommy isn’t Toxic

Photo Credit: Real Farmacy

'Before he was born on June 30th, 2014, Leo David Hargreaves smile was captured while he was still in the womb by a four dimension ultra-sound scan taken when his mother Amy Cregg was 31 weeks pregnant. The smile is distinctly there, and his five month old ready smiles were very similar to his prenatal grin. [Above left: Leo in the womb (4D ultra sound scan photo) Above right: Leo out of the womb]'


10 reasons why you should consume more cucumbers
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'Considered a veggie but technically a fruit related to melons, the cucumber is often an afterthought or garnish for most. Too bad. It's not only a tasty addition to many foods and very hydrating with it's 90-plus percent water content; cucumbers are packed with a load of health-benefiting nutrients too.'



Next Time You Brush Your Teeth Try This

Next Time You Brush Your Teeth Try This
Photo Credit: Health Freedom Alliance

'When is the last time you recalled what it felt like to brush your teeth? Did you pay attention to what was happening? Brushing your teeth is an action that we do (or should do) every day, yet it has become so habitual that we don’t remember what it feels like or what we are paying attention to while we do it.

This isn’t a bad thing, but actually a great opportunity.

Try This.'


Miso Protects Against Radiation, Cancer and Hypertension

Miso Protects Against Radiation, Cancer and Hypertension
Photo Credit: GreenMedInfo

'Humble miso soup may have saved lives when the atomic bomb was dropped on Nagasaki. Science now confirms miso prevents radiation injury. It may also prevent cancer and hypertension. Here's why you need at least one cup a day.

When the second atomic bomb was dropped on Nagasaki on August 9th, 1945, 21 healthcare workers were attending 70 tuberculosis patients in a hospital 1.4 km from ground zero. None of them suffered from acute radiation poisoning.' 


Processed Foods Leading To Reduced Gut Microbiome Diversity
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'Western diet and lifestyles consisting of fast and processed foods are leading to a lower diversity of bacteria in the gut, say researchers.

 Beneficial bacteria in the gut are known to attack pathogens, manufacture vitamins and even act as anti-cancer agents. Recent research has strengthened the scientific understanding that the microbes that live in your gut may affect what goes on in your body.

Each person harbors a unique and varied collection of bacteria that's the result of life history as well as their interactions with the environment, diet and medication use.'


Monsanto Has Known that Roundup is Carcinogenic for Decades
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'Amazingly, Monsanto has a task force that intends to do damage control on the WHO report that glyphosate is a “probable carcinogenic”. They’re even sending their arm twisting agents to confront and challenge the WHO about the study from the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC), a coalition of 17 experts from 11 countries who recently met in Lyons, France.'


Probiotics Reduce Negative Thinking
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New research finds that our gut bacteria linked with negative thinking - and supplementing probiotics can reduce negative thoughts.

'Negative thinking is defined as a spiraling of thinking that takes a person from one negative thought to the next. Often this is lightly attributed to getting up on the wrong side of the bed. But now we find it may also be a case of 'bad bugs'.

Could the little microbes teeming in our gut have anything to do with negative thinking? Surely not, you say smugly.
Think again.'


Will Somebody Please Turn Off the Lights?

modern city at night

'I spend about two weeks each year on the Pacific Coast, in a little fishing town that for all intents and purposes, shuts down about nine o’clock every night. Maybe ten on weekends.

Drive through town after that and you’ll see a lot of empty sidewalks and dark buildings. Even the bay lies still and quiet.

When I first arrive for vacation, me being a night owl, I buck the current. I write, read, or star gaze until around midnight or one o’clock in the morning. By about the third night, though, I start getting tired around eleven-thirty, and usually by the time I have to return to the real world, I’m used to going to bed not long after sunset.' 


Why the FDA Doesn’t Really Know What’s In Your Food

'Why doesn’t the government know what’s in your food? Because industry can declare on their own that added ingredients are safe. It’s all thanks to a loophole in a 57-year-old law that allows food manufacturers to circumvent the approval process by regulators. This means companies can add substances to their food without ever consulting the Food and Drug Administration about potential health risks.'


Trouble Sleeping? Here’s How I Learned To Fall Asleep In Under 1 Minute Every Night

 'For a long time, I had a hard time sleeping. We can chalk it up to bad food late at night, too many screens before bed, and stress. I found it incredibly difficult to shut my brain down and give it a break at night. After weeks of not being able to sleep a full night, a friend of mine told me about the “4-7-8″ breathing trick.'


Adding pepper gives a big nutritional boost to any meal

 peppercorns photo
Photo Credit: AlignLife

'Be sure to add some type of pepper to almost all your meals.  It is an easy way to boost metabolism and increase vitamin C and antioxidant content. There are many types of pepper. The word pepper can refer to many different plants, and among them many varieties of species, colors and ripeness.  There are at least six types of pepper plants.'


Why Would You Put A Baby in A Cage Like This?


'Have you ever seen these weird and scary looking baby cages before? Who would put their baby in one of these contraptions and why? The baby cage was invented and patented in 1923 by an American woman; Emma Read, but ironically the cage never really took off in America. 

According to the patent these wire cages enabled the baby to get a breath of fresh air and some therapeutic sunlight. The cage provided enough room for toys and play and “the cage could double as a place to sleep, with removable curtains working to prevent a draft.”'


Turmeric Produces 'Remarkable' Recovery in Alzheimer's Patients
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'Turmeric has been used in India for over 5,000 years, which is likely why still today both rural and urban populations have some of the lowest prevalence rates of Alzheimer's disease (AD) in the world. A recent study on patients with AD found that less than a gram of turmeric daily, taken for three months, resulted in 'remarkable improvements.' 


Cannabis for the Treatment of Epilepsy, and More

'Many drugs are developed not because there's a great medical need, but rather because there's big money to be made from them.

In many cases, holistic therapies and medicines already exist that can take the place of any number of synthetic pharmaceuticals. Cannabis is one such therapy, and according to Dr. Gedde, "it's time to ask questions and look at a new way of thinking about this plant."

Dr. Gedde is the owner and founder of Gedde Whole Health, located in Colorado, and the Clinicians' Institute of Cannabis Medicine.

"I actually never imagined that I'd be in this field," she says. "My medical training was originally in pathology and research, and I spent many years in the research lab.

My PhD is in biophysical chemistry along with my MD. I did my training at Stanford, and then I worked in the pharmaceutical industry. I had no idea that cannabis actually was medicine."

A wealth of research shows marijuana does indeed have outstanding promise as a medicinal plant, largely due to its cannabidiol (CBD) content. Cannabinoids interact with your body by way of naturally occurring cannabinoid receptors embedded in cell membranes throughout your body.'


Manipulated Mind, Manipulated Illusions

'The creation of the mass mind and/or mass consciousness is the secret weapon of the ruling elite. The more one's mind is immersed into the crowd, of course, the more one loses his individuality and independence of thought. The more we become a part of the crowd, the more dependent we become on authority. 

And the more dependent we become, the more defensive we are when presented with new information contrary to "conventional wisdom." Simply stated, the crowd syndrome inoculates us against reality. Yes, I believe that the psychological phenomenon of group consciousness is a created strategy for population control. It certainly appears to be an ironclad protection system for the elite, who by all definitions are the natural enemies of the people.'


Organic Food Reduces Toxins
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'Organic food can be expensive. With living expenses through the roof, few people want to pay double or triple for their favorite foods. As a result, many health-conscious people eat organic selectively, focusing on specific foods.

And according to a new study, these efforts appear to be worthwhile. Eating organically - even occasionally - can help reduce your toxic burden.

The results were published in the journal Environmental Health Perspectives.'


30 Healthiest Foods of All Time
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'The average US household spent most of their food budget (nearly 18 percent) on refined grains followed by sugar and candies (at nearly 14 percent). The next highest category was red meat (mostly from concentrated animal feeding operations, or CAFOs), followed by frozen or refrigerated entrees and beverages.1

In stark contrast, Americans spent less than 0.5 percent of their food budget on dark green vegetables and a similar amount on orange vegetables. Other vegetables made up less than 4 percent of at-home food spending and whole fruits just over 6 percent.'


The Three Dimensions of Mindfulness
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'What does it mean to be mindful?

When the notion of Mindfulness is mentioned at a conversation, people often tend to confuse it with being awake. Mindfulness is, however, not identical with being awake, since being awake is only one dimension of Mindfulness. It is the outermost dimension of Alertness, its surface only. Three dimensions of Mindfulness may be identified.'



Virus Hunters Create Viruses for Fame and Big Pharma Profits

Photo Credit: Real Farmacy

'“A century ago, they let patients die by denying that germs had anything to do with diseases. Today they may be letting them die by insisting that the germ is everything.” - Dr. Robert Scott Root-Bernstein  


Nickson Would be Celebrating Life if it Weren’t for Vaccines

Photo Credit: VacTruth

'One mother, Lindsey Pelton, lost her son less than 12 hours after he was given routine vaccines. She wants to share the truth about how families are left to fend for themselves and are denied help, even for burial costs, after vaccines harmed their child. 

Her journey through the process of filing a vaccine injury claim will open your eyes to another part of the vaccine debate in which unsuspecting parents may find themselves.'


Cannabis Superior To Drugs For Inflammatory Bowel Condition (Crohn's Disease)

Cannabis Superior To Drugs For Inflammatory Bowel Condition (Crohn's Disease)
Photo Credit:GreenMedInfo

'When drugs fail, and surgery is the only remaining option on the horizon, smoking cannabis may provide an effective and safe natural alternative for the debilitating inflammatory bowel disease known as Crohn's disease.


If Fish Oil is So Unhealthy, How Did It Pull Brain Damaged Victims Out of Comas?
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'There are a lot of health writers who recommend staying away from using fish oil as a supplement for omega-3, and there are mainstream reports of studies that “prove” supplementing omega-3 does nothing for heart health.

 But rarely is anything mentioned about brain health. Omega-3s are the building blocks for the cell walls and neuron structures of the brain, myelin sheath, and nervous system.

“We have strong data that suggest omega-3 will activate good proteins to cope with brain damage and turn off proteins that cause neuroinflammation,” said Dr. Nicolas Bazan, director of the Neuroscience Center of Excellence at LSU Health in New Orleans and author of one of the studies that determined this.'


The Whole Truth About the Budwig Diet

'Too many in the natural health field, especially writers, scoff at the Budwig Diet’s core protocol as unreal and unsuited for reversing cancer. There are other dietary requirements that are part of her protocol. Lots of sunshine and stress management are also part of Johanna Budwig’s approach to healing the whole person.

That core protocol is flaxseed oil and cottage cheese. Originally it was flaxseed oil and quark, a crumbly textured white cheese resembling ricotta that is common among German speaking nations, Scandinavian countries, and much of the Eastern European region. But quark is not available in America. So here it’s cottage cheese instead of quark.'
